I'm home.

Jul 25, 2007

I'm home!!  I feel a little sore in the tummy area, but that is what I expected.  I ate broth and Jello in the a.m. and I had soup and popsicles (2) for dinner.  My tummy isn't too happy right now and stuff is pretty much passing quickly.  I have some Vicodin to take the edge off and it does just that.  I found that I did not require a lot of pain meds post surgery and stuck to .5ml of Dilaudid every three hours.  I am hoping that tomorrow I will feel a little better.  Let the healing begin.

Tomorrow's the DAY!!

Jul 23, 2007

Well, less than 24 hours to go to my new life.  I don't know how I will sleep tonight, but I give it a try; after all I guess I will be sleeping plenty tomorrow.  I am amazed how supportive my coworkers, family, and friends are for my new life.  I feel like I did when I graduated, that there is a world of endless possibilities and I can chose and do whatever I want if I work hard enough, have faith in myself, and let other people help me along the way.  There is nothing more priceless than family, friends, mentors, and supporters.  Thank you OH family for all your knowledge and support. 
Love, Rhonda

Getting Closer

Jul 21, 2007

Hi - I am getting closer to THE DAY and cannot believe it is finally going to happen.  It just doesn't seem real.  My biggest concern right now is post surgery and how well I do with the band.  I want to be a success!  My friends and family are so supportive and that has been wonderful. I have not heard one negative comment from any of my peers.   
It was really cool to see my name on the OH surgery list. Wahoo!!
Well, gotta go and clean the house so I can just relax when I come home from the hospital.
Thanks for reading.

Feeling Pooped

Jul 19, 2007

Well, feeling pretty pooped out today.  Work has been busy and I am not getting enough protein with my liquid diet.  I am so close now, I know I need my protein, but I am not hungry.  I feel tired and blah.  I just need to hang in there a few more days and I can have my surgery and rest.  I just have to remember...protein, protein, protein.  
Thanks for reading.

Day 4 of liquid diet - hmmmm

Jul 16, 2007

I went to my PCP on Friday 7-13-07 b/c I was feeling anxious about the upcoming surgery. I asked if I could have some Xanax for the next 9 days; he told me no b/c Xanax can be habit forming.  OK, whatever, give me something, so he gives me Buspar. 
I continue on my way and begin my liquid diet.  Mainly soups and runny mashed potatoes with gravy.  I talk to my dietician on Monday and discuss how much protein, sugar, carbs I am supposed to have.  All morning I feel lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseous.  I think my sugar is dropping so I drink some soymilk. Nothing happens, so I eat a piece of candy, still feel absolutely gross.  One of my co-workers pipes up and tells me that she has taken Buspar in the past and it made her so dizzy and sick that she had to pull her car over b/c she was driving.  Sure enough, I get on the trusty internet and read the side effects for Buspar and they list all of my symptoms.  Needless to say, I am bagging the Buspar and going it alone. 
It seems odd to me that my PCP makes such a big deal about Xanax when some docs seem to give it out like candy.
 I am relieved that it is not the liquid diet making me feel so icky, because that would have made for a long pre and post op period.  I find the liquid diet bearable, but when I began adding up my calories for the day, I was shocked how quickly I reached 1600.  I don't feel that I am eating a lot, but I am.  Seems to me now that food journaling is going to be a must if I want to keep things under control.  Anyhoo, he liquid diet is easier than I thought it was going to be, but I just have to get more protein in.  One week to go for my surgery.  Thanks for reading.

Exhausting ride

Jul 14, 2007

I have been preparing for my WLS since Nov. 2006.  I went and had a sleep study because I knew it would be a requirement for surgery.  I went to the surgeon's WLS seminar in January and began completing my pre-surg requisites.  My insurance made me participate in a 10 week program that began in April.  I made sure that I was the only person off for vacation in my department and I found a time slot for the last week of July/beginning of August.  I was ready and approved in June 2007; my surgery date was going to be 8-2-07.  I set up my appointment with my dietician for my pre-surgery liquid diet and organized a last supper with my friends.  I was mentally prepared.
On Thursday, July 12, I came home from work and had a message on my answering machine from my surgeon's office.  I was told that my surgery date was being changed to July 24th and that my liquid diet must start right now.  WHAT!!!  I completely panicked.  I called my boss (who has been wonderful and supportive during this process) and told her what had happened.  I knew that I could not have this date if someone else was on vacation.  I called the surgeon's office and got the skinny on what was happening.  Needless to say it was either July 24 or Aug 14 (really later because I would not be able to take the time off from work at that time either).
I eventually calmed down and evaluated my situation; I was extremely disappointed, but there was still a chance I could get the earlier date.  I felt that I had worked so hard and planned everything out, so why did this happen.  I considered bagging the whole thing and giving up!
The good ending is that I am getting my surgery done on the 24th.  Things worked out with my schedule, boss, and co-workers.  I began my liquid diet that night, but I did go out and have my last supper with my friends the following evening. I wanted to celebrate my "old" life in order to reign in my new one; I also wanted to eat sushi and be surrounded by my friends. Now it is all liquids for a while.
I am still a little shaken up by the change in my meticulously planned schedule, but I am also excited to go earlier.  The process of getting WLS has been a long one.  There are a lot of hoops to jump through in order to get it done, but I feel that I am well prepared because of this time length and I hooked up with a great dietician and a wonderful therapist.  I am anxious about the surgery, yet I feel like a kid at Christmastime because I am so excited.  It has been an exhausting ride, that I hope will be worth it. 
Thanks for reading -Rhonda 

About Me
Kalamazoo, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 13, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 16
Been a long time since I last posted . . . anybody out there?
Third Fill - Oh my gosh I got RESTRICTION!!!!!
Second fill - getting closer
First Fill
2 Weeks Out and Back to Work
Date of first fill
1st MD appt. post surgery
5 days post
3 Days Post
