9 month update

Dec 31, 2007

Hello All

I've been busy over the holiday season and have touched base with a few of my old friends I've met since my journey began. I had a wonderful Christmas with all the family over for supper that's 21 people to cook for but I pulled it off with my mom's help. I'm now down to 162lbs and a size 10/12 pant and a large top. I eat quite normally now but in smaller portions and can eat and drink together once again. I don't touch bread or eggs still just can't tolerate that's all. I do have awful smelling gas problems man do I stink!!!HA
Here's a break down of weight lose so far:
1 month including opti-fast = 25 lbs
2 months = 28.5 lbs
3 months = 15 lbs
4 months = 12.5 lbs
5 months = 12.5 lbs
6 months = 7 lbs
7 months = 5 lbs
8 months = 8.5 lbs
9 months = 8 lbs 

Total weight loss = 122 lbs in 9 months

WOW do I need an update...or what!!!

Oct 24, 2007

Now news on me I'm almost 7 months post-op and have lost 109 lbs and feel great. I'm back on my vitamins but don't take the calcium pills because they kill my pouch. I haven't looked into liquid calcuim as of yet. I know I have to update my avatar because I think I'm 235 in that picture and now I'm 175. I'm in size 12-14 pants and large topsIdown from size 4x and 26+. I'm unfortuanately back on my tylenol 3s for pain because I don't have all the cushion of fat on my hips, shoulders and as much on my ass cause my tail bone hurts. I don't take them daily only when needed though not like before. I don't have a lot of hanging skin on my belly and a little on my arms. I have a lot of new bones that I haven't seen or felt in many, many years. I have a new job now working in the post office and I've been there for 2 months. My husband is also waiting for OHIP approval for DS but he may concerned RNY like I had here in Toronto. He'll be getting his surgery in Michigan because it's closer to our home in the Sault. Take care everyone that reads my profile, Samm

I'm in Onederland!!!!

Aug 04, 2007

Well I haven't posted in a while I see. Bad girl I am!! LOL Well as of this morning August 4th, 2007 I weighted in at 199lbs. I have been working very hard this week with walking 5 kms. at Hiawatha Highlands Park with my hubby. Last Sunday we walked 7 kms, Monday 10 kms, Tuesday 5 kms, Wednesday 7 kms, Thursday I took the day off to do housework and laundry, Friday only 5 kms. I had a personal goal for myself to reach 198 lbs by the end of July and missed the goal but I'm only one pound away and its only August 4th maybe tomorrow I'll be at 198 time will tell.

I have gone from 284lbs to 199lbs in 20 weeks (5 months). Clothing size 26+ to 14/16. I presently wear size 18 which are to big and size 16 fits very tightly mind you I haven't tried any of the new 16 jeans I bought at Penningtons yet. I wear a regular xl in a top and sometimes a large will fit. I have recently lost my boobs. We went swimming the other day and I had on my bathsuit I've had since highschool that has grown with me through the years and its way to big in the bottom and I use to have big boobs to fill out the top and now the suit looks terrible. Time to pass that along as well. 

I go next week to Toronto to see my surgeon Dr. Sullivan and Denise the dietician for my 6 month blood work even though I'm only 4.5 months since surgery, I didn't make an appointment for my 3 month check up because I spent enough running back and forth to Toronto to get my strictures fixed. By the way the second procedure for that fixed my stricture problem, which I'm very happy about. I know on my profile it says that my doctor is Dr. Klein but he referred me to Dr. Sullivan because of being a great patient.

To finish off the month of June

Jun 30, 2007

I have lost more weight and now am 215.5 lbs as of today. I've officially lost 68.5 lbs and my BMI is 36.9. My family and I walked the international bridge walk and I'm glad to report it took me 40 minutes to walk 3.5 miles. The bridge has hills and valleys and I told my youngest son that I would do it in 45 minutes and I am so proud of myself with beating my goal. My youngest son also finished at that time and my husband and oldest finished at 45 minutes and they thought they would do it in 2 hours. So my youngest got $5.00 for guessing so close to his time of 45 minutes.

More weight gone

Jun 18, 2007

Today is June 18,2007 and I now weigh 217.5 lbs and am getting closer to onederland. 17.5 lbs to go and I can't believe it. The only problem I have right now is that I don't take my vitamins. I know I have to but I can't stand the chewables or swallowing the pills cut in half. I have been told by my dietician I'm close to being Vit D deficient. I have all my vitamins like my calcuim pills, vitamin B12 and multivitamin but I have to give myself a kick in the ass and take them regularly.

I've lost 60.5 pounds !!!

Jun 08, 2007

Yes I have lost 60.5 pounds on June 8th, 2007. I've gone from 284lbs to 223.5 lbs. BMI from 48.7 to 38.3. I'm considered obese and not extremely obese now. By the way I'm 10 weeks post op.

