sistaqueen wrote a blog post 14 years, 2 months ago
It's been this long? - Well, here I go posting after almost two years! I just need to get this out, I am so very disappointed in myself right now, needless to say, I have gained back ALL of the weight I ...
About Me
Brookhaven, PA
Surgery Date
Jul 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 58

Latest Blog 55
Things are really, really bad!!!!! 11-17-08
Getting back on track!!!! 9-22-08
Its been a whole year!!!! 8-15-08
I can't believe it's been this long since I posted :-( (4-11-0
Its been six months already!!!!!!! 2-22-08
I haven't been around...a lot going on! 2/7/08
Today is my 41st birthday!!!!!! 1-28-08
Had my 3rd fill .........1/19/08
Wow...I can't believe that I let this much time go by :( 12-28
