Visit My Mail Stamp!I am trying to find myself I feel like if I have been lost for about 8 years. I look in the mirror and I am a stranger to myself.
I have recovered from Anorexia.
I don't have the energy to be anorexic anymore.

When I was anorexic in my teens to my early 30's I would only allow myself to weigh between 98 and 105 pounds. I can't believe how distorted my mind was.
In the mirror at 108 I would see my reflection as fat!
My oldest daughter in the Picture with my Grandson weighed about 150 in that picture she is 5'3" (I am 5'2") and she looks thin to me. So does my youngest daughter in the picture with her bf and my granddaughter and she is about 135 in that picture. (I weighed 150 when I had my oldest daughter and I thought I was enormous.) I only weighed 125 with my youngest and when I had her I walked out of the hospital weighing 110.

Anorexia if it doesn't destroy you it will turn to bulimia or another eating disorder because the body gets tiered of starving and it outsmarts itself and starts storing as much fat as it can to prepare for the starvation. Thats what happend to me in my mid 30's.   
My Ed has robbed me of my life and Valuable time with my family.

I have been dieting since Jan 1st and I feel so much better.  Sit Up my energy level is increasing. My feet don't hurt as much when I get up in the morning and take my first steps.. My depression is lifting.
I am looking at my food intake reduction more as a life change then a diet because I am so craving to feel good I am tired of the vicious overeating cycle and not feeling good.

I have 3 young adults and 2 beautiful grand babies who were born last year and are now a 10 month grandson and a 5 month granddaughter.  Baby Smiley  Doll 
And most of all I have a wonderful husband!  Red Hat Smiley Sunglasses 

About Me
Jan 17, 2004
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Happy to Announce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advice on Water Doesn't Hold Water
