I'm part of the Century Club - Finally

Feb 02, 2011

 I finally did it, I made the Century Club today on my 6 month surgiversary.  I have been praying so hard that I would get to this first really big goal of mine.  Next is wonderland in 4 more pounds and thats what I am sooo excited about.  I haven't been there in years - many many many years... This today was something I really needed for my self esteem and to know that I can do this.

Starting to see and feel the changes

Jan 03, 2011

I'm starting to see the changes in myself recently.  I've lost 93 pounds in 5 months and am praying I lose another 7 in the next month to get my Century Club Card by the 6 month anniversary.  I finally weigh less than my husband and that was such a big day for me because I've never weighed less than him since we have been married.  I'm seeing other changes as well such as crossing my legs like a lady and that necklaces that I've never been able to wear now fit around my neck.  I'm starting to feel good about myself finally and thats what I've been waiting for.  The support I have has been monumental in how well I have done w/ this whole process and know I'm only 77 pounds away from my goal of 135.  I did tell my doctor and myself that if I get to 150 and feel great then that is my goal weight, but we shall see when I get there how it really feels.  I'm finally at a weight that I can go zip lining w/ my son, but that is going to be the reward for myself when I get to "Onderland"  Only 13 more pounds to go until I get there... I'm sooo excited...

I can taste Onderland

Dec 02, 2010

Well I've lost 80 pounds in 4 months and am feeling terrific.  I am going through a lot of emotional issues because I still see the same fat girl in the mirror and I either have people say, have you lost weight or nothing at all.  I'm like 80 pounds is a lot and I'm going through this whole thing where what if I'm right you can't tell I've lost that much weight.  Don't get me wrong I have had a couple of people say that they didn't recognize me but I don't know if I believe that either.  OK just an off day and need to maybe go to support group again for Post Ops and see if I'm the only that feels this way.  I'm only 25 pounds away from Onderland and I can taste it soooo bad...

I'm on the Losers Bench Now :)

Aug 09, 2010

Here I am a week post op and am feeling pretty good for the most part.  I'm sore sure but I feel better than I thought I would.  I was in the hospital from Monday - Friday w/ a little nausea and to get my pain under control, but they finally found a pain pill that was like magic for me and I'm still taking them but am trying to spread them apart further and further.  I'm doing real well w/ getting my liquids in and am getting in one protein shake and I add some FF Milk to it to give myself 40g of protein for that shake, but thats about all I can get in, in a day.  I do take a few bites of soup as well to feel like I'm at least getting some sort of food.  I'm looking forward to the pureed food stage to at least feel like I'm eating real food again.  Hopefully next Monday I'll get to progress to that stage.  I haven't really allowed myself to much downtime.  I got home on Friday and have been running errands everyday since to get my kiddos ready for school.  I do think I might have overdone it a little yesterday because I got cold and clammy so I came right home took a shower and went to bed.  I tried not to be gone all day today because of that reason and made sure I rested more often and I feel better this evening.  I'm glad I didn't take off next week and only took 2 weeks off from work because I really feel like I'll be ready to get back in the grove of things soon.


Tomorrow is the day....

Aug 01, 2010

I'm so ready for this, but man this 3 days of liquids only really has my stomach freaking out.  Here it is the night before and my stomach is just grumbling and me running to the bathroom - I so hope this passes soon since I can't have water after midnight.  But all in all I can't wait, I'm so excited to get this journey started.

Start of 3 days of liquids only...

Jul 29, 2010

Well today is day one of the liquid diet.  I'm down 15 pounds according to my home scale of 16 according to the doctors scale from my inital visit w/ the doctor, hopefully by the end of these 3 days I'll be down another 5 minimum to start me out 20 pounds less for this surgery.  I haven't really been doing anything differently other than just eating like they said to do.  I'm not scared really just more anxious and a little weepy.  Kind of weird I know.  I think I just wish my mom was around to see all of this because she was concerned about my weight when she passed away 5 years ago and I want her to see that I'm finally doing something about it.  Well all I have to say is the next 3 days I need to keep my mind on the prize and to stay busy so I'm not sitting around thinking about food.  Monday will be here before I know it and my life will change and change for the better.
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10 Day Diet Class Tomorrow...

Jul 21, 2010

Man the time is really moving so swiftly now.  The calm I was feeling is now being replaced by a bundle of nerves.  I think the thing that is freaking me out the most is knowing I'm having my Gallbladder out at the same time and I keep reading how so many people end up having an open RNY when they remove it during the WLS Surgery.  After my last surgery I'm just skeptical because I don't want to be in the hospital for a full week and am worried about the recuperation time.  I think I need to quit reading some of the blogs until I talk to the surgeon next week so he can put me at ease.  Will I still go through with it even knowing all of this - YEPPERS... So many emotions and tomorrow is going to be a VERY long day w/ labs starting at 7:30 then the Diet Class then I meet w/ Psych.  Its getting real now...

The Calmness....

Jul 11, 2010

Well this is my last "FULL" week before I go for my 10 day diet class on Thursday, July 22 and over the last several days I've just had this calm feeling come over me, which if anyone knows me I'm usually the worrier.  It's really odd because I am so ready to start this.  I look at food that I'm eating still and think yeah I'll miss you but I'm ok not having you anymore.  It's really weird because in the beginning of all of this I was like eating everything I didn't think I ever would be able to again.  Almost like I was afraid to let go of my "FRIEND".  I'm not really scared at all I think if I am worried about anything its just not keeping anything down in the beginning and gas pains because when I get gas now it truly takes over my body and I feel it in my back and shoulders - its really odd and I don't like that feeling.  The other thing I'm worried about is losing my hair so I plan on getting Botin and shampoo w/ Nexium in it to hopefully keep what I have because I have had 2 C-Sections and my hair fell out in about month 4 w/ both of those and then I had surgery in March of this year for my hernia and my hair is starting to get brittle and fall out so I want to keep what I can when this hits.  Sometimes I wonder if its the combination of the anastesia and the protein... Hmm I need to look that up.  Ok I'm sure a bout of nervousness will eventually hit but for right now I'm enjoying the calm....

I've Been Approved !!!!

Jun 25, 2010

Yipee I'm so excited I got approved on Monday that Aetna will cover the surgery and I got my formal letter today.  I go to see the doctor on July 1 to set the surgery date and do the breath test.  I'm so excited, I hope all my labs, etc. come out ok so we can get this done and over with so I can concentrate on the new me...
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Been Awhile

May 18, 2010

Well its been awhile since I've had my Umbilical surgery and what was to be an outpatient surgery turned in w/ me going into the hospital overnight and then a week later back in the hospital for a week with an infection.  Now I have my 90 day consult w/ the NUT next Monday and then we submit the papers into Aetna and see what they say.  I haven't gone back to the gym since that surgery - I'm only now feeling more like myself but I have been eating a lot better and lost 5 pounds last week.  I'm hoping to lose at least 10 pounds before my 10 day diet and then another 5 during that time.  I do think he will remove my gall bladder with the surgery since they did a CT Scan when I was in there for the infection and he said I have a lot of stones and it will need to eventually come out.  I want to get it all done and really get on the losers bench and start to get healthy.  My oldest son will graduate in 2 years and my goal is to lose at least 100 pounds by then so he and I can go on an awesome vacation w/ me zip lining and rock climbing right along beside him.  Keep your fingers crossed that next week I get the news that I want...

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 04, 2009
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