Still Dropping!

Jun 01, 2008

Wow, two posts in less than a week???  What's wrong with me?  J/K!!

I am still dropping.  Trying to adjust my eating habits and eating like I should.  It's hard, as I have to remind myself 'it's time to eat' even though I am not hungry.  I am down about 13 pounds in just over three weeks.  Stress, stress, stress.  I have two people to thank for that - my soon-to-be-ex-husband (three more days!!!) and my ex-boyfriend.  I guess the only positive thing to have come out of all the stress is that I am went shopping yesterday with my ex-bf's niece.  We went to Kohl's.  I got a pair of jeans (which I am in desperate need of as all the ones I bought right before I went back to work are getting to be too big).  I got two t-shirts (which were only 5.00 each so I could not resist as I am in need of shirts for summer).  Then I tried on a pair of shorts - size 10!  Did not get them as I need to watch my cash flow, but might pick them up later next week.  THEN, I found this cute dress - a sexy little number that shows off my tat on my back.  Regular price was 48.00 and it was on sale for 26.99.  Tried on a size 12.  Sara said it did look a little big.  So I grabbed a size 10 - it fit awesome!!!!!!!  OMG, size 10!  Size 10!!  I have not seen that size since jr high?????  LOL Well, I guess I have Steve and John to thank for that!  Wore that little black dress to the bar last night and of course, I paid for only one drink!  :)  And I got hit on by a few guys, so life is good!

Anyways, I am watching my food intake.  Concentrating my protein intake and trying to keep my water where it should be.  Should start running again soon, but I have been so busy with the divorce final coming up and trying to get things ready for the 'celebrate my divorce being final' party that I just have not had the time.  That and I have been getting out and 'sowing my wild oats' as my divorce mentor and friend told me to do. 

Long time no update..

May 26, 2008

Wow, does time fly!  It's been a long time since I updated.  So much has happened in that time.  I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately.  Divorce is final on June 4 (9 days and counting), the STBX still has not moved out, but hopefully will be out within the next few days, boyfriend and I broke up.  So many issues and not enough of me to deal with it all at once.  In two weeks time I lost over 10 pounds...and not the right way.  I started dumping on foods that I have normally be able to eat.  And my health is not doing that great right now.  I need to get rid of the stress and concentrate on me in order to make things good for myself and my son.  The final for the divorce will be a big area in which the stress will be lifted.  Then I guess I will have to figure things out with the ex-boyfriend.  We were to start over as friends, but right now I am not sure that is going to happen.  Too many issues on the plate with that subject right now.  We just need time apart to figure out our own lives and then see if we can be friends first.  On the flip side, I have met quite a few new people around home.  Been going out and just cutting loose....something I really needed to do.  Having a blast at it and finding my wild side....sowing my wild oats as a friend told me I need to do.

On a sad note...I need to get rid of my dogs.  I hate to do it, but with shows starting up I won't be home enough to give them the attention and love they deserve and have come to know.  A family is coming up next Saturday to look at them and want both of them.  I really didnt want to separate them, as they are pretty attached to each other, so I guess this is a blessing in disguise.  Maybe someday I will be able to replace them with another furry creature, but right now I just cannot.

4-1/2 Week Plastics Update & More....

