Ramblings about food.

Jan 20, 2010

Some days I just hate food. I think about food so often now, that I want to throw it all away and quit cold turkey...

Everything is about food. I know iut gets better and I know the only reason I have to think about it so much now is becasue I had no regard for what and how much of it I put in my body before now. I started the process learning about food and what they do for me, the good and the bad. I also believe whole heartedly that continuing to monitor what I eat will lead to continued health, but some days....I hate it.

nuff said.

Four months after surgery.

Jan 15, 2010

It has been four months and I am feeling great!. I had my surgery on Sept 15th and weighed in at 363 pounds. Yesterday I checked in at the Dr.'s office and weighed 291 pounds. It has been a long road, but one I am glad to travel. I have been seeing so many small changes that excite me. Little things like clothes that are too big now. I say little things because to those that haven't had weight issues, it seems, they have trouble seeing how huge a deal it really is. I started my process in October of 2008. Since my first office visit I have lost 118 pounds. In total over 2.5 years since I dedicated to finally losing weight I have lost 159 pounds off of my largest weight at 450 pounds. I do not regret one moment of pain or discomfort because I found the reward of getting my life back to be priceless in comparison.

About Me
Plattsburgh, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2010
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