transferring my blog

Sep 16, 2010

I started a blog on my blogger account, but have decided to blog here instead.  I will be transferring my posts to here.
Here are the posts from my other blog...

Sept 8:
I love the idea of recycling.  Take someone old and worn out and redo it so that it is new again.  Well, my body needs to be recycled.  Underneath this tired and aching frame is a new me just waiting to get out.  I am researching and looking towards having a gastric bypass and I wanted to journal my journey and I invite you along for the ride.  It's always good to have a friend along.

Called today to set up initial visit.  Have to see what my schedule is like for next week before I set the appointment.  They will set me up with a patient advocate and stuff so that I am helped along all the steps to come.  There is also an online support group and a group that meets in Austin.  The surgery would be in San Antonio if I go with this group.  There is another group in Temple at Scott and White so I will have to decide on which one I want to use soon.

Here is the San Antonio Website.  I would only have to go to SA for the surgery, the rest would be here in town.

I don't know the website for the Temple one.  My neighbor had her G.B. with them a couple months ago and recomends them.

Still have more research to do before deciding.  This is not something I am taking lightly.  I have been thinking/researching for sometime and know that it is a serious surgery with risks involved.  There are risks involved in staying morbidly obese too.  Brian and I have been discussing the risks and benefits also and I have talked with the boys about it too.  While it is my body and ultimately my decision, I want us all on board for this journey.  I will be depending on them a lot in the beginning.  Thankfully I am married to a wonderful man who I know will support me and we have great kids.

Growing up I didn't struggle with my weight at all, except 5th grade.  In 5th grade I was a little pudgy, but I quickly outgrew that stage and didn't have other issues until after I had my first son.  If you had told me 16 years ago that I would become morbidly obese, I would have laughed.  I was even a firefighter (volunteer position) for a couple years.  I was proud of how in shape I was and how strong I was.  I was 125 lbs when I got preg.  I was 20.

Then came the baby by c-section, surgery to repair damage by baby, then excuses, excuses, excuses....
I lost a bunch (around 40-50 lbs) of the weight when Kris was 2.  Didn't stay off long before I started gaining it back.  Lost about 28 in 1999 just by giving up sodas.  Then I got preg. again.  New baby, c-section, excuses, excuses excuses.  Moved to Germany in 2001.  There came Germany chocolate and pastries.  Yummy.  More pounds packed on.  Husband deployed=weight gain X 5 deployments and multiple field exercise= one big unhappy Robin.  I then fell down a flight of stairs, broke my tailbone, injured my hip and back.  From there came more excuses.  It became too painful to walk let alone exercise.  Just got bigger and bigger.

I tried weight loss diets.  Did slim fast (found out I have lactose problems).  Atkins caused a 'backup' in my plumbing ;).  Counting calories didn't work for me.  I don't eat enough most days and had to force myself to eat enough calories.  I gained weight by not eating enough and not making the right choices when I do.  I have tried to just limit portions the last few months and have started working again and have lost 10 lbs since April.  I have over 120 more to go.

I am not trying to make more excuses.  I know the fault is mine.  I didn't "catch a virus and get fat".  I got fat because I didn't take care of myself and what I ate. 

Why am I choosing to make this blog you might ask.  For one I talk a lot!  Okay you knew that.  Seriously I have a lot of thoughts on this subject and feel that by blogging it I won't have to talk to everyone about it and can get my thoughts organized.  I also want a record to look back on in the future so I can remember what this time felt like.

I also feel the more people I have along for the ride, the more people I have supporting me and the more people I have to answer to were I to fail.


About Me
Sep 08, 2010
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