
Jun 30, 2007

I talked with Yvonne yesturday, she is my friend at work that had the surgery done, and she said that yes the insurance company will put you through hoops right up until the end, they even did it with her.  At least that makes me feel better since I still have to wait until tomorrow to get the final approval.  I will still keep my fingers crossed, can't hurt.
I have the pantry all cleaned out, the frigerator all cleaned out, I will be working on my house today.  I have everything all stocked up (all of my clear liquids, vitamins, and protein).  I got rid of a whole bunch of unhealthy foods and stuff that I didn't even know that I had.  The pantry was so bad, at least now you can actually walk into it.  

I have done so much walking that my foot is really hurting bad, bad enough I had to take 2 pain pills yesturday before it would stop.


Jun 28, 2007

I am still jumping through the hoops for the insurance company though.  They are requesting the medical records from my regular doctor (check, already have them at Dr. Vierra's office), did the psychological exam and that was great, I will see him the day before surger, and did the nutricianist this morning and she is recommending me for the surgery.  They (my doctors) all feel that my eating disorder is under control and that I wil be able to handle it.  Janell says not to be too concerned but to be prepared in case they come up with something new.  I am keeping my finger crossed that nothing new will come up because I am in knots on the inside.


Jun 25, 2007

Thank you for the support on my journey.  It means so much that there are people out there whom I haven't meet in person, but on the computer, the care so deeply about another.  It feels good to know that there is someplace to go and write that I will not be judged. 
I am 15 days out and looking to the future.  I am getting the paperwork together to meet with the Nutritionist on June 28th.  My pre-op consult is on the 27th, so I am also getting together my last minute questions for Dr. Vierra too.  I am not nervous about the surgery, just getting anxious.


Jun 18, 2007

Most of the time we all HATE our scales.  I have been working very hard with my walking and taking my exercise class up here at the college and it is paying off.  I got on the scale this morning and my weight is now down to 260 lbs.  that puts my BMI at 46!!
Happy Dance time 

I meet with the psychologist tomorrow morning.  I am just about finished with my write up for him.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that all will go well.


Jun 15, 2007

Got good new this morning (needed some) the warranty company is covering the repairs to my car so I don't have to hit the savings account, my hubby will be happy about that.  That was going to be my gripe for the day, but now it is not. 
For the weekend, I plan to relax some: I started an excerise class this week at the college I work at.  The first 2 sessions went great, never realized that I could sweat that much, Wednesday the teachers car broke down and mine was broke down yesturday.  I am still getting in all of my walking though, so far this week I have logged in 13.5 miles on the track.  I am probably going to take a break today (have to pick up my car) but I will be right back at it tomorrow.
The insurance company is requiring that I see the Psychologist and Nutricianist again, I suffer from depression and anxiety attacks plus being bulimic and I binge and purge.  I haven't had an episode since January 2, 2007.  I have kept a detailed log on eating, exercise and journal that I will be taking to my appointments to get their final clearance.  I will be updateing my journal over the weekend in prep for the Psychologist on the 19th, and for the Nuticianist on the 28th.  I am trying to think positive about this to keep my frame of mind where it needs to be. 


Jun 14, 2007

Dr. Vierra's office phoned with what more the insurance company needs before they will give the final approval for my surgery. 
They need an in depth analysis done by Dr. Blatt, my psychologist.  I haven't seen him since February 6 when I started having migraines that turned out to be caused from allergies.  He is a good doctor but he is always running late.  I made an appointment to see him on the 19th.  Luckily I have my journal, eating log and exercise log to show him.   I have been able to get off of one of the medications that I was perscribed for depression, Klonipin, (starting taking after my mother passed away at our home she had a major heart attack back in Nov. 04)  but I still take Cymbalta (haven't been able to get off of that one yet, when I did try I thought I was going out of my mind, and I couldn't leave the house and that was after only 4 days of not taking it).  I have been on depression medication off and on for the past 11 years, but steadily for the past 4 years.
The nutricianist that I saw back in December, did not recommend that I have the surgery because I have a history of binging and purging (I haven't had any episodes since January) and bulimia.  I feel that I have this under control now.  I see a new gal, Michelle on the 28th.  At least I will be able to show that I am not doing this behavior any more and that I have it under control.  
My weight has been up and down (mostly up) all of my life, and I have never been able to maintain a steady weight loss for a long period of time, this surgery will give me that chance and I know that I can be successful at this. 
Janelle said not to worry that I will get the things done and that the surgery can be pushed back to the 16th or the 17th if it needs to be.



Jun 07, 2007

Had my appointment with Dr. Vierra, he is really proud of the weight that I have taken off, which as of today is 40 lbs!.  I am now down to 270.  That is the most that I have ever been able to take off by myself before.  I am enrolling in an aerobics class that starts on Monday (Monday thru Thursday) and I am still continuing to do my walking.  I am walking every other day up at the track for 1.5 to 2 miles on my lunch.  "Have headphones will travel"  


May 24, 2007

Just had my weigh in for the week lost another lb. down to 275!!

Here is my Ticker!!

May 21, 2007


5/18/2007 Great News

May 18, 2007

I now have a surgery date to report..drum roll please..7/10/2007!!!!

When Chris gave the date I screached like a teenager..I can't believe that this is going to happen.  I am still waiting on the insurance approval, Chris said it will take a couple of weeks, but not to worry that everything would be okay. 
So far I have told my kids, father, and my sister.  My husband is still at work, so I will tell him when he gets home.  My pre-op is scheduled for the 27th and the hospital will be giving me a call.
5/19/2007-My husband and I have been discussing the sugery all weekend.  He asked me how much I really want to weigh and that he doesn't want me to be too skinny (with my face sunk in and all) and that he loves me just the way that I am, but yes it would be healthier for me to weigh less.  I told him that I will be putting a list of foods that I can have and food that I can't have on the frig (good place to start).  

About Me
Marina, CA
Surgery Date
May 16, 2007
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1 year check up update!! 7/17/08
I am back and feeling much better about myself!!
