My WLS Odessy Begins

Aug 22, 2009

Hello to everyone at OH.  I recently decided to begin the process of taking the path to WLS.  I had done a lot of research a few years ago when it was still quite challenging to even get insurance to pay for ANY WLS.  Now it seems a lot easier and more and more people are having it.

I just turned 46 last month, I am single and I have been overweight since I was 13...most of my life. I am 5' 8 and currently weigh 264 but at my highest I have tipped the scales right at 300.

I don't have to tell you that when you have been overweight that long, you only live a piece of a life.  There are so many things you miss out on and can't or don't allow yourself to do.

I have been on every diet there is and I have lost a lot of weight...just never kept it off.

I am finally going to do this.  I have done a great deal of research and I have decided on VSG.

It's time to live my life fully. 
I'd like to know what it's like to shop in a regular size clothing store for a single digit size;
I'd like to experience a public pool in a bathing suit with confidence;
I'd like to have a boyfriend and maybe even get married;
I'd like to take a vigorous workout class and be able to do all the exercises...and without pain;
I'd like to wear something sleeveless;
I'd like to wear boots up to my knees;
I'd like to wear shorts in public...the list goes on.

These are things most people take for granted but I have never done.

I look forward to these milestones as I start my odessy.  These things are far more important to me than the numbers.  Sure, I will measure my success in numbers.  But those things I listed above...when I can do each of those things...that will be success to me.  Each time I achieve one of those milestones, it will be one brick I am knocking down from the wall I built around my life with this weight.

And once I have shattered that wall, I know it will feel like breaking out of prison...and I am excited at the prospect.

So, I say to you all, look out cause SassyJonz is fired up and nothing is going to keep me from achieving this goal.

I am patient and will bide my time for however long it takes to jump through the "insurance hoops" to approval and surgery.

I know it will take hard work, dedication and a new attitude and relationship with food, but I am ready.

It's time.
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About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2009
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