Worried about Christmas

Dec 21, 2008

Well, I am sitting here trying to wrap gifts and all I can think of is how can I get out of going to my mother-in-laws for the Holiday.  I love my mother-in-law, she is a wonderful German woman who is more supportive of me and my marriage than my own mother.  The problem is that she is a wonderful German women....  this mean that everything revolves around food.  She becomes very upset when people done eat what she considers enough and is actually offended when people don't eat seconds.  I have told her about the surgery and we have talked several times about what I can eat and how much, but I found out yesterday that my step-son and his girlfriend are also going to be there.  They do not know about my surgery but have always talked about fat people badly.  They are of the opinion that people are overweight because they are lazy or don't have enough sense to quit eating or to exercises.  Jason has never said that to my face but I have heard him talk to his dad about it.  I am blessed that my husband has always like "plumper's" so he always just says that I look great and he loves me no matter what I weigh.  How do I get through this week with the "looks" that I am going to get from them with out loosing my temper?  I have noticed that controlling my temper has been very difficult for me lately and I can't afford to loose it with them......


About Me
Red Oak, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 15, 2008
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surviving Thanksgiving
Eating out
funny story
