Onward & down!!!!

Feb 11, 2008

Well, today I went to the surgeons office to pick up my disability papers from when I was off work and I jumped (no not really jumped) on the scale and I lost another 3 lbs. At first I was like "what's up with this? Only 3 lbs.?" but I figured I better be happy with that. I really get hard on myself when it comes to weight loss. Anything is never enough. I figured though as long as I'm being "legal" I shouldn't badger myself. I've had this weight for MANY years so I can't expect it to just GO AWAY!!!!!

I still have alot more energy then before. I was cleaning my house yesterday which is not small job. Today I've got a backache!!! I don't go back to Dr. Soong until Mar. 17th. Hopefully the scale will be nice to me!!!!!!!


Feb 04, 2008

Well, today was Dr. day and I met up with 6 others who had had surgery on the same day. Got there early to chat with everyone but we were all excited to see how we had all done weight wise. Today was just wound check day. Anyway folks I lost 13 lbs. I am so happy with myself. I know it won't be that great every time but it just goes to show you, if you want something bad enough you'll succeed. I was on the phone for awhile telling everyone who's been asking how I've been doing. I am just so jazzed right now. I think I'll go have lunch......no really I'm due for lunch anyway. More later.

Has anyone else felt like this?

Feb 02, 2008

I am day 9 post-op and today for some reason I'm feeling like I haven't lost any weight but I know I have. Is that weird or what? I've got more energy that's for sure. I saw a show on TV about this 17 year old kid who had the surgery and he said when he doesn't take his vitamins he feels like sh...t. I have come to realize that that's what my problem was yesterday when I was frumpy. I felt like I was coming down with something...feverish & achy. I took the vitamins and when I went to bed I felt OK.  Has this happened to anyone else?

Three days after surgery

Jan 27, 2008

I had my lap band surgery last Thursday. Besides being really bruised around the port incision I feel great AND without any pain medication. It took me 3 months to get to where I'm at. With the help from my buddy in Human Resources where I work and the attentive staff (Perla, Danita & Britney) at the surgical center, I wouldn't have had my surgery that fast. I was determined to have this procedure and hope I didn't seem overly anxious with calls into the office almost every day. I am 55 years old, have a 17 year old son who I wanted to see grow to be a successful man and father. I knew without this surgery my dreams of seeing that were slim. Also, I have to have my aeortic valve changed within the next 5 years and I wanted to be healthy for that. My son's going to be taking pictures and I'll be posting them and will keep up with my progress. I go back on the 4th of Feb. for a followup and I'm anxious to see how I've done. See you on the way down!!!!!!!!! Peggy

About Me
Jan 16, 2008
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LONG TIME - NO TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another achievement!
Up and Onward!
Finally got to 60!!!!!!
I'm working again!
Plateau's are killers!!!!
Happy St. Patty's Day
And it keep's on going!!
