Down 31 pounds and I feel great

Feb 16, 2010

Well I'm back in my size 16 jeans coming from a tight 20 I love it.  I have not in been in a 16 in years.  I had my surg. 1/5/10, in the first 3 weeks I lost 20 pounds.  Then after that I didn't loose anything for 3 weeks I was very upset about that I hate those stalls.

Now the weight is back to coming off I hope it keeps coming down so I can get ready for the summertime

Tomorrow I go back to work after been off for 6 weeks, I so don't want to go back but its time too


I'm Backkkkkkk

Jan 16, 2010

Well I been back home just have not had time to update my blog.  I had my Surg on 1/05/10. 

Everything went well I was in the hospital for 2 days, and could not wait to come home they just do not let u sleep in there.

Well on my second day in the hospital I was up and walking around
and sipping on water, and apple juice.  I was able to wash up and walk around on my own when I was on my pain
medication  I did feel weak when I got home from the hospital and all I wanted to do was sleep I was gassy too.

I didn't need no more pain medication like after the third day of being home from the hospital so that was good. 

Right now I'm still on stage II diet and its killing me I be hungry all the time.  I go see my Surg. Wed for my 3 week check up.

I started walking 45 min. in the park in the mornings and so far lost
15 pounds.  This is just the beginning and I still have far to go, but its OK I will get there one day at a time

I have my Date

Dec 30, 2009

Jan 5. is the day I have Surg.  I got approved in Nov. and could have had the Surg in Dec. but my boss was like please please can u have it in Jan. because alot of our employees took off for the holidays.  I was like ok I waited this long I can wait one more month.  I only agreed to do that because she's really nice:)

I am a little scared but now I like ok lets do this  I know its going to be better in the long run If I have this done.  It will be a whole new me for 2010......


Had the endoscopy done last Monday.

Nov 10, 2009

I can't believe it was over in 5 Min.  Soon as they put me to sleep 5-10 mins later they were waking me up saying ok we are done, we are going to roll you in the recovery room now.

I was like what  are yal finished they were like yep.

I did not feel anything (Not that I wanted too anyway).  But I'm glad it's over, the next step is to get all of my paperwork submitted to my Ins company.

I'll keep u guys posted on what's going on hopefully everything going to go well.


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Apr 15, 2009
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