Computer has been down. :(

Jun 16, 2009

I'm still spirit anyway.  My computer has been down due to lack of electrical power in my office.  It's a long story -- believe me.  I hope to get it repaired soon.  I just wanted all to know that I'm doing well.  When I'm able, I will post a complete update. 

I am on OH everyday at work, but it's blocked and I can't post or email.  It truly stinks.  I do enjoy the encouragment that is given daily.  I'll soon be 5 years post-op, and I'm so proud of myself.  Although I actually never hit my personal goal, I have stayed on target with my weight loss of 156 lbs...and that's enough to shout about!!  Hallelujah!  I owe it all to my Heavenly Father up above, and I wouldn't give anything for my journey with Him and my journey through wls.  It's been a wonderful experience.  I'm exercising daily, and I'm keeping fit.  I pray that eventually, I might achieve my original goal of 145 to 150.  However, that would require most PS.  Right now I'm ok with my "soft" skin and so is my SO. :o)

Blessings to all you veterans, and especially you newbies!  Hang in there because it's worth it!

Rose @~}


I know it's been a long time - not enough time to write....

Apr 07, 2009

...well, I wanted to take a little time to say, I've missed being able to post my blogs.  I've missed being able to encourage those coming in "fresh".  I've missed hearing from my friends.  So today, I thought I must take a short time to play "catch-up".

News:  I had my brachioplasty surgery on February 2, 2009.  I think I posted a short blog right afterwards.  All is well.  I'm still recovering, and there is still some numbness and soreness, but not bad at all.  The scars are healing very nicely. The final results are yet to come, but I will say that my tops fit so much better.  I'll have to update on the arms as the process continues...

In the meantime, my mom was hospitalized in ICU my 5th week post-op.  It's been so hectic since then.  I can't begin to try and explain it all here at this time.  I continue to pray for her complete recovery, and ask that you join in prayer with me.

I've been off the exercise bandwagon since my surgery, so it's been about 2 1/2 months since I've had a total work-out - until last night!!!!  I decided that enough is enough, and it's time to take back the lost time.    I started with my 1 mile video.  There was no doubt that I am out of shape - that one mile kicked my butt!!!   I'm going to work out again tonight, but on my nieces Wii thingy.  I haven't tried it yet, and my mind freaks out a little thinking about the man who did only one (1) session of exercise on the Wii, sat down, and had a massive heart attack and died right there on the spot!!!  WOW!  Anyway, I'm going to try it. 

My little furry companion, Winston - my schnauzer, was very ill for a couple of weeks.  To this day I'm not sure of what his problem was.  I couldn't get him into see the vet.  Actually, on his most ill day, I tried to be a walk-in, but they don't take walk-ins.  Anyway, he is absolutely 100% back to him self again.  In all honestly, after making a few accessments, along with watching his "habits", my deduction leads me to believe that he was only - now get this - "constipated"!!!    My dog needed a laxative!!!!    Well, it "all" "worked" itself "out"!    I am cracking my own self up!!!   Honestly though, I'm so glad that my little fella is ok.

Well, this is all the time that I have for now.  I must run, but will return soon!  God bless all, and please continue to remain encouraged - no matter what things or situations look like!!! is a wonderful day - ENJOY!

As Yolanda Adams is singing ~ I will worship Christ the Lord!

Feb 22, 2009

Today is a day that the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it!!!  I must start out by saying how grateful I am to the Lord for allowing me to experience this day!  Everyday is a day that I will give thanks and rejoice.  I'm breathing, I'm walking, I'm talking....and I'm moving!  That's something that only a few short years ago...4 1/2 to be exact...I couldn't  say very easily.  I had trouble breathing...I had trouble walking...I had trouble talking without getting short of breath...I definitely WAS NOT moving the way that I am TODAY!!!  Thank You Heavenly Father!  I am so grateful.  THIS SURGERY WAS NOT THE EASY WAY OUT ~ and anyone who thinks that is kidding themselves!  It's easy to forget things and situations once past the difficult times.  I've vowed to remember from whence I came, and know that I don't want to go back.  Even I go through another recouperation period after surgery (having to stop every few seconds to rest my arm from pain), I vow to not take it for granted, the wonderful opportunity that I've been given at this chance of a healthier life!!!  I have to agree with whoever said that, "nothing taste as good as healthy feels"!  That is so on target for me this day!!!  Hallelujah!!!  :o)

