Discouraged with the weight loss

Sep 16, 2009

The scale is barley moving.  I had surgery 8/18/09.  I weighted in at 280lb on the day of surgery and weighted 270lb at my 2 week f/u.  As of Monday 9/14 I am only 269lb.  It has been the same weight for for 3 weeks.  It is driving me crazy.  I have looked at how much I eat and I eat between 600 and 900 calories a day.
Not sure what is going on with my body. I am bound and determined that my body likes to be fat and is determined to stay fat as long as possible.  I am getting discouraged about this.  I figured I would of lost at least 20lbs by my 1 month on 9/18.  No such luck.  People at work keep stopping me at work and telling me I look great.  My co workers and daughters are telling me that you can tell that I am losing weight around my mid section and my butt is getting smaller.  I think that my body is just shifting around my fat. It is driving me nuts.  I decided that I would only weight myself every Monday so I stop obsessing over this.  I am disappointmed everyday.  I am really trying to make sure that I eat right and excercise but when the scale isn't moving you don't feel like it is really worth the effort.  I know over time that medically there is no way I can't lose weight with the limited amount of food intake.  I do know that my fluide intake could be better.
Any way no other complaints at this point.  My clothes are comfortable and I have a few more shirts I can get back into.  That is a great feeling for sure!!!!!

On my way................finally!!!!!!!!!!

Jul 21, 2009

Well I have finally been accepted to get surgery done on 8/18/09.  I had my pre op on 7/13 and met my weight loss requirement(sigh of relieve I was stressin about it due to my procrastination).  I just need to at least maintain per the nurse practitioner but my surgeon would like me to not have any last meals and lose 10 more pounds.   Needless to say I had a pig out week.  My last meals of many.  I am back on my 1200 cal diet as of today.  I think I have gained 5 lbs back from my last week of binge eating.  I am so happy to have gotten to this point it is a huge  stress reliver for the most part anyway.  I am more excited than nervouse for the surgery.  I have heard so many scary stories and then the opposite from others so at this point I just have to take it as it comes.  All my mother keeps saying is I sure hope you don't gain all your weight back that is a lot to go through to let that happen.  Supportive family wouldn't you say.
My husband is getting nervous for me.  He has told me that I better not get too skinny since he likes me thick.  It is really hard to figure out how you will look in the end.  Some people look amazing like they never had a fat day in their lives and then others look like they have lost weight.  I am scared to see how much falls of.  I am hoping at least a 100lbs.  I would love to weight 180lbs.  I would be a very happy woman at that weight.
Anyway that is my update.  Got to pay attention to the foods I eat until 8/18.  Ohhh yea, One thing I was suprised is there in no prep for the surgery.  I thought there would be a per surgery diet.....like liquids for a week.........but my surgeon said no eating and drinking after midnight.  That is it.  That sounds wierd to me but I will not argue that if for sure.
Hope all is well with everyone else.
1 comment

To the start a healther new begining!

May 14, 2009

So about me.  I am 36, married and have 4 kids 3daughers 16,14,10 and 1 son 3.  They are my life.  I have always had an issue with weight from the begining of my early childhood.  I am at my limit with weight gain and fighting the buldge.  2 yrs ago I had reached my heighest weight of 320 lbs after I had my son.  I was misarable.  Could not believe that I had let myself get over 300lbs.  I decided to get busy and joined curves and wieght watchers.  Yea, for a awhile anyway.  I did lose 40 lbs but I have gained back 20 back and have just given up.  I am suppose to lose 15 lbs before surgery and have been following up with my MD and dietitian montly for the 6 months.  I only lost 6 lbs 1 month and then regained it last month.  I have since gained another 4 lbs and I have to meet with them again in 12 days.  Not looking forward to that at all.  I know that the last weeks of waiting for my insurance company has been driving me crazy.  It is putting me back into eating anything mode.  I HATE it.  Sometimes I just feel so out of control.  And yes, I have read the book"How to control you eating".  It was part of my Psych eval.  If I don't get an answer soon I am going to just keep doing myself in.  I do very well during the day but at night I just can't stop thinking about food.  It is really and truly driving me crazy.
I have decided what surgery to have.  I had thrown out the band because I feel I need something that is drastic.  Something that limits me and my food intake but have no idea which surgery is best that.  I have to meet with my psycologist tomorrow and I am not looking forward to that.  I am sooooo Dr appointment out that I can't stand much more.  I keep hopin that I will here a real answer from my inusracne company.  Anyway that is where I am in this process.  The waiting game.  I sure hope it ends soon!

About Me
Aloha, OR
Surgery Date
Oct 09, 2008
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