Another Day Another Problem

Jul 05, 2007

Ok so I don't even know where to begin. I have type 1 diabetes so I go to the doctor ALL THE TIME! I get blood work drawn ALL THE TIME! Yesterday I had to go back to the doctor because 6 weeks ago my blood work wasn't so hot. My weight was 214, A1c was 8.9, Cholesterol was 287, triglycerides were 714 (no that is not a typo) and my NON-HDL was 228. So they put me on Crestor, 5 mg at night and I had to go in to check how that was working. My blood sugars are all over the board and I gained three pounds in 6 weeks. 

I regualarly take sleeping pills to sleep at night because I can't stop my brain from working/worrying. My husband is NOT supportive AT ALL! I work all day while he doesn't then I have to come home to "What's for dinner?" heck if I freakin know! I've been working all day! Why can't he make dinner? Then if he does it's pancakes. Or the standby, we go out to dinner. He eats whatever he wants whenever he wants. Soda, chips, ice cream, burgers. It doesn't seem to phase him. I have tried to eat healthy and cook for him, but he won't eat what I make. Then it goes bad. Since he doesn't have a job right now (I have an interview for a second job on Saturday) we don't have a lot of money right now. So, grocery shopping is the first thing to go.

I feel so depressed. My body is falling apart and nobody seems to care except me. The doctor's don't help me just scold me. Yeah like I need that! I just feel like I am going to go down this path that leads to heart failure or something like that. 

It is not a good day today. Will July 18th get here soon?

Finally getting to it!

Jun 25, 2007

So I am not sure what happened in March! But I didn't go to the seminar. I finally got down to it. I checked with my insurance to see who I can go see and Dr. Davis in Houston is the closest doctor. About 3.5 hours away. Oh well. I am going to the seminar on the 18th and then I have an appt with Dr Garth Davis on the 26th of July. My only worry is that I won't qualify. Maybe I am not overweight enough??? When I look at myself, I don't look like I weigh as much as I do. In June I went to Cali to see my family for my little brother's graduation. Of course pictures were taken. MAN I HATE my picture taken! I looked just AWFUL! So I am feeling down about that. Hopefully next month when I meet with the doctor I will know if I qualify. In the mean time I have an appt with my PCP to get a letter recommending the surgery and I have a copy of my medical records. I will see what else I need to get together before I meet with the doctor. I want to be really prepared.


Mar 18, 2007

So I found this site. I snooped around and think I might want to do a little research into this. I don't want this to be another "diet" that I try. Phen Phen, Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, Nutri System, Coffee and Cigarettes, Cabbage Soup Diet, Atkins, LA Weight Loss, OTC weeight loss pills, pills, pills and more pills!!

UGH! So, on March 31st there is a free seminar on this WLS that I am  going to go to. I hope to learn some more about it.

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Beaverton, OR
Mar 18, 2007
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Another Day Another Problem
Finally getting to it!