Mar 03, 2008

Wow, where do I begin??  Three days after my last post I was heading out on a first date...been talking with this guy for about a month online and we finally decided to go out, now that my surgery was over and I was feeling a better.  And of course, able to move!  We scheduled the day, then I realized it was Valentines Day.  He did not have a problem with that.  Then I started feeling not well, so I cancelled the date.  He was very considerate about that and said that he did not want me to go out while feel blah and still recovering (in so many words).  Well, Wednesday rolls along and I had been feeling great for the previous few days so figured, why the hell not.  I deserve to go out.  So I asked him, even though it was short notice, if he still wanted to go out the next night.  He said yes!  On the way to the date, a guy blew through a stop sign and hit my Trailblazer and pushed me into oncoming traffic where I hit a Tahoe.  Fifteen minutes short of being exactly two weeks out of surgery and I am in a major car accident.  Luckily, my guardian angel (Gpa god bless his soul) was watching over me.  I was not injured.  But when I got home, my drain lines were bright red.  Immediately I was on the phone to Dr. DiNick.  He was concerned about the color but more concerned that they might start filling up and to call immediately if they did, as that meant internal bleeding.  I felt terrible having to call my date and cancel, yet again.  After settling in for the night we chatted online and I showed him the pictures that I had taken with my cell phone.  He was glad to hear that I was okay and did not have any injuries, given the extent of my damage to my Trailblazer...which the insurance company totalled.  I asked him to come up the next night for dinner, as I felt really bad having to cancel.  He tossed and turned over whether or not to come up, actually telling me he wanted to, but decided not to (he later told me his buddies at work had been telling him dont do it, dont do it!).  Well, needless to say...guilt trip works!  I had just boughten steaks to put on the grill and had an awesome meal planned.  When I layed it on, he changed his mind and I hurried home to get the meal started so it would be done by the time he got there, or just shortly afterwards.   The evening went well.  My son was a hoot and was quite the entertainment.  My son kept getting up out of bed and extending his bed time.  The only thing that kept going through my mind was that this guy was going to say see ya.....But nope, that did not happen.  As a matter of fact, we went out that Sunday night and have been dating strongly since.  The status has been changed from 'dating exclusively' to 'bf/gf'.  Wow, that seems so weird to say after being married for over 12 years.  

Dr. DiNick kept in my last drain the Saturday after my accident, just as a precaution.  I agreed that it was better to be safe than sorry.  The following Saturday he took out the last drain - thank god that thing was gone!  It was becoming a pain.  Well, not pain as in hurting, but pain as it having to have it and stuff it into my jeans or pants!  I am not due to go back to see Dr. DiNick until March sons 4th birthday!!  OMG...He's almost four!!!  At my visit last weekend he said that I am right on track and things looks well.  I am still swollen and have pain when I move at times.  Things still feel really tight and every once in a while I get a dart of pain, but otherwise things are doing well.  I will call Carey tomorrow about getting my letter to return to work.  I have enjoyed being off and spending time with the new boyfriend, but am ready to have a full paycheck again!  I am going to ask for return on Monday, which will be 5-1/2 weeks off for recovery.  I know the first three days will be half days which will put me at full time on exactly 6 weeks.....Keeping my fingers crossed I can do that!

Oh yeah, I have had to go shopping again.  I am in a size 12 or 14 jeans and a large top.  OMG....Never figured I would see those sizes again!  I am also hovering around 155, which puts me super close to my personal goal....  Dr. DiNick said I cannot run until April/May, so the personal goal should be within reach once I start running again....I cannot wait!

Weight Loss!!

Feb 11, 2008

The morning of surgery I was 176.5.  

When I got home from surgery I was 186.0.  

This morning I am happy to report I am 166.5!!!  I know Dr. DiNick took 11 pounds off me.  I know that having surgery will 'jumpstart' a small weight loss.....OMG.  And I am still swollen!!!  Wondering how much a 'jumpstart' this will give me.  Only 20 pounds more to my personal goal.  Even 10 pounds to it would be a kick in the butt.  :)  

Maybe after I start up with the running again when it gets warmer that those pounds needed to get to my personal goal will go, go, go.......

