
Sep 25, 2011

Well what can I say...I'm shrinking! Today's weight (drum roll please).....209.2! Yes!
My family is really starting to notice a difference. My husband told me today that when he rubs me I feel different. Okay?
I am feeling better with each passing day. Getting more motivated to move around me and make healthy food choices.
I must admit, I had those days where I just mourned food. Well the comfort in food. It frustrated me to the point of second guessing my decision to have the VSG. I still have those very BRIEF moments, and they are few and far between.
I look at myself in the mirror now and I am truly tickled pink. I can't believe how fast I'm shrinking, and to know this time it's for good. I feel lighter, and more energetic. I feel like I can do more than before. 
Losing weight has done wonders for my self esteem. I LOVE MYSELF more and more each day. In addition having a wonderful supportive husband and family has been paramount in this journey. It helps that I have two family members who have had RNY, and they have been a great resource. 
Well that's all for now. Gotta get to the gym. Next stop....ONDERLAND BABY.

Today's The Big Day!!

Sep 13, 2011

Well, here I am it's Surgery Day. I have waited so long for this day to come and I find the emotions I am feeling to be a bit surprising. My excitment and joy has been replaced with anxiety and fear. I'm sure this is normal, but I am terrified! I have been beating myself up lately. Disappointed that I let myself get to the point of needing surgery to help control my weight, and fearing that I will FAIL miserably, and will have gone through all of this for nothing. There I finally said it! On the other hand, I am grateful to have a site such as this where I can express my thoughts and feelings, and gather support from empathetic individuals who have actually walked a mile in my shoes. In addition, I know that I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and family who are my biggest cheerleaders.

Well that's all for now. I have to get myself ready to go get sleeved. I keep tryna remind myself that today is the first day of the rest of my life. Hopefully with this weight gone, that will be a very long time.

God Bless each and everyone of you who took the time to read my blog and posts, send me well wishes, and answer my questions. Please continue to pray for my continued success.


The Beginning

Aug 23, 2011

I am a 38 yr. old wife and mother from Maryland. I am also a nursing professor, and family nurse practitioner. I have always been overweight, but very shapely. I don't know that I would even be considering WLS if it weren't for my HBP, and Cardiomyopathy. What can I say, I love food. However the time has come to get serious about my health, and my future. I was approved for VSG by BCBS my first try, and I could't be happier. Just waiting for the date now (Sept.14), and busy doing my pre op stuff. I go in and out with doubt. I have a wonderful, supportive husband who has given me lotrs of encouragement. This site has been extremely helpful in terms of being able to relate to the weightloss struggle.
Well that's all for now, will update soon.

About Me
Severn, MD
Surgery Date
Aug 11, 2011
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 3
