*~*~My ReAsOnS~* ~*

ToLd U GoD iS GooD!

May 22, 2006

I called HMSA to verify if I needed to wait for open enrollment to change networks...turns out that they can change my network and PCP at any time. (Told you my God was good) If I wanted to change the type of coverage, THEN I would have to wait until open enrollment. Sharla, the sweetie helping me, let me know that as long as I called before June 5th I could have the group and PCP changed for the month of June. Yeah!!!!

I'm excited, I called Anna at Castle, but she's out of the office for 3 days. It's okay...like Common says (in the song "The Food") "slow motion is better than no motion." Yep...slow motion...

I TrUsT In ThE LoRd

May 17, 2006

Weeeeelllllllll....I thought I had one more trick in my bag of tricks, turns out I was mistaken. My company holds open enrollment twice a year, or so I thought. Turns out it's ONCE a year...in November (I thought it was June and December.) Wow...I thought maybe, just maybe I'd be able to change my insurance coverage (network) so that Dr. Fowler would be my surgeon. Turns out I'll still have to wait. It's so irritating...it really is. I can't give up though..giving up on surgery is like giving up on myself. Time to pray...Dad says that when we need something we need to talk to God first. I now walk by faith...I trust in Him. I really, really trust in my Lord. *Lifts hands in praise* 'Cause my God is good...oh so good!!

AnnA fRoM CaStLe

May 11, 2006

Soooooo...Anna calls me and asks how I felt about the seminar the night before. I figured, screw it, what harm can be done by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Fowler even if I'm not *that* sure about their program. (For me the down sides are....#1, I want the DS, but Dr. Fowler only does the RNY and Lap-Band. #2, Castle's meetings are twice weekly and soooo far away. #3, I'm still not sure about the program) Anna asks for insurance info...turns out that my "network" doesn't include Dr. Fowler. My choices are Dr. Balfour, Dr. Huang and Dr. Murayama. Dr. Balfour only does open. Dr. Huang seems inexperienced. Dr. Murayama's wait list is horrendous. Or wait...salvation (maybe)...open enrollment for insurance is in June! Am I willing to sacrifice Dr. Chong, my favorite-ist doctor in the world, for a few months? Plus, settle with the new program that is still working out the kinks and drive to the boondocks for every appointment? Plus side...there is no waiting list. Hmmm...I don't know. Dr. Fowler and Anna seem nice...and I will be well on my way to "rebirth". Ugghhh...decisions....

So, in the meantime while I wait for my open enrollment I've done a few things. I called Queen's again, I will attend their June 7th seminar. I'll look into 24 hour fitness, if I invest one month of hard work and lose close to 20 pounds, I may reconsider surgery. And I'll also research all I can. OH is amazing though! The before and after pics give me so much hope!

Just posting some pictures of *My ReAsOnS*...my reasons for everything...breathing, living, loving, hoping, laughing, believing...just everything

Cool Slideshows

CaLLiNg CaStLe & Dr. fOwLeR

May 10, 2006

I called in to work...I will be late! Dr. Fowler has a meeting, and that is surely more important than work is. Anywho...I found out about Dr. Fowler through a member of OH. She was having a revision done on her Lap-Band by Dr. Fowler, and passed on his number.

I called the number on Tuesday (the 9th) and left a messag. Anna, the coordinator of Castle's Comprehensive Weight Loss program, calls back and scheduels me for a meeting the next day! Wooohoooo!

So....I go to the meeting. Dr. Fowler seems well spoken and genuinely nice. The fee above what insurance covers is a do-able $600 and then $40 per month for the first year. Not bad considering this is for a physical trainer, dietician and psychologist...all encompassed into twice weekly meetings. Not bad considering Dr. Cirangle's fees are in the excess of $4,000. Castle seems like they have a decent program..the thing that killed me was that Dr. Fowler said that they are within the top three programs in Hawaii. Queen's is #1, Kaiser is #2 and they are #3...I don't even like third best shoes...why would I pick third best for MY LIFE???? Am I willing to risk my life for third best? Hmmm...I'll call Queen's in the a.m.

But wait...I called Dr. Fowler because there is no wait list in the first place. They can have it done in a month...I've heard that Queen's WAIT list is a year long. We shall see....*sigh*

But...I've totally decided against the Lap-Band...slippage, erosian, more surgery, slow weight loss, *J*'s experience...uhhh, no thanks. Not saying that the Lap-Band isn't a good tool...just not a good tool for me. I have a major sweet tooth...I have allergies to sillicone and a weak stomach (so I'm always barfing.)


Apr 24, 2006

I called Dr. Murayama's office, they directed me to the Queen's Comprehensive Weight Loss program. The QCWLP forwarded me to the referral line. The referral line then told me that the next meeting (required before ANY appointment) is in late May. What the heck??? I decided to look for other options..a month wait for a meeting is a little excessive.

Meanwhile, I wonder if I can't lose the weight just through diet and excercise. *M* had problems with the RNY and *J* has lost very, very little weight with the Lap-Band. HMSA won't cover the DS which seems to be the most effective with weight loss and keeping weight loss off. I sometimes think that if I invested the amount of money I do towards food and put it into a gym membership, I'd have no weight problem. Duh!! I know I have never been able to keep the weight off though. The motivation is a killer, too. My health is important to me...eve though it doesn't seem that way.


Apr 23, 2006

This morning I saw my PCP (Dr. Chong)...I wanted to discuss WLS with him. We ended up talking about why I thought it was the best and what I've tried before. He let me know that he thinks it may be the best, the last few times he's seen me (for my pre-op tonsillectomy appointments) he's seen my blood pressure steadily go up. Not medication kind of up yet...but slowly raising up. I'm still young and it's better to do it now and avoid problems, rather than do it once I have problems and need to find a "fix" for them.

We did disagree on the acutal proceedure though. He is an advocate of the Lap-Band...he's personally seen success with that proceedure. I, on the other hand, want the RNY. Anyhow...I plan to research ALL types of WLS and be well informed.

Dr. Chong recommends either Dr. Lapschies or Dr. Murayama. He knows that Dr. Lapschies has a very long program he requires prior to surgery. While Dr. Murayama runs a comprehensive program at Queen's...but the wait list is very long. He let me know that he will do a referal to any one I choose. Don't know yet...I think I'll start looking into Dr. Murayama first.

About Me
Waipahu, HI
May 04, 2006
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GooD LaBs...
MoRe WeIgHtLoSS????
I aM ThE PrOtEiN QuEEn...
Oh My~~ WeIgHtLoSS???
ChOcOLaTe...I MiSS U
TwO PoStS In OnE DaY HaHaHaHaHaHaHa
My cOnSuLt...
