I have lost 50 pounds!!!

May 07, 2009

The weight I have lost is since my heaviest not from surgery, but I am happy no matter how I lost it!! Now I can re-focus and work harder from this point forward.
I have not been this small for at least 10 years, I find myself flying up the stairs. lol
My husband and I went and bought new bicycles, yes MY HUSBAND!! Mr. negativity!
He has done a complete turn around, he is so sweet and wonderful. I think he likes his woman smaller and feeling better.
I have some problems with dumping, but other than that I feel really good. I feel better at 44 than I did at 34. If you have followed me at all, I gave up Diet Coke. I drank a lot of Diet Coke! Well I had one the other day, it was okay. No pain, or bloating, it was okay. But I prefer my water to the Diet Coke! Awesome huh?!
I wish all of you the very best, drop me a line sometime!
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Today is the Day!!!

Mar 22, 2009

I have done the Miralax, I have the worst dry mouth, and I am as jumpy as a cricket in a lizard cage. It must be surgery day... My husband is working part of the day, maybe I should have done that too, but my job makes me very thirsty and well we know the rest. So I have been doing last minute laundry and cleaning this place a little bit, not like it's gonna be the same when I get home...lol
I am thinking to myself, this is it, from here on out the weight will only be going down. What an awesome thought. I think I actually heard my joints cheer! I told my husband we have to take some pics before we leave today, he doesn't get it. He said I am living it, so I don't need pics. I will hand him the camera and say just take some pics...
But aside from him, my friends have come out of the woodwork. You know that commercial, I told two friends and so on... Well I told my two closest friends, guess I didn't say "please keep it to yourself".  I have been getting phone calls and e-mails, it's okay I guess because the friends that are calling, we go cycling with every weekend. It sure is nice to have all this support and friendship, it makes a person's heart melt.
It is a rainy windy day here in Wisconsin, the rain will wash away all the mess from the winter. So mother earth can have a fresh start, just as I can!!
So fellow OHers I thank-you so much for your support and I will be back on as soon as I can!

3 Days Till Surgery!!!

Mar 20, 2009

Wow I can't believe it, but it's finally here. I went to St. Paul today for my 3 hour seminar, it's mandatory before you have surgery. They went through a lot of things, everything from the registration to when they kick you out the door...lol I will say all of you here at OH have gotten me pretty well prepared, I knew a lot more than the rest of my group. My nurses were really impressed, they asked me where I was getting my information, when I told them, they said this is an excellent web site.
So after my hour and a half drive home I was bouncing of the walls, I just needed to expel some of the energy I didn't use today. But it was snowing outside, like an inch an hour, so I did my wii fit instead of walking. I love the advanced step, gets the heart pumping and the sweat rolling.
My cold is holding on, but I think it's close to it's end. Lord I pray it is anyway. The nurse told me as long as I don't develop a fever and don't get the chest crud, I will be okay for surgery.
So this week has been a wow week for me...I have went from 30 or so cigarettes a day down to 2-3 a day. (Pretty good huh?) And I have finished tapering off of my Diet Coke...I use to drink 10-12 cans a day, now it's water, crystal light, and light fruit juices.
I think I have entered angel status   hehe don't believe everything ya read......lol
Well my friends, I am off to read the boards and do some chatting. God I love this place. lol  So if you have the memory, the time, and the connections....say a little prayer for me on Monday!
Thanks so much!

Preparing for Surgery

Mar 13, 2009

It's late on a Friday night and my mind will not go to sleep, this is not uncommon these days my mind seems to be working overtime. The upcoming surgery is weighing heavily on my mind, I have already went through the "should I have surgery or not" phase. To which I have answered with a definate yes!! Now I am buying the things I need for pre-op and post op, plus picking up some easy food for my husband while I'm in the hospital.
My surgery is now 10 days away and I am going out tomorrow night with my husband and quite a few of our friends, it's suppose to be my last big hurrah. So I guess I am looking forward to it, I haven't been out for a month now.
My husband is finally asking about the surgery and not getting mad when I bring it up. I knew he would come around but I didn't think it would take this long. My kids are still leary about the surgery, mom has always been big, so what's the big deal?
Well I am gonna try and keep my mind busy with the pre-op information I have, so I can try and sleep at night. Please keep me in your thoughts on March 23rd.

Met my surgeon!!

Jan 29, 2009

Today is January 29th, 2009 and I met with my surgeon!! Everything went really good, except for the fact his scale weighs heavier than mine does....lol
We discussed which surgery I should have and we decided on the RNY, which I am really happy about. But due to the fact that with my previous surgeries I have ended up with scar tissue, he will be doing an open RNY instead of a laparoscopic. But it's better to be safe.
He said his scheduler would be calling me next week to schedule a date!!! Once a patient has seen him, they are guaranteed approval by the insurance company!!! I am so thrilled!!
When I was leaving, he said "I will see you in March".
I think my happy scale is through the roof....lol
I am going to go do some exercising....WooHoo!!!!! 
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About Me
Centuria, WI
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2008
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