Head hunger or what is going on here?

Feb 17, 2010

So I am back from the hospital.  Everything went great! I was in the hospital overnight. Well, the gas pain was the worst.  The first day home was painful. The second one I was feeling better already...like myself again and not hungry.  All of a sudden....on the third day...I felt so hungry I could hear my stomach growling. WTH RIGHT?!   Isopure didn't seat right with me.  Tried couple flavors, they all tasted nasty and I had to force myself to drink that.  I had about 2 bottles, that's it.  So I am on this liquid diet now and will be for a while according to discharge instructions, I have been craving solid food like crazy.  Right now all I can eat is creamy soups and you know liquids, caffeine free and sugar free, so I am sticking to ice tea, water, protein shakes and 2 cups of soup throughout the day.  Everything goes down fine, sometimes I feel a little full but it quickly goes away, like in 5 minutes, I don't feel that pain people talk about.  Maybe the very first days I did, I felt it was hard to get water down or liquids down and It would actually hurt a bit,  but now... I don't feel it! I feel that I could easily have more soup, more yougurt, more of whatever I am having, without feeling like OMG! I feel like I am starving too so I am getting tired easily.  Is my pouch a OVERSIZED pouch or what?!  I am already wondering if I had the surgery or what was all that all about? It feels like I am on a diet and I am hungry most of the time.  THis is too early for all this drama, right? What the hell is that?!  So the nurse called me up and she said, slow down!  I told her I had made protein shake this morning and I had 14 ounces in less than 1 hr. She was WOW!  She kept saying slow down 8-10 ounces every hr should be ok.  She classified my hunger as HEAD HUNGER.  I wish I didn't have to deal with these issues soooo early in the game, you know what I mean?  Maybe I am anxious, too anxious to see all this weight come off! I don't know!  I am a mess right now.  I did lose like 10 lbs so far this week.  It has been a very interesting week in my life! I guess I was thinking there would be no hunger involved and that my little pouch would magically make everything perfect.  I can't help but  wonder what is the avarage RNY pouch capacity.  I am just not a happy camper today! Hoping things will be better soon!


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