Well, I must rest my arm, but I just had to give some praise to my Heavenly Father, and hopefully encourage all who are in the place that I WAS, and even those who are in the place that I now AM!!!  ;o)  For today is truly our BEST day!

Be blessed always,

I feel like writing now... ;o)

Feb 19, 2009

I know that it's been awhile since I blogged last.  In fact it 's been 8 days.  I'm 2 1/2 weeks into recovery of my brachioplasty.  I am feeling much better these days.  I still can't type for a long time, because my left arm starts to bother it is a bit now.  Nevertheless, I know that my complete and total healing is only days away.  My scars look better than they did when I first had surgery.  I can lift my arms up in the air, but I can't stretch or reach for anything high up or it will feel like I'm pulling the incisions apart.  Of course we know that just after surgery, everything usually looks hideous and crude.  I still have a bit more swelling in my left arm, but I have faith that in the end, everything will even out ~ that both arms will look the same is size and form.  Please believe me, however, that I am so grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to have this procedure.  I give Him all the glory and praise!  From the beginning to right now, the Lord has worked in miraculous ways to help me in my wls journey.  I could never express in words that gratitude that I feel in my heart!!!  I will always be so indebted to the Lord for opening the doors for me to a life of better health!  Thank You Jesus!!!

On another positive note, as I've gotten dressed, I've noticed that sleeves of my blouses and sweaters are fitting so much better now.  I've even (very, very carefully) tried on some of the jackets that were too small for me prior to surgery and they also fit better.  (smiling and doing the happy dance ~ I can move my legs very well). LOL! 

Ok, my arms are feeling that I've typed long enough.  I still have quite a bit of tenderness and soreness, so I've gotta go for now.  I'll update again later.

God bless everyone, and always is our Best day...for sure!


I am fighting the "Good fight of Faith"!

Feb 11, 2009

Today is a blessed day!  I am continuing to fight the Good fight of Faith!  I always will.  There will never be an option for giving up ~ EVER!  Some of you may know what that statement means, and others may not.  In short, it simply means that no matter what comes my way, I will always know that "I win"!  Through my positive attitude, and faith in my Heavenly Father, the end results will be great...and I will always come out smelling like a....Rose!!!!  (No pun intended).  :o)

I'm still home recouperating from brachioplasty.  I'm day 3 into the second week.  I'm virtually off the pain meds...maybe a 1/2 pill if absolutely necessary.  I still have quite a bit of swelling, but I think that's to be expected.  I'm wrapped up like a little mummy, which makes me laugh.  I've learned many things this time how to wrap my own arms.  Wow...what a task that can be.  However, I found out that I can truly "do all things with the help of Christ"....for real!!!  :o)  I do wrap my left arm a bit better than my right one...since I'm right-handed.  lol.  Nevertheless, I get the job done.  I'm looking into purchasing my compression garments, so I'm sure that it will be a lot easier to get those on once I get them.

I'm so thankful for this site, and the wonderful friends that I have here.  It seems that more and more, I learn of the value of OH site.  Admittedly, there are times when I don't go on the general board, or some of the others.  I do try to be of encouragement when I see a post that I feel my experiences can or may help them.  I have come to realize the value of a positive attitude which surely helps in the healing process.  It helps us emotionally, spiritually, and definitely physically.  A good attitude can even speed up the process.  Now trust me, I'm not the saint here.  Please ask Mary, Laina, and Stacie...and some others.  There have been times when I have surely needed the help of these precious friends to get me back in check!  However, once I was sent whirling back on track and got my focus back, I remembered what I was supposed to do. 

