"Dr. V"

Sep 23, 2008

I have met with Dr. Villanueva, and I must say I really like him. He has excellent credentials and has performed over 200 bariatric lap surgeries during his fellowship in N. Carolina. He seems to be very different in his methods than the other 2 Wichita surgeons, but I have trust and faith in him.

Dr. V sent me for a EGD to make sure I didn't have any ulcers, and the outcome was not good . My blood pressure was too high and they would not do the procedure. I am now on yet ANOTHER new BP medicine, but so far, I am not having any problems.

I started my 4 week liquid diet today, and so far so good. There are several different things I can have like shakes and soups, and we can "cook" with the mixes. I am not sure I will make it 4 weeks though. That seems like a ling time to be on liquids.

Appealed and Denied!

Sep 16, 2008

Well, I figured this would happen. Insurace said NO WAY. They said the surgeons could perform the surgery at my in network hospital. It was not their fault the surgeon chose NOT to perform the surgery there.


So on to plan 2...

I have met with the new doc who is sponored by my in network hospital, and everything is moving again. Now I have to complete ANOTHER 4 week pre-op program and pay ANOTHER $750. Required by the surgeon

But I guess if I am out $1500, that isn't bad considering my insurance will pay 100% on the surgery.

I am !!!

Ohhhh the politics!!!!

Aug 09, 2008

I really hate insurance companies at this moment!  I think I am getting screwed and not even enjoying it. The WLS center I had been attending submitted my insurance, but I was denied because they are out of network, and I have no out of network benefits. When I started my journey, there were no other WLS programs in the area. So, “unofficially” I should have been able to get covered because there were no in network facilities within 50 miles.

Here are the snags though….

Snag 1: The 2 surgeons in the area doing WLS have privileges at my in network hospital. However, they will not do the surgery at that hospital. They will only use 1 hospital. Insurance says too bad, they have to use in network hospital.

Snag 2: My in network hospital just started a WLS program 2 weeks ago. However, their new surgeon will not be licensed to perform surgery in Ks for another month. Oh yeah, and if I wait, and go through them, I have to pay another $750 in program fees. I have no idea whether to try an appeal or just suck it up and wait for the new surgeon, and pay another $750.

Waitng on insurance...

Jul 05, 2008

I have now completed everything required to meet the 3 month multi-disciplinary program with my insurance company. They received my information on 7-1-08, and I am now just waiting on approval. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for no snags!

I also figured out I have to quit smoking ASAP.My nut casually mentioned that the smokers should quit, but I have read on the board where the surgeons did blood tests for nicotine, and canceled the surgery if you are found positive. I had planned to do it anyway after my surgery (I gained 40 pounds last time I quit), but I guess I have to do it now. There goes everything I have lost in the last 3 months!!

Still passing time, but getting closer!

May 31, 2008

I am still attending all my classes to meet my 3 month multidisciplineary regime and have 3 classes to go. June 19th will be my last class, then my info can be sent to insurance. I am still nervous I will hit a snag since my BMI is under 40. However, when I went to my last Dr. appt, my BP was 166/99, so there is still an issue. I have lost about 15 # following a high protein, 1200 calories a day diet. 

I spoke to a woman at work who had the RNY about a year ago, and she used the same surgeon I will be using. She LOVED him. This makes me feel much better, knowing now 2 people who would recommend him. She is now wearing a size 3 or 5 and said WLS is the best decision she had ever made. I hope I am there soon!!

Passing Time

May 03, 2008

I have now begun my nutrition classes and feel like I am "putting in my time". I have 5 more weeks of classes befor SFL will submit my insurance papers. I am still paranoid that insurance will deny me because my BMI isn't over 40. However, I will fight tooth and nail because of my high blood pressure, and how sick the medicine makes me. (I have yet again stopped taking my newest meds because of this.) I have lost about 6 pounds in the last 2 months by following some of the techniques I have learned, but again, I am not trying very hard because I am afraid they will deny me. 

Everyone at work is doing a new program in the area where they get B6 shots and are perscribed Phentermine. My boss has lost over 50 # so far. I am so jealous and impatient! However, I could not do that plan because of my blood pressure anyway. I am just ready to start being a loser!!

I'm on my way!!!

Feb 18, 2008

After 2 weeks of waiting to for the WLS center to contact me, I decided I would call them. I have an appointment for my first consult on March 4th!! WOOHOOO!! I have to say I am very slightly nervous because my BMI is under 40, however I have had high blood pressure since I was 12, and have HORRIBLE tryglicerides. I think I may try to gain a few pounds before my appt just to make sure I qualify. IS THAT CRAZY???? 

About Me
Mulvane, KS
Surgery Date
Feb 14, 2008
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 17
3 days and a wake up!!
Life Sucks in the WLS world!!!
