I am 33 years old, married one beautiful daughter Bobbi . I have been overweight since I was in high school, and obese since I graduated college. I have tried every thing on the market to lose weight, and I lose and just gain it all back plus some more. 

I have been thinking about WLS since I had Bobbi because the weight gain has been steady since having her. I gain 70 lbs during pregnancy and lost 30 at her birth, and now I'm back to my pregnancy weight. 

My father died in January 99 at 54 from heart disease, and before he died he told me to try my best to give up the fast food cause he didn't want me to have high blood pressure and heart disease like him (he wasn't even overweight). I gave it up for about a year or 2 but that was a losing battle. Then in March 06 I lost my mother to heart disease at 60 (she was a smoker, but not overweight). That really hit me very hard. I had my mother to help me cope through my father's death but when I lost my mom it really hit me hard, mostly because it was so sudden, well they were both sudden but my mother had never been diagnosed. So since my mom's death I have been coping with food so now I decided to try to do something about while I have time.

I have always heard people talk about airplane seats and obese people but I just didn't think I was that big. I knew what the scale said but in the mirror I didn't really see it(the complete opposite of an anorexic). So when I sat down on the plane and my thigh went into my neighbors seat just a little and the seat belt was as loose as it could be I knew then I had to lose the weight.

I have PCOS, GERD and a family history of heart disease and diabetes; since my mom died I realized that if I don't lose the weight then I probably wouldn't live to see my daughter grow up.

I had Lapband done in 2007 with no success, now I am in the process of getting a revision.

About Me
Garner, NC
Jun 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 41

Latest Blog 1
I'm approved for surgery!!!
