Holidays - ugghh..

Nov 21, 2006

Hello all

I've been in somewhat of a whirlwind state this past week or so.  I guess that's good, it's been helping to keep my mind off of plastic surgery next monday.  I've been trying to fight off a head cold for about a week now and I think I lost the battle around 5am this morning.  I woke up totally clogged and icky feeling.  (Great, 10 guests Friday, surgery Monday, have to finish holiday shopping today...not a good time to be sick)

My sister and my mother live together in Dallas and my oldest (19) son lives there while going to college.  I invited them to come up for an informal thanksgiving weekend.  I wasn't going to do the big meal, just order a ham and make a couple of sides and they were going to bring some desert from their fave bakery.  Simple right????  Well......  my dad found out (he's remarried and lives 3 hrs away) and being the difficult personality that he is (long story) he assumed that I was having a big traditional dinner and managed to invite himself and my stepmother.  I have a strange suspicion that his sister and her family who live only a few miles away from me have gotten the word and will be stopping by as well to visit with my dad.   And, my youngest son has told his girlfriend, and a friend of his they are welcome to stop by (they probably will which I don't mind because their family situations are not the best) 

So.. my simple get together  for 6 people has turned into a big meal for 10 with the possibility for 3 more with a couple of toddlers to boot.  Can we say STRESS#!!  I'm not caving on a turkey though!!  I don't like cooking them, my husband doesn't like eating them (he'll only eat the necks - go figure) So I'm holding my ground on the ham and my husband picked up a few steaks from the butcher and all my guys say they would rather eat steak instead of ham.

On a good note all this stress and trying to get all my Christmas stuff done before Monday has kept me on my feet and moving around quite a bit and I finally dropped under 140 this week!!  I've been waiting on this for a few months just haven't been able to break that number for more than a day.  To celebrate my sister (who decided to come 3 days early for thanksgiving?!?!) is going to take me to get a manicure/pedicure later today.  I have a lot of other stuff to do, but it will be wonderful to sit and be pampered for a llittle while.

I'll try to update again before my surgery monday but if not I plan on having not much to do but rest next week so I hope to be on the computer.

Wed, Nov 8, 2006

Nov 08, 2006

Wow this site has changed a lot over the past year!  I was a member here back when I had my surgery in April of 2005, and left for silly reasons, but now I'm back!!

So... until I figure out this new profile format here's a little about me...

I'm 38 years old, married for 2+ years to a wonderful, wonderful man.  I have 2 teenage boys who I homeschooled, the oldest is a freshman in college this year, and the younger one is still at home and the typical grouchy teen boy.  We just bought a house in the country(well, not really the country but just past the edge of the city), and I have yet to get used to having to drive forever to get anywhere

I had lapRNY on Apr 4, 2005.  My starting weight was 268, now at 19 months post op I am holding steady at 142(been at  this weight +/- 5lbs since 14mos post op).  Oh... I'm 5'2" barely.  I have had ABSOLUTELY NO complications with this surgery.  I Have experienced dumping a few times but that's it. 

At my 1 year post-op appt. my surgeon said I was done losing and should work to maintain.  He felt that the 10-15 pounds I had left to lose to reach my goal of 135 would be taken care of with plastics.  So with that, I am now anxiously waiting for my first P.S. coming up on Monday, Nov 27th.  I'll be having a tummy tuck with muscle repair, lipo on my hips, and a thigh lift.  It's the thighs that are making me anxious.  I've read so many stories about this being the hardest PS to recover from.  I'm trying to keep positive, reminding myself about how well I did with my RNY.  I "KNOW" I'll come through this challenge just fine.

About Me
Choctaw, OK
Nov 08, 2006
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Holidays - ugghh..
Wed, Nov 8, 2006
