Mar 31, 2007

Ok, HOLD IT! Has anyone informed you of what can occur after the two year mark? Well let's take a step back and think about this shall we?
 First off we are not NORMAL!!! I was ever so kindly reminded of this over this past week. Monday night I was bad and in a rush so I ate a little bit of  Chinese (so not good for us) I had some beef and broccoli, and some of the insides of an egg roll...well suddenly after I ate I got the bad intestinal cramps.
 I laid awake all night. I ended up sleeping in the recliner because stretching out hurt entirely way to much so it was the fetal position and that was it.
 Tuesday I was headed off to FL...of course I was not going to give that up. =) My poor friend who was with me...Make a long story shorter I made it till Friday. Friday morning I woke up in such pain that I could not walk. I was dry heaving, shaking, etc...It felt like my insides were coming out and being ripped apart. Went to the ER down here in FL. Got there at 7:30am...at around 5 they admitted me and the surgeon came to talk to me. He instructed me that the scar tissue where the intestines is reconnected to the stomach is closing in on itself. Kind of like a slinky. So he said if the pain does not go away then more then likely surgery would be needed to correct the problem.
 Now back to the were never going to be NORMAL part. Broccoli, cabbage, and coconut are foods we should stay clear of because they create a lot of gas. As we get farther out the scar tissue creates less room in the intestines which does NOT allow for gas to easily escape our bodies.
 Note to you all out there stay away from veggies that are gassy!! Trust me you don't want to end up in the ER like I did on your vacation...then be staying over night for observation...it's no fun! Now I am on a liquid diet until the problem clears up...YIPPY!
 So take my advice and don't eat the bad veggies! This is something I would never want to go through again.

Moving On....

Mar 22, 2007

Hi folks!! How are ya? I am doing so good...=) I can not believe how much my life has changed!! I am working on being a personal wellness coach. I just want to get people healthy! Motivate, inspire and lead people to their dreams!
 So reach for the moon so you land among the stars!

Things that make you go HMMMMM!

Jan 27, 2007

Hello my friends! Well I am just shy of a month out from my Breast Augmentation...and well they rock! Thats all there is too it. Love 'em!
 Went out last night and all I can say is WOW! It's amazing to me how different people treat you. I have learned how shallow and vain people are. Women now see me as the enemy and snide dirty looks follow me every where. Men just offer to do the silliest things and ya know what I could honestly care less. I do get a good laugh out of it though.
 Anyways, my point was I was out last night and surrounded by people who knew what I used to look like heavy and now they honestly think that they can go and hit on me! Ha I think not! THanks for the compliment I'll be throwing it to the wind...I mean seriously come on. When you wouldn't give me the time of day before and now you think you have what it takes to hit on me...um NO! lol. 
 I'm just out living my life and not stopping till I get to where I want to go! Keep up the hard work everyone and think POSITIVELY!!!! Be OPTIMISTIC! Picture yourself where it is and how you want to be and you shall get there!

The "New" Ladies

Jan 06, 2007

I have survived my Breast Augmentation. Surgery went perfect. I was a little nervous waiting around in pre op area thinking about pain...but as I layed on the table I kinda thought to myself I've made it this far I can make it ALL the way.
 Woke up in the operating room and immediately looked down at my chest. lol. I was out of recovery quickly and was so excited to eat.lol.
The pain is minimal. I feel like I just worked my pec muscles too much. Other then that I am a verry happy woman. I love them and though they are still taped up I can tell you it is MARVELOUS.lol. 
 I'm really quite shocked at how little pain there is. I am up and around and doing things. So I am doing great and I am done with elective surgery. In a perfect world I would still do my thighs and arms but ya know what the hell with it I am not. lol

New Year New Me

Jan 01, 2007

It's 2007! WOW! In 10 short days I will be celebrating my 2 year anniversary! I can not help but just be amazed at how far I have come. How much I have learned about myself, nutrition, life, friends and how shallow people really are. 
 It's 3 am and I am one day away from having my Breast Augmentation...I have yet to fall asleep tonight and considering I have to work in the morning this is not such a good thing. 
 All that is going through my mind right now is the rememberence of the pain from my Lower Body Lift. It actually is making me sick to my stomach thinking about it.  I know that I will be sore and this is by far the least invasive surgery yet that I am embarking on but still the unknown and worried mind I have is thinking "oh God this is gonna suck!" 
 I know in the end I will love it and be so happy with my choice but boy it's amazing what emotions surgery will stir. 
 My mom looked at me tonight and said "your so strong to have done all that you have and what you have gone through I could not have done it." It blew me away...It occurred to me yet again just what I have done. I had my stomach cut down to the size of my thumb, my instestines partially bypassed, learned how to eat correctly, exercised, lost 160 pounds, had my body cut in half to take the skin away, and now having my breasts cut and reinflated where they once were.
 Anyone whoever says to someone who has had WLS they took the easy way had better stop and think. This has been the hardest time in my life. I have lost the weight and gained my health, but I have also lost many friends and seen people's true colors emerge.
Don't get me wrong I would do it again in a heart beat. I love my life and what I have become. The strong, independant woman I was inside now shows through the outside as well. I no longer suffer medical problems but when you stop and look back at what we have accomplished it is amazing and humbling too.
 What an unbelievable journey! Here's to 2007! This year is going to be great!

