Discouraged with the weight loss

Sep 16, 2009

The scale is barley moving.  I had surgery 8/18/09.  I weighted in at 280lb on the day of surgery and weighted 270lb at my 2 week f/u.  As of Monday 9/14 I am only 269lb.  It has been the same weight for for 3 weeks.  It is driving me crazy.  I have looked at how much I eat and I eat between 600 and 900 calories a day.
Not sure what is going on with my body. I am bound and determined that my body likes to be fat and is determined to stay fat as long as possible.  I am getting discouraged about this.  I figured I would of lost at least 20lbs by my 1 month on 9/18.  No such luck.  People at work keep stopping me at work and telling me I look great.  My co workers and daughters are telling me that you can tell that I am losing weight around my mid section and my butt is getting smaller.  I think that my body is just shifting around my fat. It is driving me nuts.  I decided that I would only weight myself every Monday so I stop obsessing over this.  I am disappointmed everyday.  I am really trying to make sure that I eat right and excercise but when the scale isn't moving you don't feel like it is really worth the effort.  I know over time that medically there is no way I can't lose weight with the limited amount of food intake.  I do know that my fluide intake could be better.
Any way no other complaints at this point.  My clothes are comfortable and I have a few more shirts I can get back into.  That is a great feeling for sure!!!!!


About Me
Aloha, OR
Surgery Date
Oct 09, 2008
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