Plastics PostOp First Visit - 1 Week

Feb 10, 2008

I am happy to state that two of my drains came out yesterday when I went to see Dr. DiNick.  He said things are looking good.  That I can start an antibiotic ointment on my incisions and wear a white t-shirt under my garmet instead of using the bandages.  He did give me a scolding though - few days ago I took a shower.  And do I LOVE my hot hot HOT showers.  Well, I had not eatten but half an orange all morning.  I had just taken my Vicodin.  And the shower was hot.  Suddenly I became dizzy and had to call in stbx (soon to be ex) to bring me the stool to sit on.  Sat there for about five minutes with a towel wrapped around me until it passed.  Didnt feel that great the rest of the day, but after eating lunch started feeling better.  I then realized that in the mornings I am not eating like I should be.  I am actually 'skipping' the morning and not eating at all.  So now that I am able to get around a bit better, I need to work on my morning meals.  

I finally slept in my own bed!  OMG that was such a gift from heaven!  I cannot bear to sleep on my side for too long and lately have noticed that I awaken and find that I am on my back.  I then have to reposition to my side to continue sleeping.  All in all, I must say that I have been lucky in my sleep patterns.  I usually sleep about 5 hours, initially, and then however long after that.  I have been taking a Vicodin before going to bed and then again at the five hour time frame.  :)

Hernia Repair and PLASTICS!!!

Feb 06, 2008

Starting out in this journey I felt that I would never want plastics.  But low and behold, my incision from RNY developed a hernia and it had to be repaired.  Last September I went to a seminar in Mt Pleasant that Dr. DiNick was showing and talking about plastic surgery.  It was there that I noticed in some of his photos that I may have a hernia.  At my consultation visit he confirmed it. to BCBS went my paperwork and in mid December I was approved for the hernia repair and tummy tuck.  Originally scheduled for Feb 14 (yeah, I know....Valentine's Day but going through divorce I figured I would not be doing anything that day anyways).  Then I got the call that there was a cancellation for Jan 31.  Knowing that I would not have insurance through my husbands work come mid year, I took the earlier date.  

Life was a whirlwind right up until the final days prior to surgery.  I didnt have time to be nervous or even think of the upcoming surgery that I was about to have.  Jan 31 arrived and we headed to Ypsilanti.  Dr. DiNick started on me about 1145 am and finished at 545 pm.  SIX HOURS!!!  In that time he repaired my hernia, took off 11 pounds of excess skin and fat cells, made me a flat tummy and a belly button (my bff Heidi was geeked about my belly button and had to take close up photos!) and removed my hips which run in my family and are so hateful...  So hateful that my cousin asks when she can have hers taken off!  :)  

Here it is, almost a week later.  The time in the hospital was okay.  The first time I tried to walk I just stood up and felt sick to my stomach and immediately like I was on fire.  Nurse instructed me to get back into the bed and gave me ice.  While later I walked out of the room and again, felt the same.  Back to bed once again.  Next morning I was able to walk down the hall and back.  But when I got back to my room and at the bed I started feeling the same effects.  Back to the ice I went.  After that walking was fine.  Heidi picked me up from the hospital about 8 pm and we started the three hour drive home.  I forgot to ask for another Vicodin before we left and about half way home I was in PAIN.  I had no Tylenol in my purse and Heidi didnt have anything either.  When we finally got home the first thing I headed for was the Lortab that I had in the medicine bin.  OMG....when that kicked in, talk about relief!  Heidi stayed over that night and got up with me during the night to give me more drugs and help readjust in the Lazyboy.  The next day my prescriptions got filled and all was good in the pain world once again.  My mom stayed over the next night and helped out with the 'up once in the night' ritual.  I finally got to remove the pain pump and take a shower on Sunday. about feeling refreshed.  Moving around was becoming easier.  I was learning how to position myself to get in and out of the chair.  Sunday Stacey came over and relieved my mom.  She helped me get back into my garmet and change my bandages.  And the nut even brought over a comedy-laughing is not easy after a tummy tuck!!  The past few days have been better.  I am getting around much easier and the pain has been reduced.  I am not taking the Vicodin every four hours anymore, so that is good.  My drains are not putting out as much and I am hoping that come Saturday that two will come OUT.  They are such a pain.  I cant wait for the swelling to go down and see the results.