I said all of the above...for everyone...the oldies, the newbies, the "thinking about its"...for everyone!  As I encourage myself, you all please stay encouraged as well.  Keep your mind your body gets healthier!!!  I'm taking my own advice as I continue to heal here at home.  I'm trying to remember to increase my protein (I've done a great job at that) and my fluids (I'm doing a lot better at that also).  I guess, when we're working, it's just not as easy to constantly much on the healthier proteins (I can't always have something going in my mouth), and it's not always so easy to jump up and run the the ladies room 1,000 times a day.  Nevertheless, I vow to do a lot better when I get back to work.  This is for my good health.  One day I'm going to retire from that job...and if my honey moves a little faster (in the marriage proposal department), I may be retiring sooner than later!!!  Hallelujah!!!  LOL!  Thank you Jesus!!!  I won't force or pressure him though....I'm trusting God for His Divine timing in our time of marriage!  I just can't wait.....YES!!!  Oooo y'all, I'm so in Love!  LOL!  It's truly a wonderful feeling!!!  I've been divorced for close to 10 years now, and I'm so ready for a wonderful, man of God to love me like I should have always been loved! did I get off on that?  I'm just happy.... :o)

Be blessed and always remember that Today is your Best day!

Much love,

Today, I will count my blessings and give God the glory!

Feb 10, 2009

It's been awhile since I've posted.  To many things have gone on, and quite frankly, so are not worth mentioning.  All that matters is that life is good, and God is better!!!  (I stole that from Mary Laws, my wonderful friend here on OH.  Thank you Mary.  That statement is worth repeating forever). 

In short, I'm again in the "healing" seat.  I had brachioplasty 1 week and 1 day ago today.  I'm coming along.  I won't say that it's been all peaches and cream, but through the help and encouragement of some very wonderful friends (old and new), I'm more in touch with my emotions, and I KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT, ALL IS WELL!  Thank you Laina, thank you Mary Laws, and many thanks to you Stacie!  I love you all so very, very much!!!

I should be resting my arms, so I'm going to stop typing now.  I just wanted to at least write a note, so that if anyone stops by, they will know that I'm still here.  I love the Dorinda Clarke-Cole song that says, "I'm and still here, and it's by the grace of God".  Beautiful song, and great reminder of who is keeping me safe,  sound, and protected ~ everyday!

My prayers and blessings to all,

**Today is my truly BEST day!!!

What a great day to be alive!!!

Jan 20, 2009

We're living history in the making, and I'm so proud to be living at this time!  I will continue to pray for our country, our president and his family, and all of my own family and friends!  God is so good to us all the time, and to Him I give all of the Glory!

I am so happy today.  I just officially recieved the great news that the surgery for arms is approved.  My surgeon's office called me a little while ago, and set up a consultation appointment for Friday!  I am so elated that I'm walking on ALL the clouds!!!    The original date of surgery was February 12, 2009.  However, it's quite possible that that date may be changed to earlier....possibly as early as the end of this month!  Yahoo!!!!!!!!!  This is the last of plastics as far as I'm concerned.  I said that I didn't want to have anything done to my thighs, butt, or breasts.  I'm just not that concerned about those areas, and they're not causing me any problems like the other areas have caused me ~ thank God!

