I feel like writing now... ;o)

Feb 19, 2009

I know that it's been awhile since I blogged last.  In fact it 's been 8 days.  I'm 2 1/2 weeks into recovery of my brachioplasty.  I am feeling much better these days.  I still can't type for a long time, because my left arm starts to bother me...as it is a bit now.  Nevertheless, I know that my complete and total healing is only days away.  My scars look better than they did when I first had surgery.  I can lift my arms up in the air, but I can't stretch or reach for anything high up or it will feel like I'm pulling the incisions apart.  Of course we know that just after surgery, everything usually looks hideous and crude.  I still have a bit more swelling in my left arm, but I have faith that in the end, everything will even out ~ that both arms will look the same is size and form.  Please believe me, however, that I am so grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to have this procedure.  I give Him all the glory and praise!  From the beginning to right now, the Lord has worked in miraculous ways to help me in my wls journey.  I could never express in words that gratitude that I feel in my heart!!!  I will always be so indebted to the Lord for opening the doors for me to a life of better health!  Thank You Jesus!!!

On another positive note, as I've gotten dressed, I've noticed that sleeves of my blouses and sweaters are fitting so much better now.  I've even (very, very carefully) tried on some of the jackets that were too small for me prior to surgery and they also fit better.  (smiling and doing the happy dance ~ I can move my legs very well). LOL! 

Ok, my arms are feeling that I've typed long enough.  I still have quite a bit of tenderness and soreness, so I've gotta go for now.  I'll update again later.

God bless everyone, and always remember....today is our Best day...for sure!


