Pre Op Work Up - October 9

Oct 09, 2009

I had my pre op work up today.  My first appt was at 0800 for an Upper GI.  I had never had to take barium and must say it was as bad as I thought.  I survived but it made my protein shake a delight.  Discovered I have a small hiatal hernia and gastric reflux.  Then on to EKG, CXR, and labs at 0900.  Followed that by meeting my surgeon, my PA and nurse for almost 2 hours from 1000-1200.  They filled me in on the "do's" and "don'ts", gave me lots of information and now I just have the countdown. 

I am trying my best to stick to the pre op liquid diet to shrink my liver pre surgery.  They all agreed it was probably the toughest thing to stick to because after the surgery, you just aren't hungry and will have trouble taking 1 oz in 1 hr.

I am excited and scared all at the same time. 

Looking forward to this journey, one day at a time.

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PreOp Liquid Diet

Oct 07, 2009

Just started the pre op liquid diet and I am starving.  I just want to EAT something.  My head keeps saying just a bite won't hurt but I know that is how I got in this mess....just a bite.


Surgery Date - October 20

Oct 05, 2009

I just received notice that my surgery date is on Tuesday, October 20 at 1PM.  I have my preop workup this Friday, October 9.  I am excited and scared all wrapped into one!!

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Nutrition Consult done

Sep 23, 2009

Met in a group meeting with the nutritionist on Tuesday.  There were 4 of us in the group, all going to do the RNY.  She reviewed what to expect and then gave us all kinds of handouts and of course, the gastric bypass surgery diet guidelines.  I was most surprised when she put 4 medicine cups in front of us and said for the rest of our lives to consider that those 4 cup was all we should eat at each meal.  That puts portion size in perspective!  She said to imagine that one or 2 cups was our meat or protein, one our vegetable, one our fruit/dessert.  That is it - one meal!  Then she said to make sure and include a protein drink during the day as well. 

Now that the nutrition consult is done, we were told to go ahead and make our appt to schedule surgery.  I immediately called the nurse coordinator and had to leave a message. She did not call that day, so I left another message today and she did not call back.  That was very irritating, I have to say.

Will keep you posted.  Hope to get a date by the end of October.


Friendships changing

Sep 18, 2009

 I have noticed that since I have decided to have my surgery that my current friendships are changing.  I want to find some true friends that are supportive and caring about my choices. Has anyone else noticed this?


BMI 39

Aug 30, 2009

I was reading the note from the doctor from Monday and just saw that my BMI was 39 and here all along I thought I was 35.  Maybe that was wishful thinking the weight on my driver's license.


PS  I am going to have to figure out how to upload pictures and a profile picture.  I am disappointed when there is no picture.

My son had his surgery Wednesday

Aug 29, 2009

My son had his laproscopic RNY on Wednesday, was discharged Saturday AM and went to a concert Saturday PM.  He worries me but he will be a tough act to follow.  I told him it was because he was young and bounced back very quickly.  Although he did follow the preop diet, did the 2 weeks of liquid before the surgery and lost 50 pounds before surgery.  Initially they said his surgery could be 2-3 hours and they were done in about 90 minutes.  Once he got to the floor, he was ready to walk about 15 minutes after arriving on the floor.  The nurses said he needed to wait at least 2 hours and they comprised to 1 hour. 

Looking forward to my own surgery and this was a great refresher to see him go through it.  I know everyone is different and I may not follow the same smooth path but I can sure look toward it as my goal. It also probably helps that I am a nurse and I coached him before, during and after as well as helped prep him for what to expect and let him know who does well after surgery.  He obviously remembered my preaching.

I started by predieting and it is not going so well.  I have been writing down what I eat and it is shocking.  Monday will be real diet time, no excuses because I do not what to have to delay the surgery.

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Initial Consult completed today

Aug 24, 2009

 I had my initial consult today and met with the PA and the RN Case Manager.  The work begins.  All my records are already at the hospital that I will be having the surgery so they were able to get most of the information from past records.  For instance, I had an exercise stress test about 2 years ago and that was fine even when I had heart palpitations.  I do not need a sleep study, that will save some time and money. I have to go to a nutrition group  meeting, keep track of what I eat for days and record it as well as fill out a nutrition survey, that meeting is set up for Sept 22 from 9-11.  

I will also be starting a pre op diet that consists of :
1.  Consuming less than 40 grams fat daily
2.  Eat lean, protein foods
3.  Pay attention to portion size
4.  Drink plenty of water - 64 oz/day
5.  Begin to focus on chewing food well
6.  Eat 1200-1500 Calories.

Also , recommended to start trying protein shakes that I might like, protein powder to be sugar-free whey protein and start some sort of exercise for 20 minutes EVERY day.

Once my nutrition group is done, I can call the nurse coordinator and set up my appt to set date for surgery.  I could be looking at middle October.

Apparently, they were doing 8 consults today so the days might get filled quickly.  The sooner the better, except we are going to Colorado the first weekend in October and I don't won't to be on a liquid diet at that time.

Another thing that came up was that another doctor has joined the team and they wanted to know if I would have him do the surgery. Not sure, I need to think about this one.  I know everyone has to learn.

Keep you posted.



Initial consult on Monday, August 24th

Aug 18, 2009

I received a call from the secretary of the bariatric department today.  They received my insurance approval and I will have my initial consult on Monday.  My psych appt is set for Wednesday, August 26th.  Hoping to get everything going fast and done ASAP.  We are going to Colorado the first weekend in October and will return on Monday or Tuesday, October 5th or 6th and don't want to start until we get back.


Wednesday, August 4

Aug 04, 2009

I have been wondering if I shouldn't give excercise and portion control one more try.  I have always said to my husband (he is 2 years post RNY) that I thought surgery was the easy way out.  I have not really been dedicated about an exercise program and maybe I should give it one more try.  I took the stairs tonight at work and 2 flights about did me in and this really indicated to me how out of shape I am!  I guess it won't hurt to start exercising because I will still need to do that after the surgery.


About Me
Council Bluffs, IA
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2009
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