3 years 156 pounds down and all is terrific

Jul 12, 2013

My quality of life has greatly improved over the last three years. I am a happier, healthier, friendlier, much more active person.

I swim, I run. I eat well, take my vitamins, continually enjoy being smaller. I wear nicer clothes, I smile more, I participate in life more.

I fit in everywhere better. Inside myself, in an airplane, in a restaurant booth, in size 10 jeans.

I'm about ten pounds away from my personal goal of 150, and I may get there someday, or not, who knows. I'm fine where I am.

I got plastic surgery in December - had the works done, in Mexico, with the good Dr. Sauceda. It was a great experience. It's as though he ironed me and got rid of all my wrinkles. Now I not only look good with clothes on, but with clothes off as well.

I've been learning tons about health and nutrition and eating clean. I never thought I would be the person I am today, but I am so glad to have got the opportunity to meet the new me.

Good luck, everyone, I hope you have as easy a time as I had.