I'm back from Toronto

Jun 07, 2007

Original Post by Samm Larose at 12:41 AM EST on 06/08/2007
Sault Ste. Marie, ONRNY (03/29/2007)

Hello Everyone

I got back from Toronto yesterday but was in Garson visiting family. Well I did have my second stricture and seen Dr. Sullivan on Monday June 4th. He had me confussed with another patient of his when I walked into the examine room. He told me that my family doctor called him and he wanted to put me on some type of medication, I told him that that was funny because he never called me about this. I showed him my upper GI xrays that I got myself through the walkin clinic without a referral I might add and he just glanced at it because he thought I was someone else. He then went into my file and reread his notes and appolized to me about his mistake. He then asked again to see the xrays in detail and off course you can surely see the stricture. I told him that I had pain in my pouch and in my throat near my throid gland and then I would throw up, but I was able to keep down liquids and the full fluid diet I was following. I asked him what size of balloon dilation he used on me last time and it was 12mm. I asked him if he would go larger this time and he said 12mm probably would be fine. I asked him how big my pouch was and I was under the impression that it was 4oz well its not its 1 inch by 2 inches like a cylinder. Very tiny!!! It might hold 1/4 cup if I'm lucky. He also told me that I'm losing weight to fast and I'm at 225lbs for a weight lose of 59 lbs and I have lost 12 lbs since my last dilation on May16th. I had the second dilation on Wednesday June 6th and he did use 15mm balloon instead of the 12mm. I did feel worst after this procedure. I was sick in my pouch and intestines and had a lot of gas and a sore throat. The doctor also told me that it was rare for a wls patient to have 3 dilations and I told him that what I have read on this site some people have 3-6 procedures and he was amazed and told the nurses in the procedure room while he dilated me. On Monday June 4th it was my 13th wedding anniversary and I made my personal goal of 235lbs actually I was under that at 228 lbs. Since I was 235lbs on my wedding day back in 1994.

The Toronto Zoo was amazing and I didn't have any trouble at all with the walking and the hills and no shortness of breathe and I was on fire with the walking ahead of all my family members. My husband was awesome because he didn't want a wheelchair and he walked the whole zoo with breaks. He did however require pain killers in the evening for leg cramps not his back. My oldest son had to poop and the closest bathroom was a 20 minute walk away and luckliy he made it and did he stink up the bathroom and the smell came full force outside for everyone to enjoy!!!LOL I always tell him he is a rotten kid!!lol We also got caught in the strong wind and rain storm that blew in just as we were just about to leave the park but we did bring umbrellas for the occasion. We also visited family and the Yorkdale mall (Disney store), and friends and argued about driving directions with my husband. All in all we had a blast and hopefully my stricture will be cured and no more visits to Toronto until July 23rd appointment.

Off to Sudbury and then Toronto!!

Jun 07, 2007

Original Post by Samm Larose at 9:00 AM EST on 06/02/2007
Sault Ste. Marie, ONRNY (03/29/2007)

Hello all I will be leaving shortly to go to Sudbury to meet up with my husband and will be going to Toronto on Sunday for my appt. with Dr. Sullivan to see about this stricture problem I'm having. I did change my diet to full fluid and I haven't thrown up as of yet but I can't eat anything solid because it hurts and I get sick. We as a family are going to make a mini vacation out of the trip and we are going to the Toronto Zoo tomorrow. Wish me luck because I have to push my husband around in a wheelchair at the zoo and I here its in a valley with hills. I'll let you know when I come back on my progress.

Take care everyone and by the way I can fit into size 16 clothes at Reitmans, and Additionelle has the smallest clothes and I can't get into a 22 what's up with that, Penningtons I fit into a 14 top and 16-18 pant, Cotton Ginny I'm a 14 top and a 18 pant. This was the best shopping trip ever in my life since when I entered the store I grabbed size 22 in every store. I'm down from size 26. I have lost 55 1/2 pounds so far - 228.5 from 284.

I've made it the big 5-0!!

May 29, 2007

Today I'm happy to report that I'm 232lbs and have lost to date 52 lbs and I have 77lbs to go until my personal goal of 155lbs. My BMI has changed from 48.7 to 39.8.

I have pouch problems again!!!

May 29, 2007

Hello everyone well as you all know I had a stricture and went to Toronto on May 15th and had dilation well it was wonderful to not have any pain or throwing up. Well it only lasted for one week and last Wednesday May 23rd the pain returned and I started to throw up again yesterday and also today. I called Dr. Sullivan's office and I am going in to see him in the office on my wedding anniversary on Monday June 4th @915am. I told Lynn his secreatary what was happening and I told her I was going to go back to the full fluid stage to see if that helps. She told me that was a great idea and she would let the doctor know since he is in surgery all this week. Last time the doctor told me if it happens again to go back into the stages and follow the diets again and he would possibly have to do surgery again to see whats wrong.
Well I know I have tough skin and skin that returns to shape with not many stretch marks when I had my kids so I'm wondering if the dilation wasn't stretched enough? Has anyone else had more than one stricture and if so what was done about it?

About Me
Sault Ste. Marie,
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 28
9 month update
WOW do I need an update...or what!!!
I'm in Onederland!!!!
To finish off the month of June
More weight gone
I've lost 60.5 pounds !!!
I'm back from Toronto
Off to Sudbury and then Toronto!!
I've made it the big 5-0!!
I have pouch problems again!!!
