Century Club Member!!!

Mar 23, 2010

Over the past couple of weeks my weight loss total hit 100 pounds!  YES!!!!  It was right around the 7 month mark, too.  The loss is coming along slower as I have less to lose.  I stepped on the scale yesterday morning - 168.7!!!  I couldn't believe my eyes.  I haven't weighed this little since my daughter was about 1 or 2 years old.  I am so exhilirated and so inspired, confident... I can't even put into words how it felt to see that number on the scale and think --- "Holy shit (pardon the language, but we're all adults) I'm almost at goal."  I was so stunned that I had to get out a calculator to figure out how much I had to lose before I hit my goal. LOL!  It just keeps coming right along, this morning it was 168.1.

Best decision I've ever made.  And for those of you reading this that are thinking about Mexico for your surgery, or have turned the idea off completely, let me assure you, going to Mexico and having my surgery done by Dr Joya was the BEST thing I have ever done for myself healthwise.  I was fortunate enough to find him, and he changed my life.

I've almost got my old life back, and I have him to thank for it!


Feb 23, 2010

Since my last post I've only lost an additional 17 pounds, and I feel like I've been slacking and maybe eating things I'm not supposed to.  BUT I've lost over 90 pounds total!  Yay me!!!  It's been kind of difficult, I'm back in school full time but I'm still managing to eat right, so I'm only assuming that the weight is coming off slower because there is less fat to lose.  I'm down to 180 and everyone says that I look great, but I've still got 25 to 30 pounds to go before I reach goal.  I was thinking about that the other night and stunned myself when I realized that I'm almost there.  ONLY 30 POUNDS LEFT??!!?!?!  I can't wait!

What a journey...

Dec 28, 2009

It's been a wild ride, that's for sure.  Since I had my RNY done barely over 4 months ago, I am down over 75 pounds.  I feel better, which is the most important thing to me.  I look better, I've gone from a size 22 or 24 pants down to a 14 that is a 'comfortable snug' fit...  And I've still got several sizes to go, apparently.  I'm now down to 194 pounds, I'm just happy to be below 200 again!!!  Wooo-hoooo!  I've still got maybe 30, 40 pounds that I would like to shed to be a healthy, thin size again.

I'm so glad that I finally had the opportunity to have this surgery done.  Dr Joya has definately changed my life for the better and I couldn't be more grateful.  The beginning was so difficult, having to relearn to eat everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.  But it has been so worth it, I can finally be the mother to my daughter that I have always wanted to be!

What a wonderful Christmas present, and a great way to start the New Year.  Happy Holidays to all of you!!!!


Sep 08, 2009

It's hard not to get discouraged with these plateaus, especially when you lose steadily and then - BAM - nothing.  I have decided that if it continues through this week, I'll start the 5 day pouch test.  Everyone seems to have good results with it.  I don't necessarily want to do the plateau-buster diet, I'd rather try the 5DPT first and see if that can kick off my weight loss again.

1 comment

Darn plateaus!

Sep 05, 2009

Surgery was August 17th and I've lost 30 pounds.  It was steadily coming off until last Monday.  Then nothing.  My plummeting scale came to a screeching halt.  I was a bit discouraged, thought maybe I introduced soft foods too soon, maybe I was eating too much of a bad thing... I came to the message boards and found that other people had the same issue I did.  My only question was - I'm not eating much at all, I'm fairly active - there's definately a defecit when it comes to calories being taken in versus what is being expended, so where's it all going?  Or coming from?  I realized I'm probably NOT drinking enough water, so that will change immediately.  I am getting enough protein, so that's not a worry of mine.  Hopefully that will make a difference, if not, then I'll start on the 'plateau buster' diet for 10 days and see how that goes.

This is one of the things I was afraid of, deep inside, was having this surgery and it not working.  Then of course, how can it not work when your new pouch is so much smaller, and there's always the threat of dumping syndrome looming in the background?!

Wish me luck. 


Aug 16, 2009

Tomorrow is my big day and it seems so surreal.  I always thought that I could manage my weight myself, but here I sit, about to change my life forever.  I'm a big cook, I love good friends and good times with good food.  All that is going to have to change now, which makes me sad, and doubt myself on my decision.  It's a major surgery - any surgery is, actually- but to me, it's more of an elective surgery which makes me wonder what the hell I'm doing.  Then I start to rationalize, it's not actually elective - it's 'do the surgery or just get fatter, and more unhealthy'.  Life or death, when I come back to reality I realize I'm choosing life.

I'm not at all as nervous as I thought I'd be, (although, I am still INCREDIBLY nervous) until I have some downtime and remember what I'm really here in Puerto Vallarta tomorrow.  The I just want to vomit I get so freaked out.  

On the other hand :) the hotel is absolutely fabulous, by the way.  I'll post pics when I have some time.

It's off to the hospital tomorrow morning at 8am to meet the surgeon's assistant and get checked in, so I'm guessing that I'll be out of surgery by early afternoon.  Wish me luck!!

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Jan 15, 2009
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