Hi, my name is Sarah.  I am a Mother to a 15 year old son who keeps me on my toes.  I am a Wisconsin girl who enjoys hunting, fishing, singing, shopping, hiking, and spending time with family and friends.  I have an amazing support system through my family & special someone; my boyfriend Todd has watched me struggle with my weight and depression from it over this last year & a half; he is amazing and always a positive spot for me to fall

My weight struggles began when I was just a child. I spent a lot of time with a family member (neither of which was my parents) who made it very easy for me as a young girl to have an endless array of treats and goodies at my disposal. Basically I could have whatever I wanted; pop, chips, ice cream, cookies, pizza, donuts, you name it, all I had to do was ask. Eventually it got to the point that I didn’t even have to do that; we would just go to the grocery store and I would put whatever I wanted in the cart and that would be that. If we went out to eat I would literally order both a corndog and a cheeseburger and fries, cuz nobody told me I couldn't.  I was 6 years old, what child at that age knows the affects or consequences of all that sugar and fat. Over-time those habits formed into an addiction that I carry to this day.
  I think back to the dreaded yearly weigh-in at school, the nurse would have us line up and get our height and weight checked.  I was always mortified when it was my turn.  It was a horrible experience for my class mates to know that I weighed 128 lbs in 4th grade.  Looking back at pictures of me then I think to myself, "I wasn't even big," I was just a tall girl.  At any rate that is when I began to feel the burden and shame from my relationship with food.   That was also the beginning of the teasing and taunting that goes along with being an overweight child. Middle school years were misery……I wouldn’t do them over for anything!! As a parent I began at an early age teaching my son the affects of bullying another child. BULLYING is exactly what it is when you make fun of another child for the way they look. It has never been tolerated in my home and I wish all parents would enforce the same rules. Words cut deep and I don’t know if they ever really leave your soul. BOOMBOBBA BOOMBOBBA that is what I heard everyday as I would walk down the isle before getting off the bus after school…..kids can be cruel that is for sure....what’s funny is years later I actually dated one of those guys (I know, what was I thinking?) that was so mean to me back then, and he didn't even remember it, yet it is something that I will never forget.  We do remain friends though to this day.   I did thin out some in high school and did a short stint as a cheerleader, but wasn’t ever really accepted. My self esteem was just mutilated…..so looking for love in all the wrong places….I met a real winner and fell in love. I got pregnant with my son as a senior in high school; from that point I gained 100 pounds and have never lost it all. I did get down to about 30 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight by taking phentermine, but once that stopped working the Doctor would no longer prescribe it for me and then suggested bariatric surgery.  

So here I am beginning my journey to the "LOSERS bench," I am very excited. I have met with my Surgeon, made all my Nutrition appointments, psych evaluation appointment, exercise appointment, attended the Bariatric Seminar, and talked a bit with insurance, once everything is completed I will "hopefully" be scheduled for surgery before the end of the year.........and so it begins

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 26, 2006
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