Long awaited update

Nov 29, 2007

Well, I did not reach 175 before going to Florida as I had planned.  So many things have happened in the past few months.  I dont even know where to begin.  My husband and I separated after 12 years and 12 days of marriage.  Worked out a few things and decided to give it another go.  As of Monday, we have decided the best route for us is divorce.  It's a decision that is heartbreaking, but also a relief.  

I am currently down to 179 for a total loss of 132 pounds.  I am awaiting BCBS of Texas to give the approval for the tummy tuck and hernia repair.  About 3-1/2 weeks ago a letter was sent by them to myself and Dr. DiNick's office requesting 'original' photos in order for them to complete their approval or denial.  Still waiting on that.  Other than that, I havent much else to say.  Oh, went to Florida for the wedding - it was nice!  I will post some pics from that trip later.

Monthly Loss

Sep 01, 2007

Five pounds again this month!  This morning I am 184.5.  I want to be at 175 by the time we fly to Florida on Novmeber this rate it looks like I will make it.

I have been doing my powerwalking, but mixing it up a bit and running too.  I keep then walk, then run, then walk.  Last week was great!  Then last Sunday my left leg started bothering me.  Monday I went running/walking and it started hurting worse.  Tuesday I just walked.  Wednesday decided I was going to push it and did the run/walk.  I think I really did it.  My left left is killing me.  So I did some research.  Looks like I have a posterior shin splint.  And if I dont take care of it and keep working on the pain then I could end up with a stress fracture!  OMG!  Soo...I am going to start icing as the past few days have been crazy and time seems to slip away.  Today I am getting running shoes, as I wonder if my cross trainers had something to do with the shin splint.  I spoke with a few people and they told me to stretch more.  So I am going to try that once this pain goes away.  I hope it settles down soon, because I found that I LOVE TO RUN!  I cant wait to get back out there.  My neighbor is trying to deter me from running though.  Geeze, I'm doing something good for my body (well, other than WLS) and you are telling me not to?  Whatever!!  I love it, so I'm gonna do it!

On another note, last weekend I got a tattoo!!  I love it.  It's a butterfly on my back.  LOL I want another one now, but think I will have to wait until after plastics....I want a lower back one next!!    Until next post....... 

Wow - Big time loss

Jul 29, 2007

As of this morning I am at 189.5!  I have lost 10 pounds in just under two months.  Hey, I'll take 5 pounds a month.  Not a drastic loss (hopefully will help with some of this skin) but not nothing!  

We are flying to Florida on November 2 for my brother's wedding.  He is getting married on the third....on the beach.  I have in my head a dress or skirt that I would like to wear...just need to find it!  Also, it would be interesting to see what size I am in when that time comes.  Guess I better wait a while if I am dropping again.  Don't want to buy something and have it be too big.  Since this is going to be short trip, I am trying to talk hubby into getting a convertible rental car!  Woohoo!  That would be fun!


Jun 09, 2007

This morning it finally happened!  I am officially at 199.5 pounds!!  I am in ONEderland!!  

The last few months the pounds have been coming off slowly.  The past month, I don't think I dropped but a pound or two.  But I was losing inches, as I dropped in pant sizes.  Then I had my surgery this past Tuesday.  Wendy Daly did say that every time she had a surgery it jump started her metabolism.  I must say it did the same for mine.  The IV weight gain has gone and the additional pounds are going too.  Just hope that when I go to see Dr. Pesta in another 9 days that I will be farther into onederland than I am now.  But hey, I am there!!  Almost a year out and I am in onederland!!

About Me
Farwell, MI
Surgery Date
Jan 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 46

Latest Blog 18
Still Dropping!
Long time no update..
4-1/2 Week Plastics Update & More....
Weight Loss!!
Plastics PostOp First Visit - 1 Week
Hernia Repair and PLASTICS!!!
Long awaited update
Monthly Loss
Wow - Big time loss
