7 Day Post-Op

Aug 05, 2008

Well, I made it to a week :@

I went to the Dr. this morning for my 1 week post-op visit. I was in such severe pain, and could barely walk. Once they saw me in my distress they took me a head of the others waiting. Right away she noticed I had a bad infection in one of the staple lines and called the Dr in. Once they cut the staple out, I thought I was going to pass out. All I felt was hot oozing bloody liquids running out of me, all down my back onto the bed. I was almost ready to pass out. I was told I now need a visiting nurse to come daily to pack and clean this infection. They also changed my meds to lortab instead of the codeine i have been drinking by the bittle daily.

The drain and the rest of the staples came out fine.

Oh.. I lost 13 lbs this week and have been moved to stage three Puree's.

I go back to the Dr.s on Friday to check out this infection!

6th Day Post-op First BM

Aug 04, 2008

Well everything was going OK except for the pulling pain I have, which I hope will reside when the staples and the drain are removed Tuesday. I did call the office today, and was told I can come in.. but no guarantee a DR. could see me (WTF)

Then I felt it later on that night.. OMG I need to have a BM. I have not had one since surgery. I didn't panic, took my time and finished the task with no pushing, no panic and no problem.

Then about 5 minutes later I thought I was going to die! The pain in my insides was so bad, I didnt know what to do. Did I rip out all my internal stitches? Break something? I went into panic mode. I didn't want to call the dr, as I have an appointment this morning with him, so I waited about 1 hour and took my Tylenol #3,  helped a little. I fell asleep about 2 hours later in crunched up ball.

I woke 3 hours later and now it sems like just a cramp. I will ask dr. today, but I hope this is normal, and will never happen again.

Fifth day post-op

Aug 02, 2008

Well I have to say everyone was right. Every day I do feel a little better. I can't wait for the staples and the drain to come out on Tuesday.

I am not getting in enough liquids at all. I am trying, but I only seem to get down about 1/2 of what I need. If I push it, I start gettting sick.

I have been having masive paic attacks. I went through the post -op blues too. I am im constant pain from the drain and staples pulling. I dont sleep more than 2 hours at a time and I have the oddest dreams that wake me up. Im still taking the Tylenonol with Codeine every 4 hours. I tried regular childrens Tylenol and it was so sweet and thick, I threw it up almost immediatly :( 

I feel like I walk miles at night up and around my home. the days and nights are blending for me. So little sleep and just more feeling overwhelmed.

First day home

Jul 31, 2008

I had the RNY surgery on Tuesday and came home today. I am in soooo much pain, even to just rest in bed is unamanageable. I have taken up a position on the recliner and that seems to help along with my tylenol with codene.

They keep telling me every day will be better. I hope so because this is the absolute worse pain I have ever felt.

7/28/08 - DAY BEFORE RNY!

Jul 28, 2008

Am I ready? Do I feel prepared? I actually woke up this morning and thought about cancelling this whole thing and doing the lap band instead.

I went to the hospital for my type and screen and talked to the nurse in the bariatric center. SHe put me some-what at ease, but I still have hesitations. I was told this is all normal.

I have a very supportive DH and he has helped me make this decision so much easier. I think I am well prepared, I think I will have some regrets no matter what I do. I regret getting this fat, I regreat no making better choices when I was a ten and my MOm told me to do something about it then. I regret allowing my teens to follow in my un healthy path.  

Am I excited to start a new life.. YES!!!

7/24/08 - RNY MOVED TO 29TH

Jul 26, 2008

Just got a call from Peggy at the Bariatric center and my surgery has been moved up 2 days. I am so scared and still unprepared with the necessary items i will need after surgery.

I once again have to rearrange the kids plans to accommodate my hospital stay. I have a great family and know everyone especially my husband is very supportive of this.


Jul 26, 2008

Yesterday had another long talk with surgeon.

My surgery is Thursday, he wants me up and walking that day. Friday he will give me a blue ice-chip test to check for leaks, Saturday I'm sent home on clear liquid diet which I am to follow till Tuesday (4 days) then its back to his office for drain removal and next stage diet. I was shocked seeing it was less than 1 week on clear liquids.

He said he likes the baby food because you dont have a tendency to overeat it, and its already measured out into 2-3 servings. He likes stage 1 types.

He also recommended Viactiv Multi-vitamin soft chews in chocolate that are like a tootsie roll. He gave me a sample in the office and I didn't gag :)

7/22/08 - Panic Mode

Jul 26, 2008

Well, I got a call yesterday, and my RNY surgery has been moved from 8/18 to 7/31..next THURSDAY! I am so panic stricken and so unprepared I don't know what to do.

Can anyone who has had the surgery tell me EXACTLY what helped you after the surgery like.. a good scale, blender, food processor, baby foods, liquid vitamins, a recliner chair..

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I want to know what I will need for when I come home, beyond the basics of protein mix and water.


Jul 26, 2008

I am so glad I found this group. I have been overweight all my life, well, as far back as I can remember. I am 41 and have 2 teens. For the last 5 years I have been seeking Bariatric surgery. My problem is I kept jumping between the band and the bypass.

I worked in a hospital and say the good, the bad and the ugly of both procedures. The final choice for me was my sister who had the band 5 years ago and did great, but is now putting on the weight so fast, she is looking into another surgery. So I decided the RNY was the way to go for me for long term outcome benefits.

It took about 3 weeks to get all the consultations done and submitted and I just found out  yesterday surgery has been set for August 18th. Boy now I am scared.

My husband of 5 years and I had a LONG talk last night about the changes and challenges we will be going through. I hope to be able to share this journey and learn a lot from this group!

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Surgery Date
Jul 26, 2008
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