Pre Ops

Mar 03, 2008

Monday March 3, 2008  
I went for my pre-ops taday.  Not a good thing to do on the same day that you start your "liver shrink" diet!!!  You can't have anything to eat or drink until your tests are finished - that was at 2:00PM!!!  No way can I get in 64 oz water plus the protein drinks and dinner - no way!!!  Yeah, I am hungry but I don't want to go and pig out either. When you get finished with the tests- you are a bit tired.  Been poked, turned every way but on my head - drinking water does not sound good.  It took them 3 times to get a vein that would actually give them some blood!!!  What a day.  I guess I don't need to complain, cause things could be worse.  Just need to get on with it.  Glad to have all of that done.


Feb 08, 2008

I have a friend that has now become my "Angel".  Skinnier and saner, Mostly is my Angel.  Thank you.



Feb 08, 2008

Friday February 8, 2008
I am approved.  My surgery is going to be 3/17/2008!!!  I am so excited!  Avmed only took one week to approve me.  Thank you Avmed.  Now, I have my "liver shrink" diet to do, but I
do have time to start gearing down for that. 


Feb 04, 2008

 Monday February 4, 2008  - I talked with Shirley/Surgical Group of Gainesville - She faxed my paperwork to Avmed on Thursday January 31, 2008!!!  I am so excited.  Now, I have  to start a food journal to enable myself to count my calories so that I can begin to reduce them. I want to adjust myself to lower, healthier calories for the next couple of weeks - that way when it is time for the liver shrink diet - I should be more in line to be ready to handle it!!! 

Decision Made

Jan 23, 2008

Tuesday January 22, 2008 - Had my appointment with the surgeon, nurse and dietician.  What a long day.  As I had not really let my husband in on all that I have been doing, he had not had much time to do a lot of research - so needless to say when he saw a diagram of the Gastric Bypass - he really did not like the idea.  He thought the Lap band would be the way for me to go.  When my visit was over I told them I would have to call them to let them know which surgery I was going to have as the surgeon left that up to me.  After we got home, my husband immediately got on the internet and started doing some more research.  Finally after a couple hours he said I should really go ahead with the Gastric not the lap band.  I was just letting him put in his opinion as I had already made up my mind that with my love of sweets Gastric was the way for me to go.  As soon as the Center was open this morning , I gave them a call.  My letter was to be dictated and sent out to my insurance company which is Avmed - Open Access - through the State of Florida today.  Let us see how long this process will take.  As the saying goes, Hurry up and wait!!!  Not much else to post so I will post again when I have some more news.  Oh yeah, from the time that I started to work on this project in June 2007, I have lost 9 pounds!!!  Later

Liver Shrinking Diet

Jan 18, 2008

  Friday January 18, 2008 - Called the Obesity Center in Gainesville today to make certain my appointment is on for Tuesday 1/22/2008. Well, it is.  I decided to ask a few questions while I had someone on the phone.  Maybe I got more answers than I was looking for.  Can anyone out there tell me about their experience with the "Liver Shrinking Diet"?  I never knew you could put your organs on a diet!!!  LOL!  I guess I have quite a bit in store for me!  Hope to hear of some experiences on this matter.  Thanking in advance for some response.


Jan 11, 2008

 Today is Friday January 11, 2008!!!  I just could not wait for the Obesity Center to call me, I called them around 3:00PM.  I spoke with Terri and told her that my paperwork had been sent to her yesterday and she checked and she had received it.  I have my first appointment Tuesday January 22, 2008 @ 9:00 AM.  Boy, am I excited.  I  am going to see Dr Brient.  I have read a lot of nice things about him and I am sure he will do very good.  This is a time when you want time to move quickly.  

Till I have some more news.

New Hands

Jan 10, 2008

  Thursday January 10, 2008  - I called Gainesville today to make sure all of my paperwork had been received.  Yes, It had and Shirley had already sent it to the Obesity Center.  She said I should here something no later than Friday January 11, 2008.  The waiting has just begun!!!  I origianlly started with this WLS idea in May 2007.  I checked to see what I would have to do and once I had gotten through the 6 month Dr documented dieting attempts, I am ready to see what will happen.  I certainly hope that my insurance will pay!!! I hope I have some news tomorrow!

Let Down

Jan 09, 2008

  Today is Wednesday January 9, 2008 - Faxed my hospital paperwork in today. Before I faxed in the paperwork, I ask the lady that I have been dealing with what my next step would be and she said she would send the paperwork to the Obesity Center and they would schedule me an appointment.  I ask her what she thought would happen with the Insurance company and she said it would depend on the person that got the paperwork.  She said you could not tell.  Up until today, this lady had been all upbeat and made me feel real positive but her comments today have left me a bit depressed.  I now just have to wait.   As each day goes by, my mobility gets worse.  I really just don't know how much longer I can hold out.

Until we meet again!!!

Filling out the hospital forms

Jan 07, 2008

  Monday January 7, 2008 - I spent a good part of the morning calling Doctors that I have seen in the past to see when I was there and for what.  This certainly is a task.  I'll bet when I get all of this together, I will make a copy of every thing I send in so that if the time should come again, I will have all of the information at hand.  I suppose one should keep their own personal medical journal..  I have pretty much been very healthy so I am lucky there- that is why I really need to get this surgery done so that I can continue to stay healthy as I age. 
Hopefully, I will have all of my answers by tomorrow so that I can fax in the hospital papers.  Wow!!!  I really have a bad case of reflux going on tonight.

Until another time!!!

About Me
NF City, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 09, 2007
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 21
On The Road Again
Down, down, down
Goin' Down
1st No Loss
3 month checkup
10 Weeks Post Op
1 Week
