Aug 04, 2007

Life changes

Apr 07, 2007

Wow how life takes you by the hand and drags you kicking and screaming sometimes. I can't remember the last time I was here and updated anything. I just now changed my profile from the old way to the new way. So I copied and pasted everything that I used to have with exception of the pictures. I didn't even know OH was making changes. Anyway, as I was saying my, my how life changes. The euphoria I experienced while losing the weight has pretty much disappeared and now all I have left are the emotional scars and same old same old that I needed to deal with before the surgery. I up and moved from Salt Lake City, UT to Jacksonville Florida. Not really up and moved but almost. I did this without a job and I can't believe I am here. I miss so much about home but I made a decision that I have to stay at least a year before I can let homesickness make me decide to go home. I have been  here 2 weeks, so I have 11 months and 2 weeks until I can give in and go home. I don't think I will though. I think I am here for a while. It's expensive to move across country. I keep thinking I could have had my tummy tuck if I had just stayed in Salt Lake. Oh well maybe next year. Job seeking is not fun. I have had the same job for the last 8 years, and had been working a 2nd job for the last year. Now I have no job and no clue really how to look for one. It hasn't been nearly as difficult to figure out as I had thought it would be to. I guess once a pesimist always a pesimist. Temp or employment agencies are a godsend. That was how I found my last 2 jobs so that is the route I am taking this time as well. My life is up in the air now. My friend keeps telling me that I am in a new place with nothing but open doors and that I should try to come out of my shell and re-invent myself just a little bit. I keep telling her I am who I am, and that I will work on it.
Time to get off my butt. Florida is calling my name and it's time I get out and explore.

About Me
Jacksonville, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 21, 2003
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Before & After
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Taken on 1/29/04
Taken on 2/17/05

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Life changes
