April 3rd 2007

Apr 03, 2007

 You have got to read this, it is so cute:

You know you’ve had Gastric Bypass Surgery When.........

* "I have a date" does not mean you're going out.
* You have baby food in the house and no baby.
* Saying "I'm a loser" is a good thing.
* "Welcome to the other side" doesn't include death.
* New clothes fall off in a week.
* You get excited about hand me downs.
* The scale at Wal-Mart no longer says "one at a time please".
* "Just water for me please".
* When you get excited that your incision was "only 4 inches".
* When the word lap has nothing to do with a strip club.
* Other women are calling you names behind your back.
* When you are glared at in the plus size department because you don't "belong there".
* When you really don't have a thing to wear.
* You have to prove you are the person on the driver’s license.
* You start being in the pictures - not behind the camera.
* You want to hug everyone fat and hand them your surgeon's card.
* You are never parted from a bottle of water
* When you order a doggy bag at the same time as your meal.
* When the only way your nipples are where they belong is to roll them up, position them with your bra and secure with a ponytail holder.
* When you go to the mall and take the first available space instead of circling 20 minutes for one closer to the door.
* You truly are a "cheap date".
* When one drink makes you flipping floozy!
* When you run to the door and don't hear a flapping sound.
* Vitamins feel like a meal.
* You've just lost 100 lbs and run into a high school friend who asks "did you change your hair?"
* You can cross your legs... both of them
* Instead of a Wonder Bra you need a Wonder Where They Went Bra
* When your obsession from food turns to your scale.
* They no longer call 911 for the Jaws of life to extricate you from a turnstile.
* No more Velcro shoes
* When your Stairmaster is no longer used for drying your fine washables
* your mother says "You don't eat enough"
* When your doctor looks you in the eye and says "I know you will have success with this."
* You can wear corduroy pants without igniting a fire
* You safety pin your underwear
* Cannot blame the cat/dog for shedding
* Cancel your Lane Bryant Credit Card
* 3 Lean Cuisines a week and that's your total grocery purchase
* The kids wonder what happened to the cake and cookie god...did she die???

April 1st 2007

Apr 01, 2007

Hey you guys, I know that it has been a while since I have posted but the weight has really been coming off slowly. Everyone says that this is good, but you know I don't even like this. I have lost a total of 60 pounds and a Total of 79 inches all over. I am a little over 4 months Post-Op. I feel really GREAT. I have only lost a total of 10 pounds this month, and I am very disappointed that the scales are not moving. But it seems like I can tell the difference in how I feel everyday. 

I have really been going thru alot of stress with Shilah being sick and my Mom being sick here lately. Most of you know I think by now that Shilah (my Yorkie) ate some of the recalled Dog food. Shilah was in the hospital for 4 days in January and right now the Doctor says that she has Renal Kidney Failure and has given her 2 to 6 months to live. She has saddlebags done every Saturday which is like a kidney dialysis it's fluids that will help her kidneys. She has been a real trooper they said she does not complain at all. Their best patient. She has lost from 6.5 pounds to 3.6. She is taking 4 different kinds of med's. She has good days and bad. Today was a good day and she ran and played alot with her ball. Use to you could throw her ball a hundred times (no kidding) and she would bring it back to you. But she does get tired very easy. Just you guys keep praying for SHILAH, she has not gotten sick and threw up all week and I PRAISE GOD for that. I know that he has his hands on Shilah. She is our baby and he knows how much that we need her.

Well I am going to put some updated pics on here, I will try tonight that were taken last week and also I bought me a new car. It is a Hyundai XG350L and I LOVE IT!! I wanted to wait until I lost all my weight and buy a NEW ME car but I could not wait when I saw this I just fell in love with it. A new car to go with the New Me!! Well Actually i am not the new me yet but believe me when I say that I feel like the new me. The old me never felt like this.... Well I guess I'll go now and try to add some new pics of me and my car.... Also I will try to find some more before pics and post them.... so that you guys can see the difference.

OH by the way I have a WOW moment to add. My Insurance man John now I have known him for about 3 or 4 years but had not seen him in a while. So when I went in Tuesday to get Insurance on my new car, I walked over to his desk and said, "hi John" he said, "hi how are you?" I said, "you don't know me do you?" he said, " no not really I'm sorry but I usually recognize people really well. So when I told him who I was he could not beleve it. He  was  like WOW the best WOW moment that I have had since I have had surgery.
Anyway I had to share!!! NITE.....

