3 Days Till Surgery!!!

Mar 20, 2009

Wow I can't believe it, but it's finally here. I went to St. Paul today for my 3 hour seminar, it's mandatory before you have surgery. They went through a lot of things, everything from the registration to when they kick you out the door...lol I will say all of you here at OH have gotten me pretty well prepared, I knew a lot more than the rest of my group. My nurses were really impressed, they asked me where I was getting my information, when I told them, they said this is an excellent web site.
So after my hour and a half drive home I was bouncing of the walls, I just needed to expel some of the energy I didn't use today. But it was snowing outside, like an inch an hour, so I did my wii fit instead of walking. I love the advanced step, gets the heart pumping and the sweat rolling.
My cold is holding on, but I think it's close to it's end. Lord I pray it is anyway. The nurse told me as long as I don't develop a fever and don't get the chest crud, I will be okay for surgery.
So this week has been a wow week for me...I have went from 30 or so cigarettes a day down to 2-3 a day. (Pretty good huh?) And I have finished tapering off of my Diet Coke...I use to drink 10-12 cans a day, now it's water, crystal light, and light fruit juices.
I think I have entered angel status   hehe don't believe everything ya read......lol
Well my friends, I am off to read the boards and do some chatting. God I love this place. lol  So if you have the memory, the time, and the connections....say a little prayer for me on Monday!
Thanks so much!


About Me
Centuria, WI
Surgery Date
Oct 14, 2008
Member Since

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