Last week, I bought new hand weights (5 lb. free weights), and an pedometer.  I used them for the first time this morning.  So far I have walk over 2000 steps.  I'm not sure of what the count is per day to stay healthy, but I'm going to find out.  It tells me that I've walked my hour and 18 that would be the daily goal at least.  I'll find out about that also.  In addition, I started back on my 2 mile exercise program this morning.  I'm going to also try to do the 1 mile in the evenings again, so as to get my 3 miles in per day.  I want to do this before my surgery because I won't be able to work out for at least 6 weeks afterwards.  I'm doing good with my suppliments, but I need to do perfect as I enter into the time of my surgery.  I want all my levels to be in order when I get my pre-op lab work.  I know that this is the Will of God for me to have my arms done.  I know this because everything happened exactly opposite of what we expected to happen.  I.e., the surgeon that I JUST KNEW would do it ~ won't (yes, I'm upset.  Poor office ethics, to say the least.  I was so shocked by it all), and the surgeon who is out of my network and doesn't even bill insurance (would only do surgery on a cash basis), is the office that decided to seek authorization on my behalf ~ AND GOT IT!!!  God is so awesome!!!  I just couldn't be happier!

I will always encourage others to hold onto your dreams and what you are believing for.  My life has truly been a testiment to how wonderful God is.  I'm a strong believer in prayer, and that all things are possible if you only believe!  I continue to encourage those who are hoping to better your health, and are looking into this avenue as your help....don't stop!  If it is truly your way of getting help, stand firm with prayer.  Do your homework, and seek the best surgical team that you can get.  Always remember that this is ONLY a tool and a means of HELPING yourself!  I highlighted those 2 very important words.  This surgery is not a miracle cure by any means, but just a tool.  If you don't do what you're supposed to do, along with working the tool, you will be a failure!  Sad but true!!!  If you do what you've been told to do, be faithful and work your tool, there is NO DOUBT that you will be a success story like many of those you read about here!  My prayers and cheers for your good successes!

God bless you all, and remember that Today is our BEST EVERY way!!!!!  Congratulations President Obama!!!!!
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Sorry I lied....just can't seem to keep up! ;o)

Jan 16, 2009

Well, here I am again....trying to catch up with my blogging.  Oh well, I just have to do the best I can, when I can.  I have been so busy.  Many things have taken place since the last time I blogged.  I've had a death in my family, friends and family that have had disastrous situations and consequences, and then trying to keep up with the new man in my life.  Now that's a recipe for mass confusion!!  ....and I don't need to loose anymore of my hair!Even now, I don't have the time to truly catch everyone up with all that has gone on, but I'll just hit the highlights. 

I do have an awesome praise report to make!  I have been approved and given authorization to have my brachioplasty ~ upper arms surgery!  When I got the news, I was running around my house screaming and shouting.  You have to understand that the approval came from a place that I never would have expected.  And the surgeon that I did expect it to come from, who has done my other plastics, didn't give me the time of day!  Wow...what was that all about?  God does work in mysterious ways, and is so truly awesome in how He works things out, when we give Him all of our cares and worries!!!  My surgery is tentatively scheduled for February 12, 2009.  What a wonderful birthday present I will receive just before my birthday which will be on the 25th of February!  That will also be the 6th month anniversary of the day my new love found me!!! you think that I might get "new" arms and an engagement ring at the same time??????  How awesome would that be?  Well, we will just have to wait and see.

Ok...gotta run out on you again.  But before I go, I have to say in regards to my journey, all is well.  I'm still trying to keep my focus and stay on track.  With the previous family and friends situations above that I mentioned, I'm trying very hard to not eat out of depression, but it's definitely a challenge ~ as well as staying on track with exercising when all I really want to do is sleep!   And what is it they say?  This TOO shall pass....and I know that it will.  Everyday is new, and I shall look for the new and wonderful things that the day has to offer and give me.  I encourage all of you to do the same!

Be blessed and be a blessing...because Today is our BEST day!!!

Peace ~ God's peace!  Know God, know peace....No God, no peace!



I can't believe how slow I've gotten with my posting...

Jan 09, 2009

What is wrong with me?  I am getting so bad at posting regular.  I'm so sorry.  Of course, I have been on holiday vacation for almost 2 weeks, so I think that I'm just still in that laid back, relaxed mood.  That's not entirely a bad thing!  It's been so long since I've been able to say that I've taken some well deserved time off from work and just kicked it and did "nothing"!  Well, actually, I didn't do "nothing".  I had to get out and shop, cook, know all the holiday stuff.  Then I had to take it all down again!  So to say that I did nothing is not quite correct.  Anyway, it was all good times!