March 7th 2007

Mar 07, 2007

 Hey you Guys, 
I feel absolutely wonderful!! I am down 55 pounds and 52 1/2 inches and feel better than I have felt in years. Last week I was so down after I had seen my Doctor, but I got on the forum and talk to alot of friends and my ANGEl and I feel so much better. I do believe that my Doctor has my best interest in mind and he really cares about my weight loss. Sometimes I believe that it was like a good kick in the BUTT to get me to exersing more, drinking more and getting in more proteins. I had thought that I was doing good but now I know that I can do better. Doing good is just not good enough for me. 

I did join the YMCA this week and was suppose to start my Water Aerobic Classes today, and I did go up there and the Pool was closed because of a leak. So I will be starting this Friday. I also bought a bike and I bike 3 to 5 miles a day. I hope to get up to 10 miles a day. I know that this is very good for my legs. So right now I do feel GREAT and love to get out and go shopping, which before you could not even get me out of the house unless I really absolutely had too. I always had to use a wheelchair when I did go shopping, and the less that I did that was fine with me cause I was always so embrassed anyway. I always felt like people was staring at me thinking, if she wasn't so fat she wouldn't have to use that. 

February 25, 2007

Feb 25, 2007

Two-terville Today!!! February 25th 2007

Hey you guys!! I can confirm as of this morning I am in Two-terville. Did I say Two-terville....Two-terville.... Wow I never thought I would type those works...lol..lol... I see everyone getting there but me. I cannot tell you how long that it has been since I have seen the 200 on my scales. 


Now I know that I have not posted for awhile, but I have been at a plateau for so long it seems. I wanted to wait until I got to Two-terville before I posted again. I am really so excited, can you tell? I filled out some papers to join the YMCA today. So soon I can start my Water Aerobics and an exercise program. I cannot wait. I do walk and exercise but I want to do more. To me the weight is coming off slower than I had hoped for but it is coming off. Right now I am 1/4  way there to my goal of 150 pounds. I cannot begin to tell you how excited that I am to be a LOSER!! I will try to post some pictures soon, I would like to lose at least another 25 pounds before I do that, cause I would like to see more of a change. 

I would also like to thank all you guys for praying for Shilah, she seems to be doing pretty good. I will be taking her back to her doctor this week for kidney test. So keep praying that they will turn out normal. (I posted some pictures of her in her Valentine outfits)

February 2, 2007

Feb 02, 2007

Well my weight loss is doing great. I have lost a total of 44 pounds and feel great about that. I have to confess I did a no-no yesterday and paid for it dearly. I ate a Healthy Choice small meal which was taking 3 meals to complete, it only had 200 calories so thats not bad for three meals. Anyway it had rice in it, with chicken, cheese, broccoli and carrots, and my pouch did not except the rice at all. I hurt so bad after only a few bites, and I could not even drink water all night and most of today because the pain was so bad. I sipped on some salt water and then some hot coffee and it seems to be getting better. At least now I can drink my water, a little at a time. I put myself back on LIQUIDS until my pouch feels better. Anyone that knows me knows that rice is my favorite food ( I got that from my X) but I guess rice is out from now on. Believe me when I say that will not happen again. Now I know why Dr. Broussard says NO RICE!! But you know we learn by our mistakes. So thats where I am at right now.

January 21, 2007

Jan 21, 2007

Ok you guys go to the Bottom of My Story right below My Hopes and Dreams and see an update of Slideshow Before and After....Comment tell me what you think!! Please I can really see the difference can you?

