Life Sucks...No Really

Dec 20, 2008

I suffered a major disapointment this week. I was up for a promotion. Knew I was qualified. Had the most seniority and felt the interview went great. Only to find out I did not get it.
I had put in 20 years only to get kicked in the teeth. Makes me wonder why I have made many of the choices I have. I guess it doesn't pay to be loyal to a company. Now, I am a lot harder to get hired.  Economy sucks so I can not just leave. I have responsibilities. People depend on me at home. I guess I will just have to get thru until something does come up.
It is very hard to go thru. I have been grieving the loss of my hopes and dreams. Then just two days later, I had to be back into the office for a Christmas party. See the changes already taking place. I am strong. I thought I could just grit my teeth and get thru it. Seems I was wrong. It hit me like a punch to the gut. I would start to tear up, fight it off. Then something else would happen and here they would come again. Worse was when my new 'boss'-someone had trained- came back to talk to me. I just told him not now, I was having to hard a time as it is. Luckily he respected that and left.
I have to still figure out my coping mechanisms. I really tried to eat. Found out that was not satisfying. Would have liked to get drunk but I no longer drink. Lose myself in drugs-not my style. Luckily the weather cleared enough and I was able to ride my horses. Best therapy out there for me. It lifts my spirits. Lightens my heart which was broken. Hopefully time will help mend my feelings. LIFE JUST SUCKS SOMETIMES........


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Orland, CA
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Feb 14, 2007
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