CaseyinLA 21 years, 8 months ago

I just wanted to welcome you to the "Other Side", Samar...and to let you know that I'm proud of you!

Patricia R. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Samar, I am so glad you are home, you will be feeling better soon! I am so happy for you. I know your family loves you very much, the thought of something going wrong brings out the protective side, that is what they are supposed to do! Most of our families may not realize the relationships formed here on the website, so it is only natural for our families to watch over us.Again, I am sooooo happy for you!

Rhanda R. 21 years, 9 months ago

Dear Samar: I finally got to post on your page. I love your story and have not stopped thinking about it since i first read it. I too was apprehensive after the citycouncil woman died. However, I read all I could about what happened to her and I did even further research about my surgery. At the moment, I am back in the saddle again and anxious to have the surgery. Since I found out my date, I haven't been in as much pain and think about the advantages all of the time. I have concentrated on the pain that I am expected to experience. I did pretty good with the c-section of my child, so I am bracing myself for the worst. Keep your head up and just concentrate on all the things you planned to look forward to when the weight falls off: playing with your daughter, the look on he fathers face when he sees you again (he will see you again) crossing your legs, and being able to walk up flights of steps and not feel like you are having a heart attack, and most important: Falling back in love with yourself. Take care and best wishes on your recovery.

sunsect 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar, Welcome to the other side! We're all very proud of you! I remember reading a post from you a while back and I'm excited that you made it through surgery ok. These next couple of months will by frustrating at times and sometimes depressing as you learn to cope with your new eating habits while everyone else around you still eats the same (sometimes with no consideration for how you may feel about it). Stay strong, you have made a MAJOR move in the right direction to make life better for YOU.. not for anyone else! :) Keep posting so we can help support you in any way we can! Best wishes for your future health! ~ Trish

Cynthia M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar I just wanted to let you know that I for one do not think bad about your father. I understand that he was just saying you needed to rest. I am glad to hear that you are home and doing better. Again If I were you I would not worry about what people think about your father, your true friends will know that he ment well and other people should not even be thought about. Take care and rest when you can and need to. Cynthia M

Samar M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Well, I wanted to let everyone know I came home from surgery and doing much better today. I had terrible muscle spasms. This was the last thing I expected because I had never heard of this before. The pain was excruciating. I was so happy about having surgery or scared of dying from it, that I never thought about the pain. Thanks to all of you for posting on my surgery page. I got a few nasty e-mails about my father. Because Diane had told everyone that he told her that she couldn't visit me on the 3rd day. I was upset because I know my father only said that to her because I was having so much pain and didn't feel much like having visitors. I don't want the world to see my father as though he is a bad person. He is so wonderful and caring. To all of those who wrote me e-mails about him, please know that that is not how I feel about my father. He only meant good. There was another misunderstanding. That I got out of the hospital early. I wish that was the case. I was actually there a day extra because of the complications I had on day 3. When I got home from the hospital on September 10, I wanted to get online, but just didn't have enough energy. I was so overwhelmed with all the posts I received. A few people from this site called me at the hospital which was very nice. Thanks you guys. I still can't believe I did it. It's like a dream. And I can't exacly say that I am happy about my desicion yet. I will let you know when I feel like myself again. My family has been very supportive. They really took care of me. But as I get better, that is slowly becoming history too. It's good while it lasts. I missed you all. And I'm glad to be back. Love you all!

Shayne W. 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar everytime I read your journey it brings me to tears. You are so pretty and I cant wait to see the new you. And promise me Samar that when you finally get to your goal weight that you be sure and tell your family to kiss your ass for all the heartache they have caused you. I will definately be following your progress. Its your time to shine honey and don't let your family take that away from you. Good luck and im wishing you a speedy recovery. Shayne West

rebalspirit 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Samar, I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. Contratulations on your surgery. I hope all is well. Send word of your progress when you feel up to it. God Bless. Robin

Beverly B. 21 years, 9 months ago

Samar, happy to know you're coming along just fine. It might seem bad right now but in my heart i believe the best is yet to come. Congratulations on becoming a BIG loser. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Love your AMOS sister

Gwendolyn A. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Samar, I just wanted to pop in and congratulate you on your weight loss surgery! You are now embarking on brand new journey. Best wishes for an uneventful and speedy recovery. Gwen Allen
About Me
Dearborn, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2001
Member Since
