The waiting game.

Aug 02, 2011

First request denied, now on first appeal to Aetna for their blessing for VSG surgery.  Do any insurance companies understand that if you spend some money now, you will save big bucks in the long run?  If I have VSG now, that will save Aetna the cost of additional diabetes medication (they're not cheap!), medical care for possible complications of diabetes (REALLY not cheap!) and the cost of the inevitable knee replacements I will need if I continue at this heavy weight.  Makes perfect sense to me, but apparently not to them.  In the meantime I continue to pay a couple hundred dollars every month for medications (yep, that is WITH insurance.  I hate to think about folks who don't have insurance; I guess they just go without).

So, in the interim, I'm trying to do what I can to get my weight down.  Exercise, high protein, high fiber, low carbs, low fat.  I have lost  a few pounds, but the kind of weight I need to lose requires the big guns approach -- surgery.  I've never been able to lose more than 20 pounds w/ any kind of diet and exercise program.  Right now I need to lose about 95. 

The waiting game continues, and as it does my frustration level builds.  So does my contempt for insurance companies.  No one should have to go through this kind of ridiculousness, especially not after paying premiums year after year.  Total and complete BS.  But, I will not give up!  I may not be the smartest gal on the block, or the best looking, but I don't quit. 


About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2010
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