Janice R.
Sunday, 2/28/10
Feb 28, 2010
Boy, I can't believe that February is almost over! The time is flying by quickly! I recently returned from Seattle, Washington going down to Federal Way for my 3rd fill and also taking Kiera, my granddaughter to see a pediatrician and psychologist at the Seattle Childrens Austism Clinic. I didn't go to the first appointment, I had my fill to go to, so Robert, Kamala and Kiera went. It sounds like the doctor really didn't have much to say about Kiera, all the tests had already been done on her, and she is severely autistic. I guess I was hoping for some better news than that, but he did refer her to a psychologist that specializes in eating disorders. Kiera is a high carb eater, likes crunchy things like chips and crackers. She is going to have a definite weight problem if we don't get that under control. It's in the genes unfortunately, my side of the family all has weight problems. We met with the psychologist and she was very nice and easy to talk to. Both doctor and psychologist told us that we were so lucky to have all the resources available here for Kiera for such a small town. You couldn't get that down in Washington state. So the psychologist is going to work with Kiera's case manager at school and us to help turn around her bad eating habits somewhat. I can't wait, because I don't want her to have the problems her grandma/me have had. We left Sitka on Sunday 2/21 and came back on Wednesday 2/24. I had a fill appointment at 8:30 am and I met and talked with a few patients in the lobby. One lady had had a baby and was going in for her yearly egd. She told me that she was unfilled while she was pregnant and now she was going to start getting fills again to lose some weight. She looked really good to me after having a baby, but it was interesting to talk to her. I like talking with other people to see how they are doing and handling life with a band. Since Kamala had the rental car, I had to find a way back to the hotel. I tried getting a cab, but they don't have one locally. So a nice young lady overheard my dilemma and she offered me a ride. I really appreciate the help there, and even tho I can't remember her name, I want to thank her again for helping me out. She had a gastric bypass, and was checking in with the doctor. It was interesting talking with her as well about her weight loss. She is almost at her goal weight, and looking,feeling good! I also talked with another lady who was in the lobby, and she had the gastric sleeve done sometime in January, I think. She said she had lost about 50 lbs already and she like the procedure. She was just starting to eat again after going through the post op process.My fill went well, the nurse practitioner did it again, and I received over 1cc, but I couldn't drink the water down very well so she took out some until I was at 1cc and the water went down like it was supposed to. She told me that I have a total of 5cc's in my band which I thought I had already, but I guess I didn't understand Dr. Srikanth when he did the initial fill. Anyway, I do feel different, I definitely need to chew better, and wait in between bites. So I guess I have some restriction. I don't go back south until 4/26, I pushed it out intentionally because my miles are going down, and it's starting to affect the pocket book some. Oh well, I knew going in that it wasn't going to be cheap.
Kamala and I did have an opportunity to do a little shopping, and we went to Lane Bryant and got a few shirts and a t shirt she said I should get. She liked what I bought, which is a first! So that was fun..like I need to be buying clothes, right?
My husband Randy is leaving his job in a few weeks, I'm a little nervous about that, but he keeps reassuring me that we will be fine. We just need to tighten up the purse strings a little bit. But, I am happy that he won't be so stressed out any more from his job. Life is just to short to be miserable in your job! I am so fortunate to be married to a very supportive husband, who has been with me through it all! I love him so much! Well, as of today, I am down 108 lbs total, so I'm averaging a couple pounds a weeks so far. I am happy with that, and it is a day to day battle, some days worse then others. The head hunger is the worse, but I just do other things to get my mind off it. Well, I better get busy and get something accomplished today!
About Me
Sitka, AK
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2009
Member Since