I'm a loser!

Sep 30, 2007

Yeah, I am a loser, but I feel pretty weak and tired and can't seem to get any energy. The only real pain I have is in my left side where the port is, everything else is tender but not too sore. But I really have no energy. I hope this doesn't last too long. I'm not feeling too much hunger or fullness, just blah. I'm having all my protein so I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for my energy to return. I do miss food. I'm getting mighty sick of pureed soups. Just another ten days to go until I can introduce some lumps into my diet. I'm off to bed.

It's Tuesday!

Sep 25, 2007

Well, it looks like I will be having the surgery tomorrow! I am feeling much, much better today. Just a little bit of a sore throat left. I have been sleeping a LOT and it has really helped. Things are all set at home - I am just beginning to get nervous. Yikes! Tomorrow is the big day. It is so hard to get this all to sink in..... it's been such a long time in the making. I am ready to start my new life. I'm down 15 pounds and already my clothes feel and fit better. And, my feet have de-puffed. I'm going to re=read the prep directions for tomorrow, then relax and have some fun with the family tonight. I'll check in as soon as I'm able. Say a prayer for me people Hugs and kisses, Debbie

Sunday Night.......

Sep 23, 2007

Well, it's been a quiet Sunday. Two kids at home, no hubby, and too hot and sticky to go outside. I am looking forward to the fall finally getting here. My throat is still sore. I am reeally starting to think that Wednesday might not happen! I can't get rid of this bug in spite of how many hours I'm sleeping. I don't even have the energy to type tonight. I'm off to sit in front of the boob tube and veg. Bye......

Five Days and Counting Down

Sep 21, 2007


Went to the Dr.

Sep 20, 2007

I finally went to the doctor and I am sick! An ear infection and a sinus infection. No wonder I felt so crappy! I also went to the hospital and did my pre-registration which took quite a while, but they were very thorough. Everyone at Mercy was welcoming and warm. Hope it's like that on Wednesday at 5:30 am. My plan is to take the antibiotics and decongestants and get healthy by Wednesday. This is day four of being sick so I've got my fingers crossed that I'll be healthy by the 26th. I'm down 12 pounds but I'm too sick to appreciate it except that I can see my ankle bones again! I'm off to bed for a good night sleep.

Really sick today.

Sep 19, 2007

I'm going to go in and see my PCP today after I go to the hospital for my pre-op registration meeting at Mercy. I feel like I got hit by a bus. Everything hurts, but the throat is the worst. I rarely get sick and when I do I drive all my loved ones crazy - I'm such a baby. Just getting out of bed and driving the kids to school was a huge chore. I hope I get a Z-Pack to kill anything in me that shouldnd't be there so my surgery goes as planned on the 26th. Good news - I've lost 10.5 pounds. he only place I can see it is my feet and ankles. Gotta start somewhere.

Doctor's appointment with surgeon today

Sep 18, 2007

Although I was a bit nervous that something bad would happen my visit went fine. Jenny came with me as she will be my main support person after the surgery. My dh just started a new job out of state and he can't be here so my darling daughter is going to fill in for him. He answered all my questions and put my mind at ease. He is a nice man and I've been impressed with his office thus far. He gave me a "gift" bag filled with coupons for goodies I'll need for after the surgery and there was a beautiful card that all the staff had signed. It was a nice personal touch. I'm hoping that the next week flies by. I woke up today with a sore throat, headache, and tender neck so I may need to see my pcp and get on an antibiotic. Doctor's rule is if there is any fever he can't do the surgery. Please, don't let this turn into something big! I'm sipping a big cup of blended chicken noodle soup in hopes that I might feel better when I've finished it. The good news is that dh and I are going to see The Police in NYC at Madison Square Garden in November. Yahoo! I've never seen them and hope I'm feeling back to normal by then for the flight and long night. I'll be flying up on Friday and flying home on Saturday. Thanks, Sweetie! I have to leave and pick up the boys (dogs) from the groomer. They'll be naked and clean and soft - just the way I like them. I'll post a photo. See ya.....

Sunday - Day Four Liquid Diet

Sep 16, 2007

It's starting to get a little easier now. The good news is that I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 6.5 pounds in three days! I feel pretty good - no more headache - and I actually have more energy. I must have been pretty toxic before I started this liquid regime. I'm doing my best to not let myself get so hungry that I get light-headed. I really hate that feeling. It turns me into a bear. Last night Jen made a wonderful dinner for the family complete with goat cheese appetizer, eggplant parmesan, etc., etc., and I chose to leave the house for an hour while they sat down. I'm hoping I won't need to do that again, but those smells were calling my name and I won't cheat. ttyl

2 down, 12 to go

Sep 15, 2007

Well, in the first 48 hours on my liquid diet I've lost 4 pounds. I can feel the difference in my pants. Most of it has been water weight, I'm sure. At least it's working. I'm not feeling quite as miserable and unlike a lot of other people I've only had one little headache. I drove by a closed Chick-Fil A restaurant last night and I could smell the chicken odors wafting around inside my car. Weird. Let's hope the next 12 days continue to go this quickly.

Still the first day......

Sep 13, 2007

This is definitely harder than I thought it would be. I think the key is to get creative but follow the rules. Today I had homemade tomato soup for lunch and it really filled me up for a couple of hours. Watching my three kids munch is a little hard. The popcorn smelled delicious and I was actually salivating when I saw the bowls in the sink. I can do this!! I know I can do this - I have to stop feeling sorry for myself and go for a walk!!!!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 14
I'm a loser!
It's Tuesday!
Sunday Night.......
Five Days and Counting Down
Went to the Dr.
Really sick today.
Doctor's appointment with surgeon today
Sunday - Day Four Liquid Diet
2 down, 12 to go
Still the first day......