I've fallen off the exercise bandwagon for this week.  I'm just telling the truth!  The funny thing is, is that during my holiday vacation, I kicked my own butt with the exercise routine.  I didn't miss a day.  I guess, subconciously I knew that I would be eating more foods and some forbidden foods during this time.  I was so proud of myself, then I get back to work, and getting up on my early morning schedule to exercise, seems like it's been the hardest thing to do ever!  WELL... it's the new year, and in 2009, I've endeavored to do better than I did in 2008.  I'm still determined to loose these last 20 pounds to get to my own personal goal.  Besides, coming up real soon, I will have a serious reason to want to loose those extra fitting into my wedding dress???? 

Ummm, read it right!!!!  I know that this is going to be my year!!!  I am in love with the most wonderful and awesome, God given man!!!  And he's in wonderful and fabulous love with me!!!!  I just couldn't be happier at this time in my life!  I should be happy and full of joy!  I have waited (literally) for over 10 years to have and experience this joy!  I didn't go looking for a man, because I knew with all my heart that the Lord had someone so much more wonderful and better than I EVER could have gone out to find on my own!!!  I wanted God to bring to me His best for me....and my Heavenly Father did not let me down....He did exactly THAT!!!  He brought to me, someone more special and precious, and above all that I could have ever asked or even thought to ask.  I am so abundantly blessed, and I know it!!!  Thank You Heavenly Father....Thank You Jesus Christ, Thank You Holy Spirit!!!!  You know more about what is best for me, than I will ever know.  You know who and what I need on tomorrow, when I can't even see into the next moment!  Thank You for supplying my "need" and my "needs"!!!!!  (Some of you will get it now, and some will get it later).    Anyway, God is so good All the time!  Thank You Jesus....Hallelujah!!!

Let me hurry and add that, if some days I'm missing in action, it just may be that I'm working on my other "project" and getting things in place of new adventures on the horizon!  Thank You again Jesus! 

My prayers are that everyone is blessed, and will start (and finish) this new year with all your goals met!  Focus, determination, and tenacity are the keys!  My mantra and cheer for this year is "I CAN DO IT"!!!  Yes, I can do it....and I know that I can! 

Be blessed, for Today is our Best Day!!!

Great and wonderful things are expected to happen in 2009!!!

Jan 05, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!  Wow....the year has already started off for me with the most wonderful, wonderful event!  I came into the New Year 2009, praising the Lord, and then being hugged and greetedby the most precious man ~ my man!!!  I haven't had this to happen to me in over 10 years!  It was absolutely AMAZING!!!  I praised God even the more!  I have very high expectations for this year!  I'm so excited and giddy about it all!  It seems that everyday I'm falling more and more in love!  What an awesome and amazing feeling to be in love.  It is truly better to have fully loved, from the bottom of your heart, than to not ever know what it feels like to be in love!  I don't know if that makes any kind of sense to anyone except me!  I'm just happy!!!

I'm doing very well with diet and exercise.  I lost 3 pounds over the holidays, and I kept up with my exercise regiment.  I did not exercise on the actual holiday, however, and I don't exercise on the week-ends.  I've got to not feel like I'm a slave to exercise, so in order to do that, I must take some time off ~ thus, no week-ends!  It works for me!  I'm now down to 167.  My goal is still 150, and with a lot of determination and dedication, I believe this will be the year to put away those last 17 pounds.  Either way, I'll continue to always strive everyday, to do the best that I can in staying committed to my own cause of living a better and healthier life!!!

I pray for those considering, just starting, and still continuing!  We have to always remain focused, and not stray!

Be blessed, and always remember that....Today is our Best day!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!!!!!!

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