One year

Mar 28, 2010

I started this journey one year ago in March 2009 to make changes in my life.  At that time I was the heaviest I had ever been and didn't see it until I saw myself in some photos family members had taken.  OMG, I thought I was going to die from fright looking at those pictures.  I decided then that I had to make some changes.   I had heard about a person who had had Roux-en-y and how she was losing weight big time.  I decided to check into the different options and chose the Roux-en-y also. 
It is truely amazing how much better I feel in just a year.  I can go to the gym and work out and actually feel good afterwards.  I have gone from size 26W to a size 12M in a year.  I never would have thought that would be possible. 
I encourage everyone that has ever thought about doing something like this to lose weight to go for it.  It is well worth it in the long run.  I am not saying it has been an easy journey, because it has had its hurdles, but I have overcome them and so can anyone that makes their mind up to do it.  


Monday Morning Weigh In

Aug 02, 2009


Monday Morning Weigh In

Jul 19, 2009

Well this week has been a stressful week but I still managed to lose weight.  The weight continues to come off and I continue to need to buy new pants, since the ones I am wearing now are so lose and look horribly great on me...I like it.  I like when I see that I need to buy new clothes because my other clothes are way to big for me.  That hasn't happened to me in about 20 yrs.  It feels so good.

Take care everyone...

Today is July 20,2009

Highest weight -268
Consult weight -247
Surgery weight -236.2
Last weeks weight - 215.0
Todays weight- 212.4
Total weight loss- 55.6lbs

1 month 2 day post op

Jul 11, 2009

Today I decided to try on some different size pants that I have had in my closet for quite some time.   When I went in for surgery I was wearing 24W.  Today I EASED my way into a size 18W and they are baggy in the rear and front area.  I was so happy and tickled that I just wanted to shout it to the world.  Although I have only lost 22 lbs since surgery, I have lost 3 pant sizes and they are gone forever.  I will have to go to the thrift store and buy some 16s and 14s to have on hand. 
I feel like celebrating.  I think I will have a popsicle...LOL.

July 11, 2009

1 comment

one month today Postop

Jul 09, 2009

Today marks my one month postop date.  I have lost 20 lbs since surgery day, but I am holding at 216 lbs for some dang reason.  I feel like I am stuck in a ditch and can't get out. 
I haven't been able to get in all my protein, so maybe this is the reason.  I try to eat right and drink my water all day long.  But, I am still stuck. 
I go back to my dr. tomorrow, so maybe she can shed some light onto the reason why I am stuck. 
I have been walking on my treadmill, doing light aerobics, riding my recumbent bike, and light house cleaning hoping that would help, but it isn't. 
Hopefully things will get better the second month. 


10 days Post Op

Jun 19, 2009

I am 10 days post op and am losing 1 lb a day right now.  I feel good and am looking forward to the day I can ditch my fat clothes and go buy new ones somewhere other than the plus size section. 
I found out this morning I have a severe infection and the surgeon drained my incision and packed it.  Tomorrow I will remove the packing and redress the site and continue to take the antibiotics and see my surgeon next Friday. 
Today she also added many different foods to my diet.  I get to eat soft scrambled eggs, tuna, cottage cheese, applesauce, pudding, Silk light, and high protein soft meats. 
I really haven't been hungry, and the infection may be why.  I am sitting trying to eat applesauce and so far so good. 
I weighed in at 229.2 this morning.  Yippeeeeeee!!!!!

About Me
Kyle, TX
Surgery Date
May 04, 2009
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 6
