keallin 19 years ago

Thank you so much for your update. You give me hope and I will take you advise. I plan on doing exactly whatever the doctor tells. I want the very best of results.

keallin 19 years ago

Congratualtions! Best wishes for the future. You sound great.

smokinmary 19 years ago

Just wanted to say I have hitthe one year mark. I have lost 92 since surgery and 116 total,since I began this journey,my surgeon and his assistants are very pleased with my progress.And very supportive with all of my needs and questions, they took a picture of me,and I was blown away at the difference in me and how I look now.Oh,My Goodness.It has been a whirled wind of living life and being happy with the whole WLS..Thanks to all who have been supportive with me and all the advice and emails have been very helpful.

smokinmary 19 years, 6 months ago

Hello everyone, I am so loving my new look and size, I am not yet at my goal, but everyday is a new day, and I am currently at a size that I have not been in almost 10 years. Pants that I had tucked away from 1994,are fitting me now. I love it...I bought a jacket over the weekend and it is a size LARGE.....What a JOY this new change has been..Okay thanks for those of you that are reading about me too.

1800Bev 19 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to OH. I just wanted to wish you well as you progress on this amazing Journey. Stop by the CA message board to get local support.

smokinmary 19 years, 8 months ago

hello to all it has been offically today 4 months sine my surgery, I am currently at 225.I feel great and am very pleased with the change in my life.Food seems to still be hard to judge whether that particular food is okay with my new pouch or not.So I am still learning to adapt but I just got a new hairdo, and loving all the new sized blouse I can fit into. I am so happy with my decision to have the surgery.

smokinmary 19 years, 9 months ago

Hello all who are reading. I am exactly 3 months plus 2 days post-op, and currently down 47 pounds.I feel great, I went to Target and bought myself 2 new bra's.I can't believe I am in a size 44C..I have been 48C for the longest time.It feels wonderful to buy a smaller bra.The joy of getting smaller.Hope it continues,smoothly.

jesi~p 19 years, 9 months ago

Way to is such an awesome ride isn't it! I love fitting into old clothes....It makes you feel so good!! Congrats!

dusty 19 years, 9 months ago

Sounds like you're doing a great job. I love pulling out clothes I haven't worn forever.Keep up the good work. Alta

smokinmary 19 years, 9 months ago

Hello,anyone who is reading my support page, I am on the 11 week post-op,and am currently at 242,so I am down 40 pounds.Seems slower than most but I guess I should be happy with the the weight dropping,at all.Right?. I have had lots of compliments and this past weekend I went to a wedding, and wore a blouse that I have had hanging in my closet from 13 years ago. Yes, I know that is along time,but I used to work for Pretty and Plump, and I had plenty of tops,that were silky and so colorful,that I kept them.And I am happy to report that,that blouse looked and felt great to have on. My family was so excited to see how I have slimmed down,so far,so good.Thanks to this website.I enjoy all the information,I read and all the advice is great too.
About Me
Oakland, CA
Feb 06, 2003
Member Since
