My Weight Loss Journey Begins

Feb 05, 2009

I had my preop tests done...well actually all this started a month post Hurricane Ike.  I saw my surgeon to see if I am a candidate for gastric bypass.  I was nervous like you wouldn't believe.  You see I was diagnosed with a rare neuroendocrine cancer back in June of 2002.  I've had like five surgeries for it between 2002 and 2004.  Essentially my body produces excessive amounts of a certain hormone that causes tumors to grow; not big tumors (thank you God), but big enough to block the small intestine.  I have had a small bowel resection twice so I really didn't know if I would qualify for gastric bypass.  I figure I'm going to be only fat person who ever died of cancer.  Turns out while I still have excessive amounts of this hormone and they can produce tumors, I still qualified for the surgery.  Yippee!!!  I really never thought I would be happy to be cut open yet again.  I have had four hernia repairs and then the two small intestine bypasses, so truthfully I'm not looking forward to being cut open again. 

I have a crazy insurance company and I'm very surprised they approved the procedure.  I have been evaluated by a cardiologist, pulmonologist, psychologist and a really dingy non-dietitian.  It turns out there are only two people listed as dietitians with my insurance plan and one is so busy they can't see more patients and the other just counsels diabetic patients and isn't really a dietitian at all.  He said he found a copy of The Methodist Hospital food plan for gastric bypass patients and gave me a copy, said good luck, and out the door I went.  In that respect I felt totally confused, but I knew it would be up to me to seek out the information I needed.  This board is great.  I've gotten more information here in the last few months than I did from any of the doctors that I've seen. 

I'm in the process of creating a shopping list because frankly I believe in being prepared.  I'm single, live alone and very VERY independent.  I don't like to be fussed over and I don't like to have people wait on me, so if I don't have it before surgery I won't be having it until I'm able to get out and get it myself. 

I have a very supportive little brother.  He's amazing!  He has encouraged me so much and I'm sure he has no idea how much it means to me.  I have two girl friends, one who probably lost close to 100 pounds last year on her own, well, not really on her own, she is diabetic and just stopped taking her meds.  I would not want to go that route.  She has all kinds of problems now.  My other girl friend is very supportive, but seems very concerned about me.  I'm not going to tell my mother until all is said done.  She's an interesting character and it would just take too long to explain it all here.  My older sister would be supportive as would my younger sister, but man are they up to their eyeballs is their own troubles.  In case you're wondering, I have two sisters and four brothers.  TMI huh?

My surgery date is scheduled for February 24th and I've got so many emotions going on right now, it would be impossible to describe them.  Kind of like the weather in Texas, wait five minutes and it will change.

Why am I doing this?  My health definitely, but there are other factors.  I've noticed over the years that the more weight I gain the less respect I get at work.  I seem to be the "go to" person for just about everything.  If you don't know how to do it ask me.  I'm conscientious, dedicated, and as loyal to you as you are to me.  I want a better job, with benefits and the respect I deserve and I will never be able to accomplish that at 240 pounds.  You know and I know when people see an overweight person they don't see a capable, intelligent, person who has their act together.  They see someone who is out of control, incapable of properly taking care of themselves and probably won't be able to take care of their needs either.  I'm not that person and I LOVE proving it to people. 

I'm ready for my surgery.  I'm ready for my new life to begin! 


About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
Member Since

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