Sandra S. 22 years, 7 months ago

YIPPIE!!!!!!Just spoke with Sondra, she is doing very well today. She is going to go home tomorrow. Please say a prayer for her. She has a six (can you remember that ride home?) hour ride home. When she gets home she is going to want to hear from some of you dear ones. Please take a minute to post her a quick line of encouragement. She is truly a wonderful person and I just know she will have a wonder life becomming the "new" Sondra. I was so honored to be her angel. I probably will have only one more update because she will be answering her own and reporting for herself here on out, but I will be there to help her with the first few weeks worth of support and questions. People, Angeling these wonderful outstanding men and women is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my life. Consider becoming an angel. It helps you as much as them. Thank you Sondra for allowing me to be yours. . . kissy kissy and "gentle" hugs. Kay

Karen Renee 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Sondra, sorry about your rough day..hang in there it will get better. I'm out here thinking about you and wishes you all my best wishes, thoughts and prayers for you. Take Care and G-d Bless you!

Sandra S. 22 years, 7 months ago

Wings straight Check, Halo straight Check Zoom Zoom Zoom Angel coming in for a "quick" report. Well Sondra had a kind of bad day. You know ladies and gentlemen how it can be. Not enough pain meds. She is really doing pretty well, but going through the. Owwie stage. Everything hurts. Give her a bit of encouragement if you can. Gentle hugs and love extended to her by you will be a great deal of help I think. Ok then, Angel wings are flappin' All AMOS family be blessed!!!zoom zoom zoom outta here :)

Sandra L. 22 years, 7 months ago

Dear Sondra...I'm so happy that you've had your surgery and that you're doing well. Sorry that you had the problem that you did and that you had to get the blood transfusion. Hope to see you in the chat room again real soon. Your sister Sherri has been coming into the chat room to update us on your condition and it was really nice to talk to her. I was wondering how you were doing. Please tell her thank you for me, and tell her it was nice to meet her. Take care. Love Ya...Momma Sandy

Deanna T. 22 years, 7 months ago

SONDRA sweetie you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad to hear from Sandra that you are doing well, I believe you have blessed her by allowing her to be your ANGEL (we all know she is one). You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you fully recover and begin to enjoy the NEW YOU~! Huge Hugs...LOVE YOUR GUTS. Deanna

Diane B. 22 years, 7 months ago

Good luck Sondra-sorry that you had to have a little more surgery than you had originally intended but it asounds like your recovery is going well. Diane

Sandra S. 22 years, 7 months ago

Angel Report. Angel Report. I am so happy to report that our sister Sondra is doing very well post op. Today she was moved out of intensive care and given two units of whole blood. She was up and walking around for just a little bit. Her pain is being well controlled. Temp is normal, blood pressure is a little low, but ok, blood counts are back up after transfusions. All still looks good at this point. She is sleeping alot, and I am thankful for that. Mom and Dad report she is doing well. Everyone is still a little worried, and we all know that is normal. I have called to talk to her twice and both times she was sleeping. I glad she is able to rest. Drainage is just wonderful so they know she isn't losing an abnormal amount of blood. Ohh Ohh Ohh I love this Angel thing. Please write and encourage her. Take the time, it will be so important to her recovery to have all the support she can get. God bless you all. Pastor Kay

Holly H. 22 years, 8 months ago

Sondra, congratulations on crossing over the highest hurtle. It can only get better from here

Jolene W. 22 years, 8 months ago

Yeah! You made it to the otherside! Congrats! I hope you recover quickly! Jolene

mjvallee 22 years, 8 months ago

Sondra: welcome to the other side...It only gets better from here!!! ((((gentle hugs)))) MJ
About Me
Rigby, ID
Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Day of surgery :( -- Aren't I charming?
397 lbs.lbs