January 21, 2007

Jan 21, 2007

Well I have posted on the Forums and most of you know that my little Yorkie Shilah is in the hospital. They said that she was having kidney failure. Shilah is 8 years old and weighs 3.9 pounds and is way to young to be having this. (Shilah's pictures are at the bottom in My Story) She is our Baby and I really don't think my Mom would last very long if something happened to Shilah. Mom has been crying all night Friday night and yesterday. They said that if her test did not improve and that we did not see a change that we might want to think about putting her to sleep. But her test came back last night and she has improved , but just a little..but that is good. And I PRAISE GOD for that. Because you know there have been so many people pray ing for this baby that I know GOD DID IT. You know a very good Friend of mine Doris said, "He cares even for the sparrow, so I know he will for Shilah." And I keep thinking about that. I am so thankful that God uses Angels here on earth to send words of comfort at the times we need them most. I LOVE YOU DORIS!! My brother Gene favorite words KEEP THE FAITH!! My Niece Tracy says, "ok we prayed and God heard and now we Praise Him and Thank Him that it's DONE.. My Brother Jerry & his wife Lynda pastor a church in Texas and they got everyone praying. My Sister Wanda and her husband Tony call all day long. My Sister Joyce her husband Larry and daughter Carla call all day also. My  Sister Sissy and her husband Lesper ,daughter Angie (now Angie is a Furbaby Lover) has called and e-mailed and they are praying. See I have people all over and all my OH friends praying for Shilah Lst night my Brother Gene came and got Mom and I (cause the roads are so bad) and took us to see Shilah and she was so sweet and licky licky as she always does. She was so happy to see Mom and I and Gene ( she loves Gene, and he loves her) She had a bandage on her right paw where the IV's were, and the Doctor said, "she thinks she's in here for a broke foot". Anyway she was not upset when we left, and Mom and I felt so much better. Anyway I would like to say Thanks for all you prayers and we are now praying that Shilah will come home tomorrow.....

Ok now for a weight loss update!! I am so excited today not only for what God is doing for my Baby Shilah but also for my weight....ARE YOU READY!!!!!!DRUMMMMM ROLLLLLLLL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I am not at 309.......YAHHHHHHHHHHH....That is a total weight loss of 41 pounds. Wow 41 pounds gone forever. I am only 10 pounds away and I will be off the 300. I cannot begin to tell you how that feels. When I got on the scales and it said 309 I was like WOW.....Well anyway I guess I wrote enough. I will update more later......HUGS REBA

January 17, 2007

Jan 17, 2007

January 14, 2007

Jan 14, 2007

Well it has been 10 days since I have posted and the reason is because I have been at a plateau it seems since right after Christmas. I just keep wondering if I would ever lose anymore. But I knew that by the amount of food that I was eating that I had no choice but to lose weight. I knew that I was losing in inches but the pounds just did not seem to be coming off. Well I weighed this morning and I am down to 313 and that is 37 pounds lost forever!!!!!YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I am so excited and now I keep thinking 14 more pounds and I will be off the 300. I feel so wonderful, I no longer have pain in my legs.I can't wait for it to warm up a bit so I can join the YMCA and do Water Arobics and they are suppose to have a great exercise room. I have a one year membership at Weightwise Bariatric Hospital Exercise room but the Y is alot closer and be better for me because I cannot leave Mom for long periods of time. I do walk (but not enough) and use arm weights but I feel that right now that I could really exercise. I know that the loose skin and Plastic Surgery is coming but if I can help it I'm gonna do all that I can. 
Well I have not had any problems eating, the food goes down real good, chew, chew, chew...I think that I need to learn to eat slower. I did get sick at my stomach today, and I was so happy..I know thats weird but I want limits on this. I don't want to be able to eat anything I want. Everytime I get sick I thank God. Of course I have only gotten sick 2 times. My Liquids I still cannot believe that people actually get in 64 oz. a day... I am so full of water that I have to make myself eat. BEFORE I USE TO LIVE TO EAT, NOW I JUST EAT TO LIVE!! Food is just not that important anymore, and God I hope it stays this way. I would do this surgery again tomorrow if I had too. I thank God all the time that he made a way for me to have this surgery. I believe with all my heart that Dr. Broussard saved my life. I have my next appointment with Dr. Broussard Tuesday the 16th. It will be 7 weeks since my surgery. Right now Oklahoma is under a State Of Emergency because of an ice storm and it does not look like it will be gone anytime soon. So I may not get to see him Tuesday. Well you guys I will be signing off now...I know my friends have been wanting an update so here it is...HUGS Reba

January 14, 2007

Jan 14, 2007

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2001
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Before & After
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Photo from my CD

Friends 65

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November 28th 2007
November 5, 2007
October 21, 2007
SEPTEMBER 23, 2007
August 19th 2007
August 19th 2007
July 19 2007
May 4th 2007
May 4th 2007
