Hello all, I am a 32 year old African American woman living in the midwest. I have like just about everyone else been a big girl all of my life.  However after the birth of my daughter in '97, my weight has been up and down. I have tried many diets, the most weightloss I have experienced was about 40 lbs 2 years ago. I have always been very active, however with diabetes on both side of my family, I know that it is just a matter of time. I am a nurse, and just about all the people that I encounter with preventable illnesses have had some type of obesity comorbidity.

I really want to live my life to the fullest, and do not look at this as a cop-out. I look at this as a decision that I need to make for myself. Of course being thin is just a perk. I honestly cannot wait to start jogging, weight training, and just being less shy about getting out there and living life. The discrimination that affects the obese is so real out here- I think that it takes a toll on a person after a while. So I am truly giving this thing a shot.  I am going to the Cleveland Clinic- which is one of the best hospitals in the region. I have done my research, and now I feel that it is time for me to build a support system to help me through the transition.

I have not told my family yet,  I wanted to do all of the research, and get all the information that i could so that I would be able to answer the boat load of question that I know that I will be getting. Up until now they have thought that I had been involved in some kind of clinical study.

I will tell  my father first (my mother is deceased) since he is my main support, not to mention he has always been concerened about my weight. I think that he will be proud that I am taking the initiative to do something about it, instead of continuing the whole insanity of back and forth, yo yo dieting. I have the same fears that many other membrs have had, so it means so much to me to have others that I can identify with.

thanks for reading, and feel free to check back to my profile for updates-

Rubble- (Shawn)

About Me
Nov 08, 2006
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you will not believe...........
I am sooo bad.
