Last meal and Liquid diet... (3days) update

Nov 21, 2009

Last meal, 
 I went to Ling and Louies with my gf. It was great. I had duck! I am gonna miss duck. Its a special occasion dish, and I will miss both turkey at thanksgiving and duck at I took this opportunity to have it.  We went to see THe Bling Side. IT was awesome. Great film. I recommend it.

LIquid Diet

Day 1:  So far so good. I got up early (840am movie time) with my gf to go see a movie. Before we left i had a full 64oz of water and a whole package of prepared sugar free lime jello. I survived through the movie and a shopping trip to the grocery store, and at about three I started feeling the gurgling tummy and I got so many text messages of support throughout the day today... ITw as great. the time now is 502pm.  I drank my isopure when I felt hungry. IT taste like acid reflux..but its got 40grams of protien so Im thinking it should help. My gf and I got cozzy and watched UP, she bought it for me bc I constantly talk about the Character Dug. He's so awesome!  Tomorrow my mom gets to town around 6pm I'm hopin gthat i can get her bedroom and bathroom done before she gets here. My shoulder is still in pain and I am a little weak from that pain.

Day 2:  I'm a little anxious today. So I went shopping, and picked up my old roomates cool, awesome vacuum cleaner (Kirby) so that I can vacuum my spare room. Its also where my cat likes to sleep,and my mom will be staying in there.  My plan for today is to clean my spare bed and spare bath, pick up mom from airport, take mom to old roommates house for dinner, and  take before pics, and measurements. Oh and stay away from Chicken broth. Yuck. I went to get organic, low fat low sodium broth and it was ok while i wasdrinking it but... i think it turned my tummy afterwards.


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Oct 09, 2009
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