Happy to Announce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 25, 2008

I am oh so happy to announce I am no longer Obese I made the h over weight BMI chart at 29.8 this morn. I was freezing in the wee hours of the morning so I knew I was in major ketosis and a change was coming. When I stepped on the scale this morn. I was half asleep my eyes were kinda pasted in my sockets. I saw 162.8 and I had to rub my eyes and refocus I was pleasantly surprised it really was 162.8.  Scale Cheerleader 1 

I am so ecstatic!
I even tried on My hubby's 501 Mens Jeans and they fit. they went up my hips!32x32
What? a week ago they wouldn't even go past my hips. I am so happy I am wearing his pants today! He will get home and be mad because I am wearing his clothes. I just love it I can't wait for him to come home from work! What a way to start the day!
Have a wonderful day all. Band  Step Aerobics 

Advice on Water Doesn't Hold Water

Apr 02, 2008

Did any one see this on abc news? Bottled Water 

(Personally I dont't believe it- I know how I feel when I drink my 8 glasses!) Sprinkler 

Doctors Say There's Surprisingly Little Research on Benefits of 8 Daily Glasses Doctor 


April 2, 2008 —

There is an old episode of "The Simpsons" in which Homer goes for a checkup and is told, "Your cholesterol level is lethally high, but I'm more concerned about your gravy level."
"Now, wait a second!" he says. "You doctors have been telling us to drink eight glasses of gravy a day!"
If that's how people are getting their advice on how much water to drink, doctors say it's time to stop looking for advice.
Two kidney specialists at the University of Pennsylvania, Drs. Dan Negoianu and Stanley Goldfarb, searched through the existing research on water consumption  and found there's surprisingly little out there.
For starters, where did you hear that we ought to drink an eight-ounce glass eight times a day?
"From my fourth-grade science teacher," said a young man we asked on the street in Philadelphia.
"I think I heard it from my mom," said a woman in New York.
In fairness, your mother wasn't wrong, but Negoianu and Goldfarb say there's no real evidence she was right either. As best they could tell, there really wasn't much evidence at all.
"We set out to take a look at the eight-by-eight myth, and we were really unable to find any scientific rationale for it," Goldfarb told ABC News.
Will water make you feel full so that you'll eat less while dieting? The doctors were only able to find two small studies  which disagreed.
Neither are there many studies to say that guzzling water will prevent headaches or flush toxins from your body.
"I always laugh when I hear that one," says Stella Volpe, a nutritionist at the University of Pennyslvania School of Nursing. "Your kidneys do that job." Volpe was not involved in today's study, which is published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, an organization of kidney specialists.
So why did these notions take hold? Goldfarb says they found medical-advice sites on the Internet are full of recommendations to drink extra water.
"It's required for life, and I guess that's led people to think, well, if a normal amount is good, then extra might be better," he said.
More is of course better if you're working out, or if you're in a hot, dry climate. But most of us, say the researchers, get all we need in our daily diet.
A 2004 paper from the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, recommended that women average 91 ounces of fluid a day, and that men get about 125 ounces.
At first glance, that sounds like 11 to 16 glasses  but Volpe, who was on the panel that came up with the numbers, says you get more than what you need from water, coffee, soda and soup. And she reminds people that 20 percent of their daily water is from solid food, much of which contains water.
"Drink when you're thirsty," said Goldfarb. "That's the way your body is designed."

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Apr 01, 2008

I actually worked up enough courage to get on the scale this morn. so I did better then what I expected.  Weighing 

I went and bought my size 10 Ladies jeans and they buttoned. By then end of the week I should fit better in them. Looks Like I got what I wanted for my birthday (March 30th) to fit in a size 10- Wish It were Juniors though- But I will come! Off The Rack 

Size 10 ladies is lots better then a very tight size 18 W that I was wearing when I started losing weight at the beginning of the year. I am so excited.

You Know when I was gaining weight I found myself buying bigger looser clothes and I would seem to be so comfortable in those clothes that I was eating more and making them get tighter. When I got tight in a size 18 W I refused to but a 20 W. So now that I am loosing weight I do the reverse. as soon as one size gets to loose on me I move on the next tighter size. The next tighter smaller pair of pants has been my motive to keep on losing. ( I am so Dying to exercise!)
I had an ah ha moment a few days ago. Well Remember I was feeling do happy? I figured out why every time I make the right choices of what to eat it really makes me feel so good! That good feeling is a high for me. I feel so bubbly and happy I think its starting to rub off on my family. Even my hubby's attitude was better over the weekend. Clapping Hands 

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Jan 17, 2004
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Happy to Announce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advice on Water Doesn't Hold Water