The new toys

Dec 18, 2006

 I am 15 days away from my Breast Augmentation...the anxiety dreams have started. I dreamt last night my surgeon wanted to do my surgery in an old run down house. Lol. I looked at him and told him he was crazy! 
 Never fails I always have the wackiest dreams right before surgery. Not really looking forward to crying my eyes out either...which always happens to me after general anasthesia. I'm not sad but I can not stop crying.lol.
 I'm really looking forward to getting this done. After this proceedure I am done for a while. At least a year. I want my thighs and arms doen but I don't have anymore money. So thats that. Even if I had the money I would wait a year and let my body have a break. It's been quite the miracle over the past two years!!
 For my two year anniversary I will be on my way bacl to FL. I'll be visiting the guy who swept me off my feet in November. Just being back in the sun and warmer weather will be wonderful. 
 Happy new year to you all and oh ya Merry Christmas. lol.  

What a weekend!

Nov 29, 2006

I just spent the best weekend of my life down in FL. I went to meet and be inspired by Celeste (she is the beautiful woman on the current cover of OH magazine). What a star she is!
 The whole time I was with her and her friends Lee and Jenn I was not only comfortable and welcomed but felt like I had known them my whole life. I have gained so much from being surrounded by positive people and taken hold of my dreams. 
 While I was down there we did a shape scan. It measures your body fat, muscle, etc...with electrodes giving a much more accurate reading then a scale. I have one 1 pound of excess body fat. lol! Who would have ever thought that...I'm sitting right in the middle of where my body fat should be and I have a decent amount of muscle...though we can always add more of that. =) After all we have to have something to shoot for.
 I hope you all reach for your dreams and acheieve them! You CAN...it's not if it's WHEN! Enjoy the pictures. Be INSPIRED & ask somone who motovaites you to help you on your journey.!!!

My story

Nov 16, 2006

It's back by popular demand and Debbie who pointed out my old profile was still around. Thanks! I was kinda reading through it as I was moving it over and it occured to me that I have been maintaing with in a 10 pound radius for almost a year! Man that just rocks!
 I am so HAPPY with my belt lift and I am really looking forward to having my breasts done. It's coming quickly January 3rd is my date.
 I have started my personal training course and am working at it slowly. I want to make sure I absorb it to the best of my ablility which since I have been out of school for a while now is going to take some time. =)
 The day after Thanksgiving I'm headed to FL. I am going to be hanging with my friend Celeste...she was on the cover of OH magazine last month. What an inspiration she is to me and I can not wait to spend time on ME...making myself more educated and more driven so that I can continue to help others. 
 Happy Thanksgiving to you all and enjoy the day!


Nov 05, 2006

Hello! Ok, well I have successfully deleted my old profile...not on purpose. I thought it would switch to the new format but alas it did not. So one day when I am bored I'll make it up to starting from the begining...but today is not that day! =) 
 I'm now a little over two months out from my belt lift. Doing wonderful. A little swelling after the day is through but it is normal. My surgeons both plastic and bariatric are thrilled with my results as am I! 
 January 3rd is when my new "toys"...yes I did just refer to my new breasts as toys will be arriving. I am so excited to have a chest again. =) 
 I'm embarking sometime soon to get my certification as a personal trainer...so those who want to be working their hineys out to a healthy new life can be pushed and MOTOVAITED by ME...lol. 
 I am still having a hard time seeing those who go through WLS want to sabatoge themselves...I say if your gonna do this go ALL the way! Get the new lifestyle cranking and set yourself up for SUCCESS! Why not? What have you got to loose? Push yourself and go for those dreams that are laying deep inside of you. We all have them and we CAN achieve them...If you don't look out for yourself who is? 
I think it's important to sit down and dream...dream about where you want to be....in all aspects of your life, your health, and then find out what you need to get there and start with the baby steps to get you there. 
 I never would have imangined I would be considering becoming a personal trainer, I never would have thought that I would fit into a size 12, I never would have thought my body fat would be that of an athlete, I NEVER thought some random person would approach ME in a gym and ask me to HELP them...but I did want these things WAY deep down inside I wanted to be healthy, lean and active and I have acheived it. It's not always easy and it's hard but if it were easy then we all would have our dreams accomplished and Dr.Phil would be out of a job! lol. just kidding. 
 Sit down and ask yourself why your embarking on this journey and write your ultimate dreams down...one day your going to look at that page and say look I did it!

About Me
Tampa, FL
Surgery Date
Sep 14, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
My 25th b day pre op
18 months out

Friends 25

Latest Blog 19
Think Before You Leap
Moving On...
3 Year Anniversary
2 1/2 years out!
The real deal
