Happy 2012 everybody!

Jan 05, 2012

We've made it to a New Year, and boy did 2011 fly by (after I got my surgery approved...until that time it seemed to be crawling by, agonizingly slowly).  In the past I've been pretty blase about New Year's, ho-hum, another one bites the dust, etc.  I wasn't really "up" about starting a new 12 months.  But, not surprisingly, after gastric sleeve surgery on 11/30/11 and having lost just over 25 pounds already, I believe I have a whole new outlook on this  New Year's stuff.

I have been blessed with a second chance through this surgery.  I can lose weight, get my fitness level back, hopefully start running again, playing tennis, maybe even doing a triathlon this fall.  I am very, very lucky to be in the position I am in.  I also decided  I needed to give myself a second chance spiritually/mentally/emotionally as well.  I've wasted oh so much time being down, pessimistic, frustrated...not just about waiting for surgery, but about job issues, relationships, daily stress.  While I was at home recovering after surgery I re-read some books that helped me begin the process of adjusting my attitude ("Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" which is quite good; and Robin Roberts' "Seven Rules to Live By" -- excellent).  It ain't easy, and I need frequent reminders:  those poor books have dog-eared pages and highlights and notes in the margin!!  But I can tell I'm onto something, and I'm not gonna let go.  If I need repetition to fix things, then so be it.  My body is headed in the right direction, and I will make sure my head and my heart are doing the same.  After many years, I'm finally beginning to realize that I am worth the hard work. 

For all of you who are still fighting the battle to get your bariatric surgery, please persevere.  Know that it is worth it, and even when you think you are at the lowest spot, remember you WILL rise above it all.  Keep going, keep fighting.  Your health, your wellbeing, and your good state of mind are worth the battle.  If I can do it, so can you.  Look to this website for support -- it is one of the most valuable tools I discovered in this journey.  We all understand what you're going through, and we can help you.  And don't wait until surgery to start working on your head.  It will save you time post-op and will make your recovery that much quicker!

So Happy New Year everybody.  Make the most of 2012.  We all deserve a GREAT one!

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About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2010
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