Home from the hospital

Oct 30, 2010

Hello, just a quick post to let you know that I had surgery on Monday the 25th and was home Thursday the 28th.  The pain was harder than I thought, but they ended up having to take my gallbladder out unexpectedly so that might be why.  I will udate again shortly. 

Today is the first day of the rest of my life

Oct 24, 2010

I am a little nervous.....but mostly excited to get on with the journey!!!....Update when I am back home!!!


Aug 23, 2010

I have a date with a surgeon for October 25th....are we there yet? :)

Off for approval

Aug 12, 2010

The letter was sent today from my surgeon.....I am hoping to hear something back real soon.....the last I heard from my nurse was that surgery was booked out until the end of October....I am hoping and praying for an earlier date....hope and pray with me......!!!!! :)

Update the letter didn't actually go out to insurance till August 20th and was approved on the 23rd.

Monday................ :(

Jun 06, 2010

Well I had a nice long boring wknd...which is exactly what I needed.....:)  I am actually more okay with this Mondayworkday than I usually am.  I had a nice discussion with my Dad last night, and once again feel so blessed to have a family that is so supportive of my decisions.  I am a lucky girl

Good Weekend

Jun 06, 2010

Of doing nothing but homework, relaxing, and my exercises.  It was a nice break to constantly being on the run every weekend.  My house is clean and homework is done.  I am ready for the new week. 

Last week was my first night at the support group. I was a great chance to hear some other touching stories of people who struggle with their weight.  I met some really neet people who are awaiting the surgery and a few who have been through it already.  I am even more confident with my decision to go through the procedure.  To hear how this has changed their outlook on life is encouraging.  I am looking forward to being more involved in the activities that I enjoy doing with my boyfriend his kids, and my son.  I am just looking forward to so much in the future.


Bariatric Support Group

Jun 03, 2010

Although I am a bit nervous about walking through the doors at my first support group session tonight, I am even more excited to be near some individuals who know exactly how I am feeling in my mind, heart, and body at this very moment.  Life is good today!!

One of those days

Jun 01, 2010

I am just not starting out this week with a smile at all.  My jeans are tight which is enough to make anyone crabby and work is complete hell this morning.  Sick of sitting all day everyday.....but my mind is fried by the time I leave this place......hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

Happy Tuesday

May 31, 2010

Back to work after a 3 day wknd.......need I say more?!?!?!


May 31, 2010

This is just a downer day for me.  I am a fulltime student and today I am really struggling with an assignment that I put off.  I should have listen to a wise person who told me get after it yesterday....bbbbbbbuuuuuuuttttttt, I didn't.  I look forward to the days where planting flowers and pulling weeds from my garden are the things that I do in my afternoons and evenings....and not school work!!!!

As far as food today.....I had mint ice cream, but other than that....not too far off my goal for the day.  Happy short week of work anyhow!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 26, 2006
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 15
