Michelle H.
I am 36 years old and feel like I am 60! I have been up and down the scale for as long as I can remember! My lowest was 180 and my highest was 350 - talk about a gap!
I am tired of being fat, chubby, chunky, overweight, thick, however you say it I am tired of it! I have tried Weight Watchers (my Mom is a lifetime member having met her goal with in a year and maintaining it for almost five years now!), Nutra Systems, Atkins...whatever is out there I have tried and failed. I would lose 20 pounds then gain that back and then some - the only thing that didn't fail for me was gaining back MORE than I lost!
In 2003 I was following the WW plan and doing a great job too - I was at an almost 40 pound loss - when I decided to quit smoking and I made the mistake of not being careful what I put in my mouth to prevent from lighting up. The pounds crept on and on and on...105 to be exact! Yes I am smoke free and have been since July 2004 but now I feel MISERABLE about my weight! I am depressed - skip classes b/c I can't fit in the desks - basically I stay inside and hide from everyone b/c I am so embarassed about my size. I no longer visit any friends I have left nor family other than my Parents. I hate the way I look and I hate the way all this weight makes me feel. I am so antisocial and crabby. . I do not like what I have become!
I put on a happy face for my son and love him every minute of the day - he is worth going through this surgery!
Take a look at my pictures and see my many sizes. I wear masks so people *think* I am happy but in all honesty I am not. I actually have 2 tatoos that are masks...they reflect how I hide not to show others how hurt I really am.
I only consider this surgery as a last resort and I hope I am a candidate - this is going to